The other [-] or so guards, without any hesitation, followed Kosha and ran towards the only towering tree.

Although Kosha was once the leader of the rebel army, he was the enemy of their king's guard.

But it didn't affect their admiration for Kosha in the slightest. They said they were rebels, but the guards knew that they were just ordinary people who wanted to live.Biquge

Apart from fighting against the Kingdom Guards, they had never heard of the rebels mutilating the common people and disregarding human lives.

On the contrary, the people of Alabasta are very supportive of the rebel army, otherwise there would not be so many people joining, and in the end it will develop a scale of 60 fighters.

This group of people headed by Kou Sha rushed to the giant tree in front of them.

After everyone ran over, a thick cloud of dust rolled up on the ground.

Kosha ran forward recklessly, and soon saw a naval warship docked by the river bank.

For some unknown reason, the main mast on the battleship was broken in the middle, and the mast and the main sail tilted down together.

The uneasiness in Kosha's heart became more and more intense, and he accelerated to run forward again.

It didn't take long for Kosha and the others to come to the giant tree. Looking from a distance, Kosha found that there were three or five marines standing under the tree and pointing, while the other was chopping down the tree with an axe.

"Stop it! Stop it all for me!"

At this moment, the root of the giant tree has been cut into a deep depression, but because the trunk is too thick, the whole giant tree is not tilted.

Seeing this scene, Kosha clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were cold, and his heart was bleeding.

The six marines under the tree saw more than 30 people coming in a mighty manner, and they inevitably stopped their movements, but they didn't look panicked.

The person in the middle showed even more sarcasm, and said jokingly, "Are you the rescuers that that trash brought in just now?"

Seeing that they stopped the movements in their hands, Kou Sha also slowed down his pace. At the same time, he quietly clenched the long sword in his hand with his right hand.

He looked at these marines coldly, and said sharply: "Now, get out of here immediately, and I can spare your lives!"

The five tall navy men froze for a moment, looked at each other, saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and then burst out into a mocking laugh.

"Ahahaha, who do you think you are? Do you consider yourself the king of Alabasta?"

"I can't laugh anymore, hahaha!"

"No, I suddenly remembered that even the king of this country would not dare to offend our Lieutenant General!"

"Let me tell you the truth! We are the people of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and we were ordered to requisition this tree. If any of you dare to stop it, it will be against our Lieutenant General, against the entire navy!"

The stubble-faced navy man in the middle looked at Kosha and the others with disdain on his face.

The navy man holding the ax under the tree smiled slightly, raised the ax and slashed hard again.

"Kill them!" Kosha gritted his teeth and said word by word.

There was a sudden force under his feet, and a burst of yellow sand splashed on the ground.

Kou Sha rushed forward quickly, and at the same time drew out his long sword, rolling up a long trail of dust on the yellow sandy ground.

The guards behind him also roared, and rushed up without saying a word.


The marines under the tree saw them rushing over, and shot directly with no expression on their faces.

The figure of Kou Sha in the front flicked sideways, easily avoiding those bullets, but three guards behind him were shot and fell to the ground.

Kou Sha was even more angry, his figure flashed suddenly, and he came directly in front of the four marines.

The long sword slashed down in the air, and the sound of piercing the air resounded.

The four marines who fired only saw a flash of sword light in front of them, and the long spears in their hands were neatly chopped into two pieces, and they could no longer fire a second shot.

Then Kou Sha took a side step, changed his figure, and came in front of Haijun holding an axe. The long sword stabbed fiercely, and brilliant blood bloomed instantly on the man's arm.

"Ah!" The man screamed in pain, and the ax fell to the ground.

The burly navy smiled instead of anger, "I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. I really didn't expect that someone would dare to attack us."

After finishing speaking, the man turned his head and left with the marines, and at the same time he did not forget to say to Kosha and the others: "If you are a man, don't leave! You ignorant people, just enjoy your last life! Aha Ha ha!"

Kou Sha looked at their leaving backs coldly, did not stop them, and immediately said to the guards beside him in a deep voice: "You all take the injured brothers back to the camp and go there to heal the wounds, and contact the national teacher as soon as possible grown ups."

