"I don't know if there is a second black dragon, but I know that there is a red dragon that likes to put my name on it, paint itself as a black dragon, and mess around in the human world."

The red dragon Christine raised his eyelids, his fiery red vertical pupils showed a look of astonishment, what else is there?

The red dragon is treacherous, cunning and cautious. If there really is such a red dragon on the Gods and Demons Continent, then Dimos's scapegoat is really big enough.

"you recognize?"

"Bi I broke out of the shell after playing for a few days. When we were young, we were good friends. When we grew up, we became rivals because of our different ideas."

"What's the name of that red dragon?"


The red dragon Christine stared at Timos for a moment, nodded, waved the dragon's claws, and started to chase the dragon: "It's all right, let's go."

Timos nodded, turned around and left with Linna, he was going back to Dragon Island to activate the altar and summon the abyssal monsters.

Let's sell Douglas's crystal coffin first.As for the matter of Shenting's holy mausoleum being dug up by him, Shenting will talk to him when he finds him. If he doesn't look for him, he won't come by himself.

Even Christine knew about this, and it didn't take long before someone from Shenting would come to investigate him, or ask him to take a trip to Shenshan.

After watching Timos leave, the red dragon Christine looked at the little wish stick and the big wish stick beside him with fiery red vertical pupils:

"Although I don't know what Timos rented you to do, but just in case, I'll destroy you."

Christine's dragon claws landed on these two props.

The next moment, a fiery red source of starlight flashed, and the little wishing stick and the big wishing stick turned into flying ash and disappeared.

These two insignificant source power props may be of great value to Di Moss, but they are dispensable to Long Dao.

Black Dragon Island, at night.

In the dragon's lair, Timos took out the altar that could summon the mid-level abyssal monsters from the space ring, and prepared to summon the abyssal monsters.

Chapter 56 Why Are They All Female Monsters?

The altar, which was the size of a millstone, was surrounded by scarlet demonic energy. Dimos took a few glances and placed the altar on the straw bed.

Standing by the side, Linna looked at the altar on the grass in fear and summoned an abyss monster. This was the first time she had seen her at such a young age. She was afraid that the monster Timos summoned from the abyss would be stronger than his dragon. Still strong.

At that time, both she and the evil dragon may be demonized by the evil and powerful abyssal monsters.

"Timos...are you no longer ready to prepare? What if...I mean what if...if you accidentally summon a powerful monster from the abyss, it will be very dangerous."

"The median abyssal monster has no ability to harm me yet." Dimos casually replied to Linna, took out the "Illustrated Book of Abyssal Monsters", and looked through it on the ground. If you want to summon an abyssal monster, you must first Get to know the monsters of the abyss.

Opening the first page of "Abyss Monster Illustrated Book", a female monster with bright colors, hot body, seductive and evil looks, and scantily dressed came into the eyes of Timos and Linna.

When Linna saw the outfit of the female monster in the book, she let out a cry of surprise, and her face instantly turned red. On the first page, the key parts of the female monster's upper body were simply covered with a small black leather triangle.

Her lower body was a pair of black leather shorts that reached her thighs. This female monster had seductive eyes, and she put the whip in her hand to her mouth, sticking out her scarlet tongue, like licking the whip.

Behind her is a long, thin tail with a black heart-shaped thing at the end, and her long, thin tail is wrapped around her calf.

There are two black and red horns on the head.

There is a line of words written beside the page, which is Long Wen: [Abyssal monster--devil!Delicious souls, good at seducing, bewitching, making deals with human beings, and playing with human emotions. They are evil and powerful. They are one of the strongest races in the abyss. They are the mortal enemies of angels. They once tempted holy angels to fall!

Evaluation: Extremely dangerous. Even if we are giant dragons, we must always be vigilant when facing demons. Even mid-level demons cannot be underestimated.

The way to deal with it: when encountering demons, slap them on the mouth first, and don't give them a chance to speak. 】

Linna studied Long Wen with Timos for a few nights, and she could barely understand some of the words above. Intermittently, she could recognize "angel", "demon", "seduction" and "seduction".

Then combined with the image of this female monster in the book, Linna can probably guess that this abyssal monster is a demon.

A terrifying abyssal monster that likes to devour human souls and make people degenerate.

"This is a demon. The way to deal with demons is to hit their mouths first. Don't give the demons a chance to speak. Remember."

