Sabo said with some dissatisfaction: "Brother Cheng Cheng, I am now the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army anyway, so don't treat me like a child."

Cheng Cheng nodded with a smile and said yes, he hadn't seen Sabo for ten years, he didn't expect that the weapon Sabo was using now was still the water pipe, it was too shabby.

Think about the 108-jin Hailou Shikuo sword in your space ring, how handsome is it?

"I'm not a navy anymore, so you don't have to worry that I'm here to catch you." Cheng Cheng patted Sabo on the shoulder and reminded him kindly.

Sabo closed his eyes and felt Cheng Cheng's aura. It was as stable as a mountain and as thick as the sea. He said seriously, "Brother Cheng Cheng, I can feel that you are very strong, maybe even stronger than me."

"Give up the word "possible." Cheng Cheng reminded with a smile.

Sabo looked at him seriously, grabbed the water pipe on the ground with his right hand, and took a step forward. The silver-white water pipe, which was originally stainless steel, suddenly became pitch black.

"Armed and domineering? Well, not bad, not bad." Cheng Cheng glanced at it, then walked forward with a compliment, and continued, "Take me to the base. Our two brothers have just met. What are you going to fight?"

"Besides, your current strength can't beat me. I'm afraid I'll hurt you if you're not careful. You cadres of the Revolutionary Army don't want to tie me up."

Sabo had a serious face and did not remove his domineering look. He said, "Brother Cheng Cheng, I am serious. I know you are a strong man, but it's not like I have no chance at all."

Kerla on the side seized the opportunity and began to fight for Sabo, and at the same time, she was protecting the dignity of their revolutionary army. She pinched her waist with both hands, and said in shame and indignation: "How powerful Sabo is, you don't know him at all."

"Are you sure?" Cheng Cheng looked helpless, and after seeing Sabo's firm eyes, he understood.

Their four brothers, Sabo, Ace and Luffy, may not be the strongest in strength, but they must be the most stubborn.

They all belong to those who, once they make a decision, don't hit the south wall and don't look back, and they want to stand up again and knock down the second wall after knocking down the wall.

Therefore, he knew from the very beginning that it would be impossible to persuade Ace to give up the opportunity to chase and kill Tiqi. As for whether the top war can be avoided?

Only the devil knows.

This probably means that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. In the dark, they deserve the sworn brothers of the four brothers.

"How about it, let's not fight, how is it better than others?" Cheng Cheng said.

Sabo asked puzzledly: "If it's not like fighting, what else can it be like?"

"It's better than running!" Cheng Cheng glanced at the base in the distance, and roughly estimated that it was about 3000 meters away. "That's your base over there. win."

Sabo reluctantly disarmed Domineering, nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll be the referee." Kerla said excitedly, extremely interested in this game.

She looked at Cheng Cheng's handsome face fascinatedly. Such a handsome guy should be even more handsome when he runs, right?

Kerla bounced around to find a pure white stone, the size of a watermelon. She lightly threw the stone into the air, and the stone flew into the air at a height of [-] meters in an instant.

After the stone reached the apex in the air, it began to do free fall.

Both Sabo and Cheng Cheng held their breath and listened carefully to the sound of falling stones.

With a muffled bang, the stone just touched the ground.

They disappeared in place almost at the same time.

Kerla stared at the place where they were just now. It used to be relatively flat ground, but now two large pits have appeared.

She raised her head, only to see two streams of white smoke billowing on the road ahead, like a huge white dragon.

"Two perverts!"


Chapter 29 When Drinking

"Alert! Alert! Prepare to fight!"

A soldier with a gun outside the base yelled, and the dozen or so people guarding the door immediately went on alert, loaded their bullets, and looked seriously at the two billowing white smoke in front of them.

Deafening roars rang in their ears, and the ground shook slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The next moment, these soldiers with guns felt a violent gust of wind coming towards them, carrying a large amount of white dust at the same time.

The soldiers were blinded by the blowing, their clothes were messy, and the hats of the soldiers at the front were blown off by the wind.