"Tell my lord for me, and say that Kou Sha owed the promise to the master of the state teacher, and he will pay it back in the next life."

A guard's face changed slightly, and he heard that Kosha was confessing his last words, and hurriedly said: "Mr. We all pay attention to everything!"

"The navy is really deceiving people too much, and it's unreasonable!"

"Yes! We are not cowards, we won't go!"

"If we don't leave, I don't believe they can really kill us all!"

Kosha smiled wryly and shook his head, mocking himself: "What kind of contribution is this? It's the gentleman who really paid for it. I'm just an errand runner, but now I can't even protect a tree..."

"If you don't leave, don't leave. At least you should separate out a few people to carry the brother who was injured by the gun back to the camp, and tell the master what happened here."

After hearing this, only a few of the guards hesitantly carried the injured man on their backs, and they all turned their heads to take a deep look at Kou Sha and the remaining brothers.

One of them said: "You wait for me alive, I will be back soon!"

After finishing speaking, the four people who carried the wounded on their backs walked away quickly.

Kou Sha slowly sat down against the giant tree. He glanced at the remaining 20 guards and said calmly, "Let's get to know each other again. My name is Kou Sha. How about you?"

Rainy land, Cayenne rooftop.

At this moment, the roof has been cleaned up again, and the burned out parasols, tables and chairs have been replaced with brand new ones.

In order to facilitate contact, Cheng Cheng also deliberately put a phone bug on the table.

He looked comfortable, shaking the wine glass in his hand, and looked at the dumpling in front of him with a smile on his face.

Tuanzi is no longer swinging his sword like a crazy dance like before, but holding black and white swords, and every once in a while, he will chop a cross-shaped flaming sword into the air in front of him.

She also gave this move an extremely domineering name, Cross Flame Dragon Slayer!

This caused the people below the ground to see a cross flame flying out of their heads every once in a while, and they all pointed at the flame with great interest.

Boo boo boo boo!

The phone bug on the table in front of Cheng Cheng suddenly made a noise and vibrated slightly.

He answered the phone casually, and slowly, his face became more and more dignified, and his pale golden eyes were reflected in the wine glass.


The wine glass shattered, and the red wine in the glass was scattered on the ground.

"A mere lieutenant general dares to touch me!"

Cheng Cheng's expression was cold, and he stood up immediately. His figure was like the wind, and he rushed out of the balcony quickly, shouting in the air, somersault cloud!


Chapter 87 Ghost Spider Lieutenant General

Along the way, Cheng Cheng was burning with anxiety, and Somersault Cloud seemed to feel Cheng Cheng's intentions, and started the fastest speed ever.

In the blue sky, between the rainy land and Juba, an extremely long golden line was left.

When Cheng Cheng flew over Yuba, he looked down at the scene below.

All I could see was a mess in the sapling forest below, with all the trees crumbling here and there.

The huge tree that was originally on the banks of the San Dora River also disappeared out of thin air. It should have been the most conspicuous giant tree, but now it can't be found.

not good!

Cheng Cheng was startled and continued to rush forward.

Soon he discovered the original location of the big tree.

When he came near the big tree, the original huge towering tree now only left a stump less than fifty centimeters high.

Near the tree stump lay more than 20 guards of the kingdom. The ground was stained red with blood, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Cheng Cheng walked over slowly, stretched out his hand to detect the breath of those people, and found that they were completely breathless.

Then Cheng Cheng spotted Kou Sha on the side behind the tree stump.

Kou Sha was lying flat on the ground with his limbs spread out, his glasses were broken, his eyes were bloodshot, his body was covered in countless knife marks, his black clothes were all torn apart, and blood was continuously bleeding from his hands, feet, and limbs.

His eyes were dull, looking at the sky darkly and emptyly, tears streaming down his cheeks silently.

Seeing that Kou Sha finally survived, Cheng Cheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "It's just a tree. If you lose it, you lose it. You used to be the leader of a 70 rebel army. what!"

"Get up, I'll take you to hack them to death!"

