Timos moved his body and looked up at the sky. It was morning when he came out, but now it is afternoon.

The two of them should not have had lunch yet.

"You haven't had lunch yet, have you?"

"Eat, when you were sculpting just now, the two of us went to the opposite street to have lunch and packed it for you. I saw that you were immersed in it, so I didn't dare to interrupt, so I ate the lunch I packed for you. gone."

Lina smiled embarrassedly. She didn't do it on purpose. It was the middle-aged elf boss who said she couldn't interrupt Timos, so she ate the lunch packed for Timos.

Timos didn't know what to say. Lin Naxuan was good at it, and he knew that those who could eat were blessed.

"I'm not hungry, as long as you have eaten, let's go, and then I will show you around."


Winnie held Timothy's arm, followed Timothy and started wandering on the street.

Seeing Winnie holding the arm of God Moss, Lina hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to hold Timos' arm, one left and one right, sandwiching Timos in the middle.

There are too many places to visit in the Elven King's City, such as the Temple of the God Tree, the Goddess Park, the Treeman Guard, the Elven Library, and cafes with elves' characteristics.

Timos took Winnie and Linna to visit more than half of the attractions they could visit, and invited them to eat famous snacks, juices, and delicacies.

It wasn't until night fell that Linna and Winnie, whose stomachs were swollen, lost the mood to wander around and asked Timos if he would go back to the palace.

Timos smiled and shook his head, saying that he would not go back to the palace, and took them to enjoy the moon, a place closest to the goddess of the moon.

In Goddess Park, Timos turned back into a black dragon, caught Linna and Winnie in the dragon's claws, soared into the sky, and flew towards the moon.

Christine, who was in the palace, saw Timos who had turned back into a black dragon, and so did the magic ball.

The magic ball wanted to turn into the baby dragon Dora and catch up to see it. As soon as it turned into the baby dragon Dora, the dragon's tail was stepped on by Christine who turned back into a red dragon.

"Don't join in the fun, Black Dragon Emperor Moss doesn't want others to disturb him tonight."

Yuna, the elf queen who was about to take off, silently put away her wings. She also wanted to go to Timos, but after hearing what Christine said, she dismissed the idea.

Linna sat on the soft clouds, Violet's eyes were full of nervousness, for fear that the clouds under her would turn into white clouds and float away with the wind.

Winnie lay on the clouds, poking the clouds under her body with her hands. She never thought that the clouds in the sky can lie on people, sit on people, and even lie on them and enjoy the moon.

It's so strange to follow Father Long... You can see things that go against common sense.

The reason why Yun Duo under him can be a person and lie down has something to do with Father Long.

I don't know what method Father Long used to make Yun Duo look like this.

"Looking at the moon like this...the moon is really big and round...Dad Long...do you think the goddess of the moon really lives on the moon?"

Curious about the clouds for a moment, Winnie lay on the clouds with her chin in her hands, her legs crossed, looking at the big and round moon, wondering if the goddess of the moon really lived on the moon.

Father Long is well-informed, so he probably doesn't know if the Moon Goddess really lives on the moon.

Linna looked at Timos, who had become a black-haired youth again, and always felt that Timos was weird today, and the uneasiness that appeared in the morning appeared again now.

Today's dragon Dimos is not gentle like him.

This tenderness... made her uneasy.

Even the scene that should have been very poetic could not make the uneasiness in her heart disappear.

Timos, who was sitting cross-legged on the clouds, smiled and touched Winnie's head, turned to look at Linna, and said with a smile:

"Linna, do you still remember the first night when I brought you to Black Dragon Island. Because of some misunderstanding, I thought you were so scared that you couldn't sleep and told you a story?"

"Remember." Linna looked at Timos suspiciously, "Why did you bring this up?"

"Then do you remember what story I told you at that time?"

"The story of the dragon-slaying boy."

"I remember when you heard this story and said that you would become a powerful dragon slaying warrior in the future. At that time, I thought I had heard it wrong. Now, considering your identity, what you said at that time should be the truth."

"Is there? Why don't I remember that I said such a thing?" Lin Na's face showed a blank expression, and she didn't dare to admit that she had said such a thing.