The dust cleared, and when they could finally see the scene in front of them clearly.

They only saw a white-haired boy standing in front of them with a full smile on his face. Behind this stranger was his chief of staff, Sabo.

After seeing Sabo, the soldiers gave up the idea of ​​pointing their guns at them, and all stood at attention with expressions of admiration.

"Sorry, it has affected you." Cheng Cheng looked at them apologetically and apologized.

He galloped all the way, and he had brought his speed to the extreme, but what surprised him was that Sabo was able to chase after him closely.

You must know that he has a systematic blessing to get to this point. I really don't know how Long guides Sabo to practice.

Sabo glanced at the puzzled expressions of these soldiers, and panting heavily, he explained, "It's okay, it's okay, this is my elder brother, one of my own."

Then Sabo sat down on the ground, lay down, stretched out his limbs, and placed a big character on the ground.

At this moment, his whole body was drenched with sweat, and his chest heaved violently up and down, making it difficult for him to speak.

"You... you are... what a pervert."

"I never... didn't think that running would tire me out so much."

Cheng Cheng looks a little funny looking at Sabo, telling you to kill me, you have to compare me with someone who cheats?

Brother, I have a system.

But he still smiled and comforted: "It's okay, your strength is much stronger than I imagined, and much stronger than Luffy. I saw that kid Luffy a few days ago, and he is far worse than you."

"However, Luffy's life is very exciting now, he has found some good partners, and he has become a big pirate with a bounty of 6000 million Berries."

Sabo looked up at the sky, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, "You might as well not comfort me."

Seeing his state, Cheng Cheng might not be able to get up for a while, so he found a raised rock and sat down, looking around at the surrounding scenery.

Everything that comes into view is white, without any green flowers and trees, and the only vegetation is a bare tree, which is still white.

Cheng Cheng's first impression was desolation.

Sabo rested for a while, and his breath gradually began to stabilize. He looked at Cheng Cheng and said, "It seems that the gap between the two of us is not as big as usual."

"That's my win." Cheng Cheng said with a calm smile.

Sabo said seriously, "No, even though I know I can't beat you, I'm still not reconciled if I don't fight."

"Then let's talk about it in two days. Anyway, I'm not planning to leave in a hurry this time."

"By the way, Brother Cheng Cheng, are you here this time to join our revolutionary army?" Sabo sat up from the ground and looked at Cheng Cheng with anticipation in his eyes.

Cheng Cheng shook his head with a smile, and said, "Brother just misses you, don't worry, come to see you."

A carp stood up, and Sabo stood up directly from the ground, and said proudly: "Brother Cheng Cheng, let's go drink, and see if I don't drink you to death today!"

"I can't beat you, can I still drink you?"

After finishing speaking, he hugged Cheng Cheng, and the two entered the naval base together.

Only the soldiers were left looking at each other. They looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

Their chief of staff used to have a serious face almost every day. Even when they won a big battle, they never had such an unscrupulous smile.

Then these soldiers saw another girl, who was running towards this side with sweat profusely. It was their murloc karate master, Kerla.

These soldiers immediately saluted to show their respect.

After Kerla ran over, she bent over, her cheeks flushed, and she panted, "Where are they? Sabo and the others."

"Just went in." A soldier said.

Kerla cursed in a low voice, then thought of Cheng Cheng's handsome face, and said angrily, "It's really not human, but I like it."

All the cadres of the Revolutionary Army base, and others, soon knew that Sabo's eldest brother was coming, and he was a very handsome guy.

As soon as the news came out, from time to time, some girls from the base quietly approached the hillside to take a look at the man from a distance, and then came back blushing.

Of course, there were muscular men who were big and thick, and they climbed to the top of the mountain to toast Cheng Cheng. Of course, most of them went there to refute those women.

No matter how handsome a person is, how handsome can he be?Is it as handsome as I am?

That's what's called a man, okay?

