Everyone looked in the direction of Aaron's finger, only to see three naval warships quietly appearing one kilometer away from the sea.

Nami's face was shocked, the pupils of her eyes shrank slightly, and her voice began to tremble: "Luffy! Let's run!"

At the same time, the faces of Sanji and Zoro changed drastically. Both of them were ready to fight immediately.

At this time, Usopp ran over happily from some corner, but when he saw the three huge naval warships, his face was instantly livid.

"It's over, it's over, Luffy, let's run for our lives!"

Sauron said in a deep voice: "Usopp, Nami, the boat is on the east side of the island, take the road and fly there quickly, Sanji and I will break up."

Almost in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere began to become tense.

The villagers didn't want to be idle, and they held hands spontaneously and erected a thick human wall on the coast.

"Straw Hats, hurry up and let us protect you!"

"For eight years, all of us have been looking forward day and night when the navy will come, subdue that Aaron, and give us a freedom."

"But in the end, it turned out to be a group of pirates who saved us. It's ridiculous!"

"Now the navy wants to arrest you, and the villagers of our Cocosia village will never agree!"


All the villagers shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

Among the crowd, only Cheng Cheng has always been indifferent. Whether it was the defeat of Aaron just now, or the three naval warships that appeared now, he has always looked calm from the beginning to the end.

He looked at the crowd, and then looked up at the three warships approaching in the sea.

He took a step forward, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Chapter 16 Breath of Water Enhanced Kamepai Qigong

The speed of the three naval warships at sea was very fast, and every warship reminded them that they met three Mei Li.

The weapons and cannons equipped on the battleship are even more shocking.

If the three warships fired at the same time, the fierce firepower would swallow up everyone on the island in an instant, and the human wall formed by the villagers spontaneously stood in front of these three behemoths.

It's just a mantis arm blocking a car.

"Straw hats, you'd better surrender quickly, otherwise, we will fire!" A loud voice came from the battleship on the surface of the sea.

The atmosphere froze instantly.

"Damn it, can't the navy see that there are so many villagers here?"

"Cheng Cheng, let's get out of here quickly."

Seeing that Cheng Cheng was still in a daze, Nami said anxiously.

Cheng Cheng said softly: "Don't go, leave it to me."

Then Cheng Cheng glanced at the somersaulting cloud that was still floating aside, and the golden cloud seemed to sense it immediately, and understood Cheng Cheng's intentions.

Fly over quickly.

Cheng Cheng jumped high, and after jumping into the somersault cloud, he was dragged by the cloud to rise slowly.

All the people fell silent and looked at Cheng Cheng, not understanding what he wanted.

After Cheng Cheng ascended to a height of 30 meters above the ground, he lowered his head and looked down at the three warships in front of him, and said loudly, "Luffy! Look carefully, this is a gift from my brother."

Luffy widened his eyes and agreed with a smile on his face.

But others are even more puzzled.

Sauron and the others are alright, and they have some understanding of Cheng Cheng's strength, but the other villagers around them don't know much at all.

Until now, Cheng Cheng had never made a move in front of them, so none of them understood the strength of this white-haired boy.

At this time, Sauron gradually thought of a possibility in his heart, but immediately after, he shook his head quickly, denying his unrealistic idea.

Look at the three warships that look like tall mountains in front of them, and single out their three warships, what strength does it need?

But even so, Sauron couldn't help but began to look forward to it.

He was also a swordsman, and after seeing Cheng Cheng's sword that split the sea, he was fascinated. He knew that Cheng Cheng was much stronger than him.

Perhaps my next goal should not be to surpass Hawkeye Mihawk, but to surpass Cheng Cheng, a person of the same age.

Everyone looked at Cheng Cheng with doubts, expectations, and excitement.

Under everyone's gaze, Cheng Cheng moved.

He stood on the somersault cloud, bent his knees slightly sideways, took a horse stance, closed his hands and clasped them at his waist.

Then he slowly closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and slowly his breathing rate seemed to merge with the surrounding sea quietly, and he said in a very slow tone: "Breathing of Water Kamehae Qigong!"

Everyone watched with wide-eyed eyes, not daring to miss a single detail.

All I saw was a blue-white light suddenly appearing in Cheng Cheng's hands, and the light expanded rapidly in the blink of an eye, forming a huge ball of light, spreading his hands apart.

But soon Cheng Cheng began to compress the ball of light again, continuously compressing it into a shape about the size of a watermelon.

Cheng Cheng shouted loudly, pointed the ball of light at the three warships, and pushed them out suddenly.

The ball of light, which contained terrifying energy, flew out at an extremely fast speed.

The moment he left Cheng Cheng, he quickly swelled up like a wild horse running wild, becoming a huge monster.

In everyone's eyes, they could only see the huge ball of blue-white light gushing out from the center of Cheng Cheng's palm, forming a long beam of light in the air, and crashing into a battleship.

Then the three warships were all pierced by the beam of light, and exploded one after another like candied haws.

There was a loud bang, shaking the world and splashing water in all directions.

Huge waves suddenly exploded on the calm water surface, and countless pieces of wood planks flew everywhere, burning up a raging fire.

Some of the navies on the battleship didn't know what happened. They only saw a vast expanse of whiteness and left this world completely.

Some were lucky. The marines standing at the bow and stern of the ship were lucky enough to survive without being directly hit by the beam of light. At this moment, they all found a plank to float on it.

The originally silent sea was now filled with the screams of the navy.

Everyone is asking loudly.

"What happened, who can tell me what happened."