Seeing Linna pretending to be stupid, Timos smiled. He looked away and admired the full moon hanging above the nine heavens.

When he first wanted Lina to be his daughter, he told Lina a story.

Tonight, he wants to sever the "father-daughter relationship" with Linna and Winnie, so he should tell them another story.

A story of Chang'e flying to the moon.

"Whether the Moon Goddess lives on the moon, I don't know. Because I have never seen the Moon Goddess, nor have I been to the land of the gods.

But I know a story about the Moon Goddess, if you want to hear it, I can tell it to you.Do you want to hear it? "

"If you want, I like listening to Long Daddy telling stories the most, no... Long Daddy doesn't seem to have told me stories on purpose, you told fat girl Linna, I was so envious at the time.

Hehe... I didn't expect that I could also hear Long Daddy telling me stories tonight. "

Timos didn't speak, but turned his head to look at Winnie, smiled at her, organized his words, and began to tell Linna and Winnie the story of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon".

"It is said that in the distant and desolate era, there were ten suns in the sky, which made the earth smoke, and all spirits in the world could not survive.

In such a dire environment, a hero named "Descendant" came into being. He was born with supernatural power and possessed the "Sun Shooting Artifact". "Shot down the nine suns in the sky.

There was only one sun left, and he said to the remaining sun, from now on, you must rise and set on time every day to benefit the common people.

Hou Yi had a wife named "Chang'e".They are a loving husband and wife, and their relationship is very good.After shooting the sun, many people worshiped Hou Yi as their teacher and learned martial arts from him.

Among them was a man named Pang Meng, who was treacherous and greedy, and he followed the crowd to worship Hou Yi's disciples.

Hou Yi has a magic medicine on his body.After taking this magic medicine, one can live forever and become a god.There is only one magic medicine, and if Hou Yi takes it, he has to go to the God Realm. He loves his wife very much and doesn't want to leave Chang'e, so he asks his wife Chang'e to hide the magic medicine in a treasure box.

Pang Meng knew about this, and he wanted to get Houyi's magic medicine and eat it to become a god.

On the morning of August [-]th, when Hou Yi wanted to take his disciples out, Pang Meng pretended to be sick and stayed behind.

At night, Pang Meng, holding a sword in his hand, broke into Hou Yi's house, threatened Chang'e, and asked Chang'e to hand over the magic medicine to him.

Chang'e refused, and Pang Meng saw that Chang'e refused to hand over the magic medicine to him, so he searched everywhere by himself.

Just when Pangmeng was about to find the treasure box, Chang'e stepped forward, took out the magic medicine, and swallowed it in one gulp.

After taking the magic medicine, Chang'e flew up. She flew out of the window, flew higher and higher, and flew towards the moon.

When the descendants came back, they didn't see Chang'e, so they lied to Houyi, saying that Chang'e stole his magic medicine, betrayed him, and became a god.

Later descendants don't believe in Pang Meng's words, but he believes in his wife. In order to find out the true meaning of the matter, descendants worked hard to practice, and he became stronger and stronger, until one day, he shot open the gate of the God Realm with an arrow, and was led to the God Realm. boundary.

It just so happened that the day when Hou Yi went to the God Realm was the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.Since then, this day has been called the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival for family reunion. "

There are several versions of the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, and Timos chose this less scheming version to tell Linna and Winnie.

In order to instill in the two cubs, Linna and Winnie, the idea that they can become gods through hard work, he changed the story slightly.

As for the ending...he didn't tell.

Let them both figure it out for themselves.

"Hey? Why didn't you tell me? What happened next? What about the story behind Father Dragon? What about the story after Hou Yi went to the God Realm? Why didn't you tell me?"

Winnie is in a hurry, why does Father Long only tell half of the story?

How about a finale?

"The story ends here. As for the rest of the story, you can think about it yourself."

"How can it be like this!" Winnie rolled around on the clouds, she was too uncomfortable.

Lina is also uncomfortable, and she also wants to know the follow-up of this story.

"Linna, Winnie..."

"Father Long is going to continue telling us stories?"

Linna looked at Timos suspiciously.