But not surprisingly, after those muscular men went up, they all walked down in silence with their heads bowed, but after returning to the room, they began to look in the mirror one by one.

The top of the back mountain of the Revolutionary Army base is a small slope that is not high, but the top of the slope is abnormally flat, as if it had been leveled by someone with a giant sword.

Cheng Cheng and Sabo both blushed slightly at the moment.

There are wine bottles around them, placed in a haphazard manner, and in front of the two of them are some simple beef and peanuts, which are used to drink.

Even Cheng Cheng, who often likes to drink, will inevitably feel dizzy after drinking too much now.

Seeing that Sabo's wine glass was empty again at some point, he picked up the wine bottle and poured him a glass, "This rum tastes good, but it's still a bit bland after all."

Sabo frowned, and retorted: "These are the spirits specially prepared for me by the master brewer I specially invited, and other people can't usually drink this."

"I don't believe it anymore, there are stronger wines than mine in this world."

Cheng Cheng raised his wine glass and drank it in one gulp, without leaving a single drop. He sighed, "Yes, but it's a pity that I won't be able to drink the taste of Erguotou again."

The two continued to chat and drink for a while, and before they knew it, it was getting dark.

A bright red glow appeared in the distant sky.

"Sabo, if Ace is captured by the Navy one day and will be executed at the Navy Headquarters Marine Vandor, what will you do at that time?"

The drunk-eyed Cheng Cheng suddenly spoke, not knowing whether he was talking drunk or in his sleep.

Sabo, who was already drowsy, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes became sharper, and he said angrily, "Of course it's him!"


Chapter 30

The next day, early in the morning.

The sun in the east has not yet risen, and the air is filled with a faint white mist, floating in the air like layers of tulle.

On the hillside behind the base of the Revolutionary Army, there were two people lying in a haphazard manner, without any signs of sleep at all. Scattered wine bottles piled up behind each of them to form a hill.

From yesterday to now, people here can still smell the strong aroma of wine.

A little girl in ragged clothes is standing on tiptoe and approaching here cautiously.

She is sallow and thin, and looks only seven or eight years old. The clothes on her body are also patched a lot, and her hair is slightly curly because it has not been cleaned for a long time.

If it weren't for her pair of agile black eyes, she would really be no different from a boy.

Holding a polished straight wooden stick in her hand, she stared fixedly at the two piles of wine bottles in front of her. On one side of those wine bottles, there was still some unfinished wine. Several bottles of wine were full, not opened at all.

This made the smile on her face even wider.

As she walked on tiptoe, she stretched out her nose, breathing in the aroma of wine in the air wantonly, with an intoxicated expression.

The closer the two were, the slower the beggar-like little girl moved.

Seeing that there was still a lot of wine spilled on the ground, the little girl frowned.

It's a waste, aren't these two bastards afraid of being punished by God?

Now that you are all fed and drunk, it's time to respect this heroine.

She looked at the two people lying on the ground, and after seeing that they were sure that they were fast asleep, she boldly continued forward and slowly bent over to pick up an unopened bottle of rum from the ground.


Suddenly there was a yawning sound, and the little girl immediately squatted down and lay down on the ground.

All I saw was the white-haired boy lying on the ground yawned, then turned over and fell asleep again.

The little girl glared at the white-haired boy fiercely. When he turned over, his arm just pressed the full bottle of rum.Biquge

This guy looks like a dog, why doesn't he do any human affairs?She immediately gritted her teeth and cursed silently.

After struggling on the spot for a long time, she still decided to give up taking the risk of taking that bottle of wine. She just picked up a bottle of wine on the ground and carefully carried it in her bosom.

Then she looked down again. There were still a lot of unfinished dried beef slices and peanuts on the ground. After swallowing a mouthful of spit, she resolutely turned around and left.

"Wait!" Suddenly came an unkind voice from behind.

The little girl was startled slightly, and then started to run.

But before she could run two steps, the little girl stopped.

The white-haired boy who was lying on the ground sleeping just now suddenly stood in front of her and was looking at her with a smile.

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