Kosha just lay on the ground, motionless, and muttered, "What kind of navy are they? How dare he wear the cloak with justice written on it?"

"They didn't kill me, they wanted me to watch them cut down trees to make masts, and then watch them slowly leave with my own eyes, but I was helpless, like a waste."

Seeing that Kou Sha was still lying motionless, Cheng Cheng looked suspiciously at the wounds on Kou Sha's hands, feet and limbs.

Kosha's hands, feet, limbs, and all joints and tendons were all broken, and there was no place on his body where he could use his strength.

Suddenly a nameless anger rose in his heart, he narrowed his narrow eyes, clenched his fists, and cursed: "Scum!"

Cheng Cheng quickly took out a fairy bean and stuffed it into Kou Sha's mouth, and quickly asked, "Do you know the other party's name?"

"Ghost spider! That man's helmet has a pattern of a two-headed dragon, and there are eight arm-like hairs on his back, all holding swords, and the last one is his hand." Kosha said in a low voice.

After eating the fairy beans, Kou Sha's complexion gradually turned rosy, the wounds on his wrists and limbs stopped bleeding, and the knife marks on his body began to slowly heal.

Cheng Cheng muttered, "Ghost spider."

He knew this person. Like Smoker, he was one of Zefa's disciples, and he was also one of the five lieutenant generals who participated in the "Devil Slaughter Order" project.

He has a cruel personality, and he doesn't care if he hurts his subordinates when performing tasks. He is a typical hawk in the navy.

Then he suddenly thought of something important.

When the war was on the top, he was the one who escorted Ace to Marlin Vandor. When the war started, he was a big shit-stirring stick on the battlefield.

Seeing that Kou Sha, who was lying on the ground, had already moved his limbs normally, Cheng Cheng said softly, "You rest here for a while, and I'll cut off that shit lieutenant general's head right away!"

"Master National Teacher!"

Kosha struggled to stand up and said with difficulty, "I'm going too!"

Cheng Cheng hesitated for a moment, and took Kou Sha with him on the somersault cloud.

The somersault cloud slowly rose, and then I saw the confluence of the San Dora River and the sea in the distance, and a naval warship was driving slowly.

"I found you!" Cheng Cheng sneered, and somersaulting cloud rushed forward.

At the mouth of the St. Dora River, a huge naval warship is about to sail into the sea.

The equipment on the battleship is excellent, and the main mast that was broken before has also been completely new.

The deck was full of talking and laughing officers, they were drinking and talking.

"The group of people just now were really stupid. For a worthless tree, they dared to resist desperately for our navy. In the end, they lost their lives in vain."

"But don't tell me, that tree is really a good material for the main mast. I haven't seen this straight tree for a long time. It's a great achievement for this tree to be the main mast of our warship."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

After the navy finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter immediately.

"Yeah, what a great merit and virtue, to be able to be on the boat of our ghost spider general, isn't that a great merit!"

In the navy on the entire deck, only a tall middle-aged man was not smiling. He was wearing a two-headed dragon-style helmet, and a white cloak was fluttering behind him in the wind. .

He had a ferocious face, the type of child who would not dare to cry when he saw it, and snorted coldly from his nose, "A bunch of rubbish, you are the only ones who are worthy of judging them?"

"They can die for a mere tree, can you die for the justice in your heart?"

All of a sudden, the entire deck was silent, and the atmosphere was terribly heavy.

The marines smiled silently, and put down the wine glasses in their hands. They knew this Lieutenant General too well, and he was a ruthless man who dared to kill the navy if he disagreed with him.

It's okay to make jokes, but if this lord changes his face, he will kill people as soon as he says he wants to, and he won't give you a chance to argue.

"What Lieutenant General Ghost Spider said was that the group of guards of the kingdom were indeed worthy of admiration, but they still died in the hands of the wise and powerful lord, especially the guy whose veins were cut off by you, my lord. The big man actually lay on the ground and started crying!"

A thin navy man walked up to the ghost spider and said courteously.

"Ahahahaha!" There was another burst of joyful laughter.

But this time the laughter stopped abruptly.

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