
Yukiko curled her lips and wanted to sneer and say that was very good, but when her words came to her lips, she still said it was a light sentence.

Within a few words, the atmosphere between the two of them, who had been good old friends, suddenly turned into silence and slight embarrassment.

Serabel had almost seen it, and just when he was about to turn around and ring the doorbell, he just turned around and looked through the gap between the iron gate fences to see the central avenue from the front garden on the inside leading directly to the main entrance of the mansion, facing this way. Come.

It was a white-haired old man in a neat suit. He seemed to have noticed the movement at the door here, and he quickened his pace slightly and rushed over to ask.

"Excuse me, who are you..."

"Hello, my name is Kudo Yukiko, and his name is Serabel. We were entrusted by Mr. Fujieda Shigeru to replace Kudo Yusaku to investigate the death threats against Mr. Fujieda Mikio." Yukiko explained with a smile.

"My name is Fei Eri, and I am the legal advisor of the Mori Detective Agency." Fei Eri followed up and said, "The purpose of my visit is the same as Yukiko's. Although I don't know the name, the person who entrusted me is the wife of Mikio Fujieda."

"I see, I'm sorry for being disrespectful."

As soon as he heard that he was an invited guest, the old man immediately took out a controller from his body and pressed the door-opening button. The door slowly opened to both sides amid a sound of rolling iron wheels.

"I am Sohachi Ueki, the housekeeper of this mansion, please come in...ahem!"

Before he finished speaking, the old housekeeper glanced to the side, covered his mouth with his fist and coughed a few times.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Xiaolan asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay." The old housekeeper smiled and waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, "I'm out of breath, it's an old problem."

(The animated translation is asthma, but I guess it should mean asthma?)

After briefly explaining their purpose, the four of them entered the front yard of the mansion.

Walking among the flowers, the feeling of being surrounded by flowers becomes clearer and more shocking.

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh: "What a beautiful garden, and it's so neatly arranged."

"Haha, yes." The old housekeeper who was leading the way smiled and said, "The eldest lady's favorite thing during her lifetime was these flowers and plants, so even after she leaves, we will always take care of them as before."

"Is that so..."

Xiaolan smiled, but this time there was a hint of sadness in her smile, but it was quickly covered up by the movement of turning her head to the other side.

At this time, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a gardener squatting beside the flower bed in the distance, lowering his head and pruning patiently and seriously. She raised her voice and raised her arms to wave.

"These flowers are beautifully trimmed!"


However, there was no response. Hearing the loud praise from behind, the gardener who was patiently pruning the flowers and plants just looked back and then turned around again to continue pruning.

Xiaolan put down her hands a little sarcastically.

On the contrary, the old butler Ueki Sohachi shook his head.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Like me, he is also a worker of the Fujieda family, called Soil Fertilizer. He and I used to accompany my wife to clean up the garden, but since the current master married into the Fujieda family, he has become taciturn. Recently, he has become even more taciturn. In this way, even if I talk to him, he will hardly respond."?

Chapter 73: Do you have no desire to live at all? (This seems to be the ninth update)

It can be seen that the eldest lady of the Fujieda family was indeed loved by her servants during her lifetime. The old housekeeper, who was only a few dozen meters away, had already introduced no less than five of the eldest lady's favorite flowers.

Serabel was not interested in such things, but Yukiko's concubine Eri Xiaoran and others listened with great interest.

After walking through the sea of ​​flowers, we arrived at the door of the mansion. When the housekeeper was about to open the door, someone opened the door from the inside.

Walking out of it was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties. Although he was nearly fifty, he seemed to be well-kept. His face had clear contours and regular features, and his voice sounded very gentle.

He obviously just came out of the house by chance. He couldn't help but be startled when he saw the old housekeeper leading Serabel and others. He was about to ask something when he saw Yukiko walking next to him, and the doubts on his face were instantly wiped away. , and then came forward with some joy.

"Hello, hello, I remember you belong to Mr. Kudo..."

"Kudo Yukiko desu~" Yukiko continued with a smile on her face.

Serabel followed and glanced at the man coming out of the door, already making a decision in