Most of the answers to them were also crying, "I don't know, we don't know."

"The Straw Hats did it. I saw it. They attacked us on the island." After a long time, I didn't know which soldier it was, and finally gave a more rational answer.

Now not only the navy on the battleship was shocked, even all the villagers on the island, including the Straw Hats, were all stunned.

Huge shock appeared in everyone's pupils.

Only Lu Fei grinned and grinned first, and said excitedly: "Wow, Brother Cheng Cheng, you are so amazing. I'm afraid Ace will be very surprised when he sees you."

At this moment, Cheng Cheng had fallen from the somersault cloud, he patted Lu Fei on the shoulder, and scolded with a smile: "Brat, have you forgotten that neither you nor Ace were my opponents when I was young, so Sabo can live with me?" It's just a trick."

"Hahaha, big brother is right." Luffy laughed and was very happy.

Sauron gripped the handle of the knife secretly.

Doesn't this guy use a sword?

What the hell was that just now?

And at that moment just now, his breath seemed to merge with the entire sea. How did this guy do it?

No, I have to surpass him.

Starting today, I'm going to double down on training myself.

Sanji bowed his head and kept smoking, trying to suppress the shock in his heart.

"Haha, brother Cheng Cheng, I really didn't misread you, I knew you were invincible!" Usopp looked up to the sky and laughed, no longer had the look of fear he had when he saw the navy.

Nami stared at Cheng Cheng with wide eyes, sizing him up carefully, as if she didn't really realize what kind of person Cheng Cheng was until this moment.

Only then did she really understand why Cheng Cheng didn't help Luffy during the decisive battle with Aaron.

Because of this person, he is sure to save Luffy under any circumstances.

Everything is under his control.

Then she glanced at Lu Fei who was giggling aside, and sighed, "Both of these brothers are perverts."

Nami looked at Cheng Cheng again and asked doubtfully, "What did you do before, you were also a pirate, right?"

Before Cheng Cheng could say anything, Lu Fei answered first: "My brother, he is in the Navy, and was taken to the Navy headquarters by my grandfather ten years ago."

Nami instantly felt that her world view was subverted.

At the same time, at the distant Navy Headquarters, an urgent call for help was received.

"This is the No.30 Second Branch of the Navy, and I am Colonel Curry."

"Navy number 00598."

"Now report an emergency to the headquarters. The Straw Hats and the gang are in great danger. They not only knocked down Aaron and the gang, but also destroyed three of our naval warships with one blow."

"I suggest that the headquarters immediately add a reward to the Straw Hats, regardless of life or death."

"Headquarters received!"


Chapter 17 Departure, Set Sail


Cocoa Village.

At this moment, the biggest carnival in the past eight years is here.

All the villagers walked out of their homes and directly set up banquets on the street, with sincere smiles on everyone's faces.

From time to time on the street, there are young children chasing and playing.

If it was before, the adults would definitely not be so relieved, but now and from now on, it has nothing to do with it, the children can play however they want.

Suddenly, two children picked up a black flag from nowhere, and they played with it wantonly in their hands, and the pattern printed on it was the pattern of the Dragon Pirates.

After seeing this scene, Mr. A Jian, who had quit drinking for many years, couldn't help but picked up another glass of wine and drank it down.

Sauron was sitting alone in the corner with his back against the wall, gulping down beer, and there was a barbeque in front of him. It was not too comfortable to sip the wine and eat the meat.

Sanji kept shuttling among various women, chatting up young and beautiful beauties, and wiggling his ass from time to time to show off his coquettishness.

Cheng Cheng is not interested in these things. After ten years, he and Lu Fei finally met.

It's just that the two brothers didn't speak, and kept stuffing food into their mouths. Cheng Cheng only ate meat, so when he was eating, he would take a look at what kind of food was on the table and what kind of meat was it.

But Luffy is different. When he eats, he just closes his eyes and stuffs it with his mouth wide open. Whether it's chicken legs, roast lamb legs, vegetables, fruits, pastries, he doesn't even look at them. He grabs them first. Say it in your own mouth.

"Where is the meat, where is the meat, serve quickly, there is not enough to eat." Luffy said vaguely with his mouth full.

Fortunately, the other villagers around could probably guess what Luffy meant, so they hurriedly called for people to continue serving the meat.

Cheng Cheng roughly glanced at the crowd, but didn't see Usopp.

Forget it, don't care about him, don't think about it, he must be bragging with a group of children. The content is probably how powerful Aaron and his gang are, and I am even more amazing. When Aaron and his gang met me, I can only blame them for being unlucky it is good.

As for Nami, Cheng Cheng thought it was time to say goodbye to her mother.

Drink until midnight, the stars are quiet, and the summer insects and cicadas sing.

The village is still brightly lit.

Many drunken villagers fell on their backs and fell asleep on the road.

Sanji came to Zoro to chat with Zoro because all the beauties he had hit on had gone home.

Cheng Cheng glanced at Luffy who had already eaten and slept, smiled helplessly, stood up holding the wine glass, and walked towards Sauron and the others.

"Zoro, Sanji, we have to get out of here as soon as possible." Cheng Cheng came over and said seriously.

After a little thought, Sauron understood Cheng Cheng's meaning, nodded and said, "Yes, as long as we stay here for a day, the navy will come again sooner or later, and only when we leave here, will Kokosia Village truly regain its peace."

Sanji slowly blew out a smoke ring: "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, you all have a good rest tonight." After Cheng Cheng finished speaking, he clinked glasses with Sauron, and both of them raised their heads to the sky and drank it down.

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