Standing on top of Godzilla, Cheng Cheng looked very small, one man and one giant beast, just riding the wind and waves away, the speed was far faster than the merchant ships, and soon left them behind.

In order not to frighten the members of Kabas and his team, Cheng Cheng let Toli's body dive as far as possible, it looked like Cheng Cheng was gliding fast on the sea alone.

Fluttering like a fairy on the sea, walking on the waves.

Not long after, Cheng Cheng saw the dilapidated merchant ship in front of him. The entire hull was broken from the middle, and the hull and stern were separated. .

Kabas and several other members of the first team, a total of seven or eight people were crowded on a small boat.

When they were still far away, Kabas stood up honestly and greeted Cheng Cheng.

The boat, already heavily burdened, shook violently.

Cheng Cheng smiled calmly, and after seeing that they had only suffered some minor injuries, he also heaved a sigh of relief, and joked:

"Yes, you can make Vice Admiral Stoloberg return without success. You are indeed a member of my first team!"

Kaba scratched his head even more embarrassedly, "The gold has sunk to the bottom of the sea. The depth of the sea here is at least a thousand meters. It is too difficult to salvage the gold."

Cheng Cheng smiled slightly, "It might have been difficult before, but now that we have Godzilla, it's much easier."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Cheng stood tall, and the surrounding sea shook, Godzilla Toli's huge head was exposed, and he said, "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Kabas and everyone on the boat were shocked. They stared dumbfounded at the huge sea beast the size of a Neptune in front of them. What shocked them most was that this huge sea beast could still talk?

Cheng Cheng fell down, stepped on the sea and explained softly: "He is a member of our second team, and we will be partners with you in the future, and we will get along well."

Everyone on the boat nodded silently, obviously still not recovering from the shock, but they also thought of the ferocious behavior of Kabas just now after transforming into a big snow demon bear, and their hearts were slowly relieved, and they couldn't help but feel the same in their hearts. Looking forward to eating devil fruit sooner.

Under the sea breeze blowing, it was extraordinarily cool, and the time passed quickly.

When Godzilla Toli surfaced for the first time, the merchant ship that Xiuya and the others took happened to arrive, and they were busy transporting the whole box of gold coins to the ship.

Then Godzilla Toli dived again and salvaged all the remaining gold and jewels. The entire ship was piled up with gold coins, jewels and diamonds. If it weren't for this kind of large merchant ship, it would be difficult for ordinary small ships to bear the weight. .

The group of them had just finished their work and were about to head back home, when there were more than a dozen black cannonballs roaring towards them from high in the sky.

Bang bang bang!

All exploded around the merchant ship, and the entire merchant ship shook violently in an instant.

In the distance in front of the sea, seven naval warships rushed towards them rapidly, without even giving Cheng Cheng and his merchant ship a chance to explain.

Cheng Cheng, who had discovered those warships a long time ago, looked calm, looked at the crowd and said calmly: "Everyone, who wants to fight?"


Chapter 141 If He Is King, I Will Be Emperor

Toli, who turned into Godzilla on the sea, immediately shouted: "My lord, let me go, and watch me smash him to pieces!"

Seeing that Toli has made meritorious deeds but Vajra Huluwa, who has not yet played a role, stepped forward, and said loudly: "Master, I will go, I can smash those little trash with one punch."

The old people of the Baroque Work Club were also not to be outdone, and at the same time took a step forward. They didn't want to be compared to the newcomers who had just eaten the devil fruit. They had a firm attitude and would not hesitate to die.

Cheng Cheng smiled quietly, and said with a relieved expression: "Let's go together, beat me to death! You actually robbed me of the money, don't you know I'm still short of money?"

For a moment, except for Cheng Cheng, Lao Sha, and Xiuya, almost all other devil fruit capable users landed on Godzilla's back, looking at the seven naval warships in front with ferocious faces, without any fear.

After a few breaths, the huge black shadow of Godzilla Toli hit the first battleship, and the battleship was almost knocked over, and all the navies were exclaiming, "The sea kings are coming, the sea kings are coming! !"

At the moment of the impact, Vajra Huluwa leaped high and turned into a 30-meter-high Vajra Giant Ape. Both feet stepped on the first shaking battleship at the same time. The whole battleship sank more than half in an instant, and the water surface was almost Flood the deck.

Those marines under King Kong's feet were directly trampled into flesh, and died inexplicably.

The other Cayenne employees who flew over the sea in the distance, in addition to being shocked, rushed towards the navy not to be outdone.

Vajra Huluwa still didn't give up, swung a huge fist weighing a thousand catties, and smashed it towards the lower deck.

But at this time, Stoloberg, who rushed over in time, stopped him with domineering twined knives, and the two fought and fought together.

Not only that, after being repelled by Kabas before, Stoloberg also contacted his friend Gumir, who was also a vice admiral.

