Then he gnawed on it with big mouthfuls, but not a drop of juice flowed out.

Just after eating, Sanji felt a hot current in his body rushing straight to the sky. He stood on the sea and clenched his fists tightly, feeling the seemingly endless power in his body, feeling extremely happy.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He roared up to the sky, venting all the breath in his body, the sea surface exploded under his feet instantly, the sea water stood upside down, and waves several meters high rose up.

Sanji felt the powerful aura in his body, and his blood boiled, "Brother Cheng Cheng, I can feel it. I am really strong at this moment!"

Cheng Cheng pointed to the top of his head and said with a strange expression: "Your hair?"

"It's okay, it's okay to mess up your hair, after all, there are no outsiders here..."

Sanji stretched out his hand to touch the top of his head, and as soon as he touched the top of his head, his voice stopped abruptly.

Isn't this familiar touch the same as the devil fruit I just touched?

It's so fucking slippery!

Then Sanji frantically fumbled his hands on the top of his head, but couldn't find a single remaining hair. He looked dull and expressionless: "Brother Cheng Cheng, where is my hair?"

Cheng Cheng coughed twice in embarrassment, and said softly: "It should, it's gone."

Sanji stood blankly by himself. After the sea calmed down, he mustered up his courage and looked down at the reflection in the water.

All I saw was a big, shiny bald head.

Sanji felt his whole body lose strength in an instant, and fell into the sea, posing a big character, floating on the sea, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

Cheng Cheng flew over Sanji, looked down at the bright bald head, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not get cheap and act like a good boy, although you are bald now, you have also become stronger, right?

You have to know, those beautiful beauties all like strong men, go to Daughter Island quickly, a large number of girls are waiting for you. "

Sanji, who was floating in the water with a distressed face, got a little bit of motivation after hearing this, and stood up on the water again.

"Now I feel that there is boundless strength in my whole body. I will let Somersault Cloud lead me the way later. I want to fly back all the way!"

Cheng Cheng couldn't help stretching out a thumb and exclaimed, "Niuuuuuuuuu!"

At this time, a white cloud pierced the sky, dragged a long trajectory and flew towards Cheng Cheng, and soon hovered in front of Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng asked suspiciously, "Zeus, why is it you? Where's somersaulting cloud?"

"Another bald head?"

Zeus first looked down at Sanji's big bald head, a little surprised, and then slowly said: "Don't mention it, it's not that Usopp, who is too fat, somersault cloud said that she is too tired, she needs to rest for a few days, fly It's not moving."

Cheng Cheng looked helpless, unable to laugh or cry.

Sanji stood up, pointed at Zeus and cursed: "You are bald, you don't have a hair either."

Zeus didn't get angry either, and said lazily, "I'm a cloud, and I don't have any hair."

Now Sanji was so angry that he wanted to cry more and more without tears.

Cheng Chenganwei stepped forward to comfort him and said, "It's okay, maybe it will grow out in two months."

Sanji touched his bald head with a melancholy expression, and sighed, "I hope it can grow out."

"Brother Cheng Cheng, since that's the case, I'll go back with Zeus first."

Cheng Cheng nodded with a smile and said, "Go ahead. If you want to compete with other people in Daughter's Island, just remember to do whatever you want. Don't take it too seriously. Your current strength is too strong, and you can't control your own strength."

Sanji nodded solemnly, and then his feet suddenly exerted strength, and the sea below instantly stirred up a huge wave with a height of [-] meters. His whole body was like a cannonball, and it was ejected towards the distant sky.

For a while, Zeus was left far behind.

Cheng Cheng looked away at Sanji with emotion.

It seems that you all really want to become stronger!

In order to improve her meteorological knowledge, Nami wants to control the wind direction by herself, and uses her own efforts to move Xiaokong Island to the sky above Daughter Island.

Sauron once knelt down to Hawkeye in order to become stronger.

In order to become stronger, Usopp became a big fat man like a fat pig.

Even if Sanji has gained such a strong strength, he still has to exercise his leg strength to fly back by himself.

They are so desperate, it seems that they have foreseen the same problem in the future.

If Luffy was caught and executed by the navy at that time, would they have the ability to save Luffy?

Cheng Cheng stood alone on the sea until the sea was calm again, squinted his eyes, and muttered to himself: "In a year, I will make all of you Straw Hat Pirates the strongest!"