Timos told Linna how to deal with the demons of the abyss. After thinking for a while, he said, "You can just run away from powerful demons. After all, demons are as famous as angels, and it's normal that some dragons can't defeat demons. "

"I hope that I will never encounter such an abyssal monster in my life." Linna prayed devoutly.

As the princess of the empire, she doesn't want to see any monsters from the abyss.

Timos continued to flip through, and the picture on the second page was still a female monster. This female monster had a graceful figure and was wearing a tattered black long skirt. She tried to cover the long skirt full of holes with both hands. Soft, with a delicate demeanor, giving people an impulse to protect her and care for her.

Her ears are pointed, her pupils are blood red, and she has a long and thin tail behind her.But there is no heart at the end of her tail, and there are two horns on her head, small and short, hidden in her hair.

[Abyssal monsters - succubi, are born with a temperament that can attract any intelligent creature to protect and care for them. They can switch between "Holy" and "Astringent | Desire", whatever you want.They have both, and they are great companions in your bed.

It is also a gentle town where the soul is ecstasy, the bones are eroded, and you can no longer ignite your fighting spirit.

Even if it is a giant dragon, the succubus can make you feel a different kind of happiness, falling willingly in her arms.

The way to deal with it: keep your dragon appearance, don't be fooled by the succubus' charm technique, you will be invincible. (Note: The succubus is really a good companion in bed, you can give it a try if you are bold and self-disciplined.)]

When Timos saw the note in the small print at the end, he was a little curious about who wrote this Abyssal Monster Manual.

"Is this a succubus?"

"Well, succubus."

"I think I can fight three such abyssal monsters!"


Timos didn't comment on Linna's words, and he didn't know if he could hit three.But he knew that the young crystal dragon was timid, and if it was a little bit more fierce, a stronger monster would probably be able to scare the young dragon to tears.

Timos continued to read, the third page was still a female monster. This female monster had a human upper body and black and red tentacles dancing around.

[Abyssal monsters - eight-legged female demons, they like to let intelligent creatures lick their slender and tender eight-tentacled long legs. When they are happy, they will invite you to eat their slender long legs and eat their long legs. legs, and you become their slave.

The long legs of eight-legged witches can regenerate quickly, so they like to invite people to eat their long legs.

How to deal with it: If you are a giant dragon, if you meet an eight-legged female demon and invite you to eat their long legs, I suggest you skewer them and roast them.

(Note: If you eat their legs, you will become a slave. If you swallow them, they are your rations. If you have a stronger taste, you can try to develop them into bed partners.)]

When Timos saw the last line, he was a little speechless. Who wrote this Abyssal Monster Manual?

How do you even know the weaknesses of the abyssal monsters?

But none of these female monsters were the vampires he was looking for.

He continued to flip through, this time he didn't read the notes carefully, and turned the pages with a cursory glance.

Flipping through it, he found a problem. The monsters in this abyss illustrated book are all female monsters, and their clothes are somewhat revealing.

All kinds of grotesque female monsters in the illustrated book opened Timos' eyes. Where are the vampires?

When he turned to page No.18, Timos finally saw the vampire he was thinking of.

Two gleaming tiger teeth (fangs), a face so white that there is no trace of blood, scarlet pupils, and a pair of small bat wings behind.

Unlike the female monsters in revealing clothes in front, the vampire here is wearing a pure black long skirt, standing on a pitch-black coffin with a cold expression.

[Abyssal monsters—bloods (vampires), ancestor-level vampires can easily suck the blood of a giant dragon, and can also embrace a male adult dragon as her daughter through the first embrace ceremony. 】

Chapter 57 A Black Donkey’s Hoof as a Sacrifice? I Will Swallow Your Soul

Embrace an adult male dragon as a daughter through a first embrace ceremony?

Di Moss was a little frightened, does the ancestor-level vampire still have this ability?

After that, he had to be a little more careful when encountering ancestor-level vampires. He didn't want to be embraced by a vampire and become a vampire dragon.

I don't know if the ancestor of the vampire can bite through his dragon scales.

Withdrawing his scattered thoughts, Timos continued to read the introduction to the abyssal monster vampire in the illustrated book.

[The higher the rank of the blood family member, the stronger the strength, the prince, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron, and the baron blood family are the weakest.

But even the weakest baron vampire, once someone is bitten by him, will be assimilated into vampire.

The way to deal with it: We dragons can completely ignore blood clans with lower titles.