This Gumir is the commander of the navy's g2 branch, one of the disciples of the navy's general Zefa, and he is also the person who hangs the seven characters of "calm and unhurried justice" in his office.

Among the many lieutenant generals in the navy, he is a powerful figure, and he is the same brother as Huang Yuan.

After Gumier received the signal from Stoloberg, he immediately led his troops to set off without saying a word.

The obese Gumir had two swords hanging from his waist. He stared at the scene ahead, touched his big bald head, and slowly drew out the two swords.

He has experienced countless wars and wars in his life, and he has already put life and death aside, he smiled:

"No matter what faction you are from, it seems that today I can have a great battle."

Then the bald Gumir was domineering all over his body, and he stepped on the moon to fight with Godzilla who flicked his tail wantonly and destroyed the battleship in the sea.

Cheng Cheng and the others who were outside the battle turmoil in the distance were all watching the visually stunning battle scene in front of them attentively.

Lao Sha clapped his hands on the railing and asked, "Why don't I go play too?"

Cheng Cheng chuckled, and said, "Now that the strength of both sides is about the same, if you join the battle, it will be boring."

Lao Sha squinted his eyes and said softly, "If I don't go, I'll be left alive."

Cheng Cheng sighed, thinking of the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree that could not be moved. If the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree could be taken away with him, why would he have such worries? Hide your identity.

It seems that when I go back this time, it's time to think about transferring the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree.

But he also knew that there was little hope.

Cheng Cheng stared at the battlefield in front of him, sighed and said, "In that case, you'd better go, it's really inconvenient to reveal our identities now."

Lao Sha smiled coldly, jumped onto a small wooden boat, and floated forward, without any fear because of the water under his feet.

Cheng Cheng, who has always been extremely confident in Lao Sha's ability to handle affairs, no longer looks forward to the battlefield ahead. With Lao Sha's joining, the battle will soon become one-sided.

He turned to look at Xiuya and asked curiously, "How did you find so much gold? Where did you find it?"

Xiuya frowned, pointed to her eyes, and said triumphantly: "This should be the special ability of my blue-eyed spirit fox phantom beast. After becoming a spirit fox, the world has changed in my eyes. There are many people in the surrounding space. I cast countless beams of light, and later I found out that the brighter the beams of light, the more treasures there are, and they are all unattributed treasures.

At the beginning, with these eyes, I picked up a lot of money in the rain!Later, I thought about leaving the rainy land and finding more treasures on the sea, so I took Kabas and the others and rented a boat to go on an adventure in the sea.

Fortunately, the harvest along the way is not bad. "

Cheng Cheng stepped forward, and casually opened a mahogany box that looked very dilapidated. It shone like gold in an instant, and all the boxes were filled with heavy gold coins.

He smiled and praised: "This is not only good, what you gained after going out for a few days is worth the bounty of several supernovas."

Xiuya wondered, "Who is Supernova?"

Cheng Cheng explained with a smile: "Those people are all pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million Baileys, and they are all extremely powerful, known as the extremely evil generation."

There was a brilliant blue light in Xiuya's eyes, and she retorted: "I don't care how powerful they are, they are definitely not as powerful as Master Guoshi."

Cheng Cheng laughed loudly. His current strength can indeed crush anyone in the supernova. If he also becomes a pirate, I am afraid that there will be no other supernova. He should be called the fifth emperor.

Looking at the hesitant Xiuya, Cheng Cheng smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, it's okay, you are the God of Wealth of our Cayenne now."

Xiuya solemnly said: "Since we are now at war with the navy, why not take this opportunity to form a pirate group that specializes in treasure hunting at sea, so that we will always have a steady stream of gold, and we are not afraid of running out of it at all."

Cheng Cheng fixed his eyes and thought carefully in his heart.

Indeed, after the establishment of the pirate group, going out to sea to hunt for treasure has become a lot more legitimate.

In addition, Kosha and Kabas really need some practical experience, and it is still too slow to improve their strength behind closed doors.

Cheng Cheng said: "This matter can be considered, but I still cannot reveal my identity as a national teacher."

Xiuya said happily: "No, it's just us Kabas and the old-fashioned ones, there is no need for you, Master National Teacher, to come forward."

Cheng Cheng, who gently picked up a golden gold coin, lifted it up high, and the sun shone on it, making it even more golden. Looking at the vast and endless sea, he thought to himself.

Luffy, that idiot, knows he wants to be the Pirate King. Although he has no interest in the legendary treasure, as the brother of the Pirate King, my name must not be too weak.

If Lufei is king in the future, I will call myself emperor.


Chapter 142 Black Justice

The originally unfair battle at sea, with the joining of Lao Sha, quickly presented a one-sided situation.

Most of the seven warships were dismantled by Godzilla Toli and Vajra Huluwa, and most of the navies were drowned, but a small part actually died in the hands of Cayenne employees.