In the space of the ring, the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree was empty and there were no devil fruits left, only the crimson fireball at the top was burning fiercely.

The strange thing is that no matter how high the temperature of the fireball is, it has no effect on the Eudemons tree.

Cheng Cheng said softly: "Tuanzi, it's time to wake up after another month of sleep, sleep well, when you wake up, the master still has a gift for you.

When the time comes, the Interpreter, the Chaser of Darkness, plus the Dragon Slayer Saber, plus the seven black sword formations, wouldn't they be as majestic as they want? "

The crimson fireball suddenly burst into flames, flickering as if breathing.

A young phoenix flapped its wings slowly in the fireball, soaring in the space inside the fireball.

Cheng Cheng's body stiffened, his eyes turned red unknowingly, and he said softly, "Don't worry, sleep well and refresh yourself. When you wake up, the master will take you to kill the Tianlong people!"

The ball of fire slowly quieted down again this time, and a long-lasting calm was restored.

Cheng Cheng was then in a good mood, and let the system send him directly to Trino Kingdom, where he met Chopper without too many twists and turns.

Chopper was still treating a local man with a fever, and it took a day for Chopper to leave here on somersault cloud.

However, when Cheng Cheng parted with Chopper, he proposed another development direction for Chopper, and asked him to study more pills similar to Rambo Ball. It is best for others to eat it to obtain a significant increase in combat effectiveness .

After all, with Xiandou now, Chopper's task has been greatly reduced.

After listening to it, Chopper was also very excited, wishing to fly to the Wanli Sunshine immediately to do research.

At the highest point of Trino Kingdom, Cheng Cheng stood on top of a giant tree and waved goodbye to Chopper. The natives below even worshiped Cheng Cheng as a god. As docile as a newborn chick.

Seeing the somersaulting cloud disappearing into the distance, Cheng Cheng said to himself, "System, start the next mission."

[Okay, sir, the teleportation is starting. 】

[Destination, Kingdom of Halahaitania. 】

Chapter 259 Summoning Formation

In the Kingdom of Halahaitania, at noon, the scorching sun hangs high.

A white light flashed in the air, and Cheng Cheng in black appeared instantly. After a long period of teleportation, he was already familiar with the muscle pulling sensation brought about by this teleportation.

There is even some comfort, like a full body massage.

After Cheng Cheng used Yuebu to stabilize himself in the air, he lowered his head and looked down, his brows furrowed.

As far as the eye can see, it is barren, the ground is overgrown with weeds, there are a lot of piled up garbage, and it is also full of broken copper and iron. Occasionally, a few scattered buildings are still very dilapidated, and they look like they have not been built all year round. The way people live.

Which country is this?

Are you sure it's not a dump?

This is the first time Cheng Cheng has seen such a poor country. Compared with the Lily Kingdom, it is a world of difference!

At this moment, dozens of people in black were surrounded below, kneeling on the ground in a circle, and there was a large hexagram circle in the middle. These people looked sincere and prayed to the circle.

Cheng Cheng's body froze for a moment, he really thought it was some kind of extraordinary formation, and immediately hid his figure, but after he carefully inspected the hexagram formation, he found that there was no energy fluctuation in it.

It's just a black charcoal strip and a pattern drawn, and the praying people below are ordinary people. Even if he didn't deliberately hide his breath, those people didn't realize his existence.

Feudal superstition kills people!

Cheng Cheng let out a long sigh, and his figure quickly fell.


The ground shook and dust flew up. After Cheng Cheng fell to the ground, he trampled the hexagram circle beyond recognition.

The men in black kneeling to pray all looked excitedly at the black figure in the dust. After the dust dissipated, they realized that the summoned demon was a young man with a sword in black and white hair.

Cheng Cheng calmly looked around at the devoutly kneeling men in black, and said flatly, "If you have the time, you might as well clean up the garbage in your country and take care of the environment!"

All those men in black knelt and bowed to the ground, and one of them said excitedly: "Dear Lord Satan, we have finally summoned you, please help us deal with the Long-handed people! Kill all those people .”

After this person finished speaking, he knelt down again, and the other men in black also knelt down and said at the same time: "Master Satan, please help us!"

Cheng Cheng glanced over these people indifferently, and he could only see clearly when he was close. Besides some middle-aged people, there was also an elderly woman kneeling and praying on the periphery. Among them was a little blond girl who looked about the same age as Tuanzi. Almost as big.

