When the voice fell to the ground, everyone was dumbfounded, with excitement written all over their faces.

This day has long been awaited by them.

No one interrupted, only the dragon's voice echoed in the room.

"How many people can be mobilized on the five major fronts without affecting the trend of the battle?"

Belo Beatty, commander of the Eastern Front, answered casually without thinking, "Thirty thousand!"

Commander Lindbergh on the southern front smiled, thought for a while, and said, "8000 people!"

Morrie, the commander of the Western Front, said slowly, "2 people."

A crow in a black feather coat on the northern front, with a beak-shaped loudspeaker on its beak, said forcefully, "Thirty thousand."

"I have ten thousand here."

Ivankov, commander of the Great Route Front, said slowly.

After the leader Long finished listening, he narrowed his eyes and ordered:

"Action, comrades, this may be a godsend opportunity for us!"

Then the entire conference hall erupted with a shocking roar.

Chapter 292

Somewhere in the sea in the new world, the night is full of stars.

The Dreyfus floated quietly on the sea surface, the water surface was filled with fog and hazy, and the entire huge Dreyfus was looming in the fog.

On the distant surface of the water, a white light flashed, Cheng Cheng's figure appeared instantly, and then the water surface exploded, and the figure shot towards the Dreyfus like a shell.

After he and Long finished talking about the meeting place, he immediately set off and rushed over, not daring to stop at all.

Now the life and death of Tuanzi is unknown, and it is completely unknown whether Tuanzi can be resurrected for the second time, and if Tuanzi stays there for one more day, the Yim who may have lived for more than 800 years may be a little stronger.

It won't do him any good to drag it on.

The red-haired, who was sitting on the recliner and drank alcohol, was taken aback for a moment, then stopped shaking the wine in his hand, smiled, continued to shake, and said to himself:

"It seems that it is not a small matter to come here so late!"

Others saw that the boss didn't respond, so they did what they should do. Some slept, some continued to drink, and some gathered three or five people to play a card game.

"Five!" Jesus threw out two cards.

"Wang Zha!" Lagilu, who was eating bones and flesh, threw two cards violently.

Everyone was happy.

Seeing Cheng Cheng approaching with a serious face, the red hair became more certain of his thoughts, narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Have you found the person who took the dumpling?"

Cheng Cheng nodded, "If I'm not mistaken, it's Im who is hiding in the Holy Land, he is a mysterious figure standing on top of the five elders, the leader of the Tianlong people, and the mastermind behind the world government.

When encountering small matters, it is natural that the five old stars can make decisions, but when encountering major events that can affect the course of history, this person is the real decision maker. "

When Beckman and Jesus Bu heard this, they stopped playing cards, and these cadres also surrounded them with shocked faces, all of them gaping open their mouths.

"So there are still such characters in the world government?"

"It's not easy for a person named Im to be willing to let the five old stars bow their heads!"

Even the red-haired one was slightly surprised, "No wonder, the deep part of Pangu City has always been a forbidden place for the Tianlong people, so it was all to hide this person."

Cheng Cheng continued to say in a deep voice: "I have asked the Black Justice Pirates and Luffy to gather in the Chambord Islands, as well as the leaders of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, Sabo, and Big Bear. These cadres are mobilizing nearly [-] Revolutionary Army soldiers.

As soon as you arrive, we'll slaughter the Holy Land. "

The red-haired man slowly got up from the chair, drank the wine in the glass in one go, grabbed the left shoulder, and said with a smile:

"I once gambled this arm in the new world, and you boy restored my arm, and now, just for the sake of this arm, I must help you with this favor!

The big deal is to lose another arm.

In addition, I also want to really experience how terrifying the strength of this person standing at the peak of the world is. "

Cheng Cheng, who was leaning on the railing, looked calm. He was not surprised by Hongfa's decision, and said slowly: "Of course it would be the best if we can save Tuanzi only through negotiation, but this kind of hope is too slim. .

By the way, how strong is the five old stars?I don't pay much attention to Mary Joya's other garrisons, but those five old men have always been secretive, hiding and refusing to make a move. "

The red hair looked up at the stars in the night sky, then walked to the side of the boat and stood on the railing, and threw it away, a red wine bottle fell on the sea surface, and the sea water splashed everywhere.