Before the two vice admirals could even report to the headquarters, the bodies sank into the sea.

On the surface of the sea, the wreckage of warships and the corpses of the navy that have not sunk into the sea are floating everywhere.

After all the Cayenne employees returned to the boat, Cheng Cheng said blankly, "Retreat!"

After returning to Cayenne, Cheng Cheng walked to the rooftop alone.

Beside the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree, only Kosha was sweating profusely while holding up several tons of dumbbells.

Cheng Cheng picked up the wine, poured himself a glass slowly, and stared blankly at the Eudemons Spirit Tree.

It seems that we really need to consider the transfer of the Eudemons spirit tree, otherwise it would be really inconvenient to leave a person to guard the spirit tree.

If Kou Sha also experienced in the sea, his powerful ability to destroy the phantom beasts cannot be ignored.

Cheng Cheng suddenly had a thought, can he transfer the Eudemons Spirit Tree to the space ring?

The previous planting conditions were in the desert, but now the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree has taken root in the void, does it mean that it has broken away from the restrictions of the desert?

Just do it.

Cheng Cheng's eyes were suddenly filled with excitement, he stood up, and walked quickly to the Eudemons Spirit Tree, the golden branches and leaves were slowly floating and rustling in the breeze.

After stretching out his finger and touching a golden leaf in front of him, a golden light suddenly radiated from the space ring.

The Eudemons tree on the roof instantly disappeared out of thin air, and at the center of the space ring, there was an extra Eudemons tree emitting golden light.

But after a while, the golden light on the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree dimmed, and the golden leaves fell, and the golden leaves that fell in the void drifted away with the wind, turning into specks of golden light.

The roots that had been rooted in the void to obtain energy had also become manic at this moment, writhing wildly in the void, unable to find a place to take root.

not good!

Cheng Cheng's heart was shaken, and he immediately moved the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree back. After returning to the balcony, the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree slowly regained its vitality. The roots were inserted into the void again, and the whole spirit tree emitted a faint golden light again.

Cheng Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over to drink a glass of wine, suppressing his shock, fortunately he moved out in time, if the Eudemons spirit tree hadn't been stolen or robbed, it had been destroyed by himself.

This is simply a big joke.

Kosha, who was holding the dumbbells, slowed down the movements in his hands, and after frowning slightly, he continued to resume his exercise speed, as if he didn't notice.

The golden Eudemons tree is reflected on the wine glass.

Cheng Cheng was thoughtful, and quickly put down his glass heavily, deciding to try again.

This time, he wants to completely simulate a 100% restored desert environment in the space ring.

Cheng Cheng immediately summoned the somersault cloud, stepped on the somersault cloud and flew out of the rain field, and soon landed in a desert.

At this moment, the scorching sun was rolling in, and the temperature on the desert floor was as high as [-] degrees. When the shoes stepped on the desert, there would be a faint white smoke. Every step I took was like walking in magma, which was extremely hot.

It's just that Cheng Cheng's body has long been immune to these high temperatures that can kill people, the interspatial ring flashed golden light, and a large amount of yellow sand poured into the interspatial ring like a waterfall.

After a while, there were two space rings the size of a basketball court inside, all covered by extremely hot yellow sand.

In order to restore the ecological environment of the desert to the greatest extent.

Cheng Cheng also looked around for some desert plants such as cactus, aloe vera, Populus euphratica, golden amber, and red willow, which are unique to the desert. After adding these plants, he nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, it looks like a desert.

After returning to the roof of Cayenne, Cheng Cheng immediately transferred the Eudemons Spirit Tree to the space ring again.

Do a second trial.

However, the difference from the first time is not very big. The Eudemons Spirit Tree quickly lost its vitality just like last time. Looking at the Eudemons Spirit Tree that continued to wither, Cheng Cheng had no choice but to move it out again. .

Cheng Cheng, who was thinking hard to find the reason, could only attribute the reason to a different space. The space ring could not store living things, so he could only let this matter go and not think about it for the time being.

In the next time, Cheng Cheng is preparing to establish a pirate group.

The current number of Cayenne is enough, those people just lack enough experience, plus the elegant treasure hunting ability of the Qingyan Linghu Phantom Beast.

This newly established pirate group will bring him a steady stream of sufficient funds.

As for the personnel structure of the pirate group, there is basically no major adjustment. For the two teams headed by Kou Sha and Lao Sha, everyone who signed the contract is a member of the pirate group.

The only change is that Xiuya was appointed as the navigator of the pirate group, responsible for controlling the direction and destination of the voyage.With the exception of Cheng Cheng, the captain whose identity cannot be revealed for the time being, all must obey Xiuya's arrangement.

In short, their pirate group has only one purpose, wherever there is treasure, go there.

It would be more appropriate to say that it is a treasure hunting group.

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