"Our father-daughter relationship...let's end here."

The cold light of the bright moon poured on Timos' handsome face, making him look a lot cooler.

Linna, Winnie and the others didn't realize it for a moment, they just stared blankly at Timos.

After a long time, Linna, who came back to her senses first, looked into Dimos's eyes, her lips trembling slightly. She wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't make a sound after opening her mouth several times.

I tried my best to adjust my emotions and rubbed my cheeks with my hands a few times, which made me feel better.

"What did you... just say? Did I hear it wrong? Or did you... say it wrong?"

"Yes, yes, Daddy Long, did you say something wrong? Aren't we doing well today? Why did you suddenly say "our father-daughter relationship ends here"?

You are willing to play with us today, it is clear that you forgive us, why did you suddenly say to sever the relationship between father and daughter?

I see...Dragon...Are you kidding us? "

Winnie bit her lip, her eyes were slightly red, she really wanted to hear Father Cheap Long say that he was joking.But thinking of some of Father Long's actions today, she panicked and frightened.

I'm afraid that Daddy Long really wants to sever the father-daughter relationship with them.

"You heard me right, and I didn't joke with you. I am serious about cutting off the father-daughter relationship with you."

Timos looked at Lina and Winnie, and expressed his meaning again seriously. He smiled and put his right hand on Linna's head and his left hand on Winnie's.

"I know what you are thinking, you are thinking, am I still angry with you, angry with you for deceiving me. No, I am not angry with you anymore, this time I decided to sever the father-daughter relationship with you, It's because... I found that I am not suitable to continue to be your dragon father.

You are humans and I am a dragon.You have your own biological parents, and I should have my own biological cubs in the near future.

Maybe you will say that these do not affect our "father-daughter" relationship.

Indeed, in the short term, it does not affect our "father-daughter" relationship.But as we spend more time together, our relationship becomes more complicated.

Another point is that you are human beings with short lifespans.I am a dragon, take a nap, and start a hundred years.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day in the future I'll doze off and wake up...you two won't be there.

I am afraid that I have worked so hard to raise you for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, and in the end I will watch you die before my eyes.

I don't want to experience this kind of pain, and I don't want to watch you all die of old age in front of me. I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it.

Therefore, I want to sever the "father-daughter relationship" with you, and I want to sever the "father-daughter relationship" with you, not because I hate you, not because I am angry with you, but because I am afraid that you will die before me. "

Timos didn't choose to use a blunt method to sever his father-daughter relationship with Linna and Winnie, but chose to use this gentle method to clarify and bring their father-daughter relationship to an end.

There was another worry he didn't voice.

Worried that after spending too much time together, the filial piety of these two cubs will deteriorate.

He raised them as his daughters, so he hoped that these two cubs would treat him as "Dragon Father" sincerely.

Chapter 4 Lifespan Theory? Don’t be afraid, I can still be your daughter if I become a ghost [-]K

If they continue to get along, if one day, their filial piety really deteriorates, what will he, the father of the dragon, do then?

At that time, they are not children, they are adults, he, the father of the dragon, can't beat them like a child, can he?

This kind of hidden worry can't be said out loud, if she said it out, with Winnie's jumpy temper, maybe she just said to him [Dragon Dragon, are you worried that your feelings for us will deteriorate? 】

Based on what she knew about Winnie, it was very likely that she would say such a thing.

I hope that the theory of longevity can make Linna and Winnie understand the difficulties of his father.

Timos looked at Linna quietly. As time passed, something went wrong, and Linna seemed less panicked than before.

Hearing his words, he was relieved instead.

What is this reaction?

Timos felt that something was wrong with Linna.

It stands to reason that Linna should be sad at this time, even if she is not sad, at least she should be angry and angry.

What the hell is a sigh of relief?

Winnie's reaction was quite normal, her eyes were slightly red, and she looked sad and about to cry.

"I'm afraid we will die in front of you, so...you want to use the knife of "life theory"...to cut off our relationship with you? "


"Yes, you can understand it that way."

"You mean you'll keep us if we live long?"

"If you think too much, I will raise you until you are adults at most."

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