When the ripples of the water returned to calm again, he said slowly: "If you really try your best, pick out one person alone, there is a high probability that I will die together.

Even with your magic beans, I'm not sure I'd have time to eat that thing.

These five old guys were more domineering than the other when they were young, but now they are not willing to make a move when they are old, and they are all trying to build up their energy, because as long as they make a move, it will definitely consume their vitality.

These old guys, especially those who are still at the pinnacle of power, don't want to live a few more years? "

Cheng Cheng nodded silently, looking at the stars in the distance.

That's right, just like those ancient emperors, no matter how wise and virtuous they were when they were young, didn't they all pursue the illusory avenue of longevity in their later years?

The redhead chuckled and said, "When I call Hawkeye and call him here, our chances of winning will be much higher."

Cheng Cheng asked with disbelief: "He is still Qi Wuhai, right? Can you promise to attack the Holy Land instead?"

"Why not, I know that guy too well, he is a fighter."

The red-haired chuckled, and said with a light smile: "The goal of that guy's life is to be able to strike the strongest sword in this life and cut off everything, in fact, he has indeed achieved his goal now.

If he knew that there was such a powerful guy, he would definitely be more excited than me. As for Qi Wuhai's identity, it was just a pastime for that guy after he completed his goal, in order not to be disturbed by other people and make his identity boring. "

Only then did Cheng Cheng suddenly realize that Hawkeye still had some reservations when he was on the top of the war.

Holding the red hair of the mast with both hands, his figure flashed, and he turned into a gust of wind and appeared at the bow of the Dreyfus. He pulled out the Griffin in his hand and said loudly:

"Target! Holy Land Marie Gioia! Let's go!"

Everyone was excited immediately, and they took action one after another, turned the bow of the ship, and the two-masted sail that was originally retracted was set sail under the extremely skilled operation of everyone.

"Boss, are we going to occupy the world government? Great!"

"Hahaha, I have long wanted to go to the Holy Land to kill a few Tianlong people for fun, so I won't sleep tonight, go sharpen my knife!"

"Tianlong people of dog days, your grandpas are here!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the red-haired mouth, and said softly: "The gears of fate have begun to spin rapidly, everyone, let us witness history together!"

Cheng Cheng, who was exhausted all over, his eyelids gradually became heavy, his body leaned back, and he immediately fell asleep.

When everyone saw this scene, they looked at each other, and then laughed.

The Dreyfus advanced at full speed, penetrated the fog, rode the wind and waves, and drew a huge trace on the vast and boundless water.

The next day, a news published in the newspaper shocked the whole world.

Everyone in the world received a very special newspaper, because only one thing was published in the entire newspaper.

"With the advent of the era of great turmoil, can the world government continue to maintain its majesty?"

These eye-catching titles shocked everyone who saw them.

Something big is about to happen.

Chapter 293 Slaughtering Nobles

When the Black Justice Pirates first appeared near the Chambord Islands, everyone finally proved the truth of the news.

The island suddenly became chaotic, and countless people thought of the top war some time ago.

That time the distance was a little farther, but this time they are closer, and the number of them is larger. Although there is no Whitebeard Pirates to join, but there are tens of thousands of people from the Revolutionary Army. If they really fight It is bound to bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

"Hurry up, let's run! This time, the two Allied Revolutionary Army of the Four Emperors are attacking the Holy Land together. The situation doesn't look too good!"

"That's right. Although I heard that the Navy recently promoted two generals in the world conscription, no one knows how strong they are. If there is a fight, I'm afraid Marshal Huang Yuan will have to support him alone."

"If you want me to say, it's better to really demolish the Holy Land. What's so good about this world government? Are there still so many sins committed by those Tianlong?"

An old man was frightened to look around when he heard such rebellious remarks from his companion, and hurriedly said:

"Shut up! Shut up! It's all for you to know these things, but don't say it! If anyone hears it, our whole family will be over!"

"I see, let's get out of here quickly, lest we get implicated in a fight."