He said indifferently: "First of all, I am not the Satan you summoned, you all look up and take a good look, I am just an ordinary person.

In addition, I have no reason to help you deal with the long-handed tribe, your own homeland, why not take up arms and fight by yourself? "

The leader of this country, Perik, is a middle-aged man with a hat that looks like a Meili on his head. He bravely straightened his waist, still kneeling respectfully:

"Master Satan, you are joking, how can you be an ordinary person, I have never seen an ordinary person with white hair, and your appearance is definitely not an ordinary person."

The man in black echoed, "Could it be that this time we used forbidden magic to accidentally summon the angel?"

Everyone immediately began to shout in unison, "Master Angel, help us!"

Cheng Cheng's eyes were fixed, and he walked forward exuding a fierce and aggressive aura, and said coldly: "It's really hopeless, let this country perish! God can't help you even if it comes."

Those men in black suddenly felt strong pressure, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. They knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up. They just looked at Cheng Cheng with more excitement in their eyes, and pleaded with Cheng Cheng's back.

Perik said heartbreakingly: "Master Angel, we have already used up the last food in order to summon you. If you just leave like this, we will starve to death."

Cheng Cheng said coldly: "You people only know how to pray to the gods, or even to the devil. Living is a waste of food, and there is no hope."

After saying that, he stepped forward.

At this time, the blond girl kneeling on the outermost edge rolled her eyes, her body softened, and she fainted on the ground.

The little girl who hadn't eaten for three days was so hungry that her eyes were dizzy. Under the stimulation of Cheng Cheng's powerful aura, her physical strength was rapidly exhausted, which accelerated the girl's fainting.

The girl's mother hugged her daughter into her arms like crazy, and fumbled all over her body with flustered eyes. Finally, she found a small piece of shriveled potato in her collar. After breaking it, she carefully put it in the girl's mouth, and said with a choked voice:

"Alice, eat quickly, you will wake up after eating the food."

The leader Perik suddenly stood up, pointed at the mother angrily, and reprimanded: "Dora! How dare you hide the food privately! Don't you know that this is impious to the angel! No wonder the angel is angry! Help us!"

The other men in black also echoed, pointing at Dora's nose and scolding loudly.

"It's all your fault! Dora, because of your ungodliness, ruin the future of our country!"

"Obviously we have succeeded, victory is just around the corner, but I didn't expect that in the end it was because of you, a woman, the kindness of a woman, you are going to kill us!"

Dora felt more and more guilty, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect this to happen, my daughter hasn't eaten for three days.

She is still young, I just want to leave some food for her to save her life. "

Dora said, the half of the potato was still stuffing into Alice's mouth, but just after stuffing it in, the girl spit it out, and couldn't feed it at all.

Dora hugged her daughter tightly and said softly: "It's okay, eat quickly, you will have strength after eating."

But Alice was so hungry that she didn't realize it, and she couldn't hear her mother's words at this moment.

After walking ten meters away, Cheng Cheng stopped, took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh.

He could turn a blind eye to other people, but what did a little girl do wrong?

Cheng Cheng turned around and went back to the kneeling crowd in black, and bent down in front of Alice.

Dora, who was holding the little girl, looked flustered, quickly stood up and stood in front of Cheng Cheng, summoned up her courage and said, "Master Angel's private storage of food is my idea, and it has nothing to do with my daughter. If you want to punish me, please punish me!" Already!"

Cheng Cheng stretched out his palm, quietly placed a fairy bean in his palm, and said flatly, "Feed it to your daughter, she will be fine after eating."

After Dora took the fairy beans with both hands, she kowtowed heavily to Cheng Cheng, "Thank you, Angel, thank you!"

Perik, including the other men in black, stared at the fairy bean intently, with envy in their eyes and anticipation of a miracle in their hearts.

Chapter 260 Talk about science, not superstition

Alice, who was spit out from the potatoes just now, was strange to say, but quietly ate the fairy beans.

Alice, who was in a coma, instantly felt a heat flow in her body, filling her limbs and bones. She rubbed her eyes, stood up quickly in a daze, looked at the tearful mother and asked softly, concerned:

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Dora was very excited, and said in a hurried voice: "Hurry up, hurry up, this angel saved you, hurry up and kowtow."

The blond-haired Alice obediently knelt down and kowtowed to Cheng Cheng. The surrounding residents in black were excited and knelt down before the girl.

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