Because we can kill them easily, the sword made of silver can kill the vampires, and the holy source of light can also turn the vampires into ashes. 】

What about the method of sacrifice summoning?

Why is there no method of sacrifice summoning?

Dimos was dumbfounded. Why is there no method of sacrifice and summoning written in the Abyssal Monster Manual?

Just introducing the abyss monster, what use is it to him?

He is not interested in other abyssal monsters?

Timos flipped through a few pages indiscriminately, even turning the last page, but he didn't see the method of sacrifice summoning.

How could he summon vampires without the method of sacrifice summoning?

Dimos closed the Abyss Monster Illustrated Book, a little depressed, the blue dragon Richard sold him an Abyss Monster Love Book!

"Timos, why didn't you read it?"

"The Abyssal Monster Illustrated Book is an introduction to the abyssal monsters. It doesn't say how to make sacrifices and summons, nor does it say what sacrifices are needed when summoning vampires or making sacrifices."

"Didn't write?" Linna was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up a little bit. Didn't write. Does that mean that the dragon can't summon the abyss monster tonight?

It's good news.

"Ah, Timos, so you can't summon vampires anymore?"

"let me try."

Timos put the abyss illustrated book aside, glanced at the incantation on the stone tablet in the center of the altar, read the above incantation in the lingua franca of the human world, slowly spit out the strange notes from his dragon's mouth, and placed it on the grass The altar on the bed glowed with black and red light, and it slowly left the ground and spun in the air.

When the last note fell, the altar, which was glowing with black and red light, suddenly became larger, and then spun and landed on the grass bed.

The altar, which was originally the size of a millstone, became much larger after activation, half the size of Linna's dragon body.

The scarlet demonic energy was stronger than before, and the floor around the altar was lit up with black and red light, which was scary to watch.

"This is what the altar looks like after it's activated? It does look a bit evil."

Dimos got up, squatted in front of the altar, observed the enlarged altar, and found that there was a stone table for tribute in the center of the altar.

Linna on the side was also observing, and she also saw the stone table in the center, where the sacrifices should be placed.

"Timos, what sacrifices are you going to put to summon the abyssal monster? Can you be sure that the summoned one must be a vampire?"

"I can't be sure, there is no way to summon vampires, and I can't guarantee what kind of abyss monsters I will summon, but it's okay, try a few more times, you can always summon vampires, it doesn't matter if you can't, let the summon The monster that came up went back to find a vampire, and let that vampire respond to my call.

Now the question is, what should I sacrifice?

use my soul?I'm afraid it won't work. Seeing that the sacrifice is the soul of a black dragon, the abyss monster probably doesn't even have the courage to answer my call.

With black donkey hooves?Black dog blood?Zongzi?Ink fountain?Candle?Or use apples?banana?Forget it, let's see what's in the space ring. "

Timos opened the space ring and got out some ancient items from the space ring.

A black shield, a rusty long sword, a bloody banner, a scorched tree, two walnut-like things, and some messy things.

Seeing these messy things, Linna finally understood how poor this evil dragon is. The treasures in the evil dragon's space ring may not be picked up even if they are thrown on the street.

Just one or two things seem to be more valuable.

One is slightly curved fangs, and the other is a string of crystal clear beads like white jade.

"I'll use the black donkey's hoof as a sacrifice first, to see if any monsters from the abyss respond to my call."

Timos put a black donkey's hoof on the altar, and began to chant praises for the monsters of the abyss. Being able to have abyssal monsters respond to his call, when he recited, he also made his tone more emotional.

Linna, who was on the side, was stunned to see Timos chanting words of praise that she couldn't bear with a blank expression.

How does the evil dragon manage to be expressionless, but can make his tone full of various emotions?

She heard various emotions such as humbleness, piety, and yearning for the abyss.


A bright thick black-red beam of light suddenly lit up in the center of the altar. Seeing this scene, Linna hurriedly moved closer to Timos. Her eyes penetrated the beam of light, and she seemed to see a crack in the space in the middle of the beam. There was even a faint voice heard.

Timos also heard it, and he was a little excited. The black donkey's hoof can be used as a sacrifice to summon abyssal monsters, which is very cost-effective.

"Oh, I smell a delicious soul...humble human beings...are you offering sacrifices to the stalwart, powerful Barton, who dominates the darkness?

Your sacrifice...my...what is this?It's black and hairy... lowly human beings... are you insulting the stalwart, powerful Lord Barton who rules the darkness?

As punishment...I will swallow your soul...I..."

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