Another old man asked doubtfully, "Is this really that powerful?"

"Nonsense, I went to the Marin Fanduo ruins a week ago, and it was all flat. At a glance, it was all ruins. There was a big hole hundreds of meters wide in the middle, and now it's a small lake."

"In that case, I'll go back and inform my family, and we packed up our things and left as soon as possible."

The scenes discussed in this scene appear in various places in the archipelago.

Of course, there are also people who don't want to leave, they stay and want to witness the upcoming world-shattering battle with their own eyes.

For a while, the entire Chambord Islands was in chaos, and most people fled here with their bags on their backs.

The island numbered 43.

A mother with a baby in her arms looked anxious, "I beg your boss, please give me a cheaper price. Our family is running out of money. It is usually [-] pele. Why did the price increase to [-] pele today?"

The fat businessman with two beards shook his legs, his nostrils turned to the sky, and said disdainfully: "It used to be the past, so I don't need to say more about the current situation?

If you want to buy a boat, it’s the price. If you like it, buy it or not, or get out if you don’t.

Let me tell you, the price here is already very conscientious, and the price of a small boat like No. 36 Island not far away has risen to almost [-]. "

The baby in her arms was crying loudly, and the young mother, who was a new mother, looked at the man pleadingly, and was so wronged that she was about to cry.

Just when the fat businessman was about to swear a few more words, the noise in the street suddenly fell silent, and the people beside him quickly knelt down and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Seeing that the woman was still in a daze, he said sharply, "Kneel down quickly, do you want to kill me!"

Only then did the young mother come to her senses, she quickly knelt down, and at the same time tightly covered her son's mouth with her other hand, preventing him from making any sound.

Kneeling on the hard ground, she didn't feel pain, because she had already tied a thick layer of cotton on her knees, which was forced by her husband to cope with the current situation.

After leaving here, the cotton on these legs should be able to be removed, she looked down at the ground, thinking to herself.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the quiet street, there was only the sound of dull footsteps, and every sound could cause a slight vibration on the ground. The dust floated on the ground, and the tables of the vendors on the street were also shaken.

Saint Clemens, in a white robe and a bubble hood, sat on the shoulders of a giant slave, looking down at everyone on the street in a leisurely manner.

His face was pockmarked, his hair was standing up and rolled up at the end, and on the left and right sides were two female slaves rubbing his thighs. Both of them were plump, wearing only a thin layer of transparent gauze.

He just likes this feeling, and he prefers to let the giant slaves serve as mounts.

Not only can it sit on a high place and condescend, but it also has thick skin and can resist beatings, and it can also act as a strong guard at critical moments.

After the Tianlongren were massacred by the Five Emperors last time, the elders in his family ordered them not to leave the Red Earth Continent again.

It was not until some time ago that this regulation was slowly acquiesced.

Because for noble-born Tianlong people like them, it is rare to feel the sense of superiority of being a Tianlong person in the Holy Land. Wherever there are Tianlong people, everyone's blood is equally noble.

Once in the world of this group of untouchables, he can immediately feel the supreme dignity of being a Draconian, where he can do whatever he wants.

They are the gods of this world, they can ignore the law, any actions they do are reasonable, and all actions will not be restricted.

When he walked slowly through the street, he suddenly heard a baby crying below, which was extremely ear-piercing.

St. Clemens suddenly felt uncomfortable in his ears as if he had been pricked by a needle. He was irritated. He took out the pistol at his waist, loaded it, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The ground in front of the young mother exploded instantly, and the gravel flew, and everyone was so frightened that they crawled even lower.

She cried in an instant, trembling all over, hugging the child and kowtowing to the Tianlong people above:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the child will never cry again, please forgive me."

On the white and smooth forehead, blood oozed instantly, flowing down the cheeks to the neck.


Seeing that the blow missed, St. Clemens cursed angrily. As for what the woman below said, he didn't hear a word. He just closed one eye, held the gun in front of his eyes and aimed carefully, and was about to carry out the attack. Second shot.

"This time, I must hit the head, and go back and brag to my brothers and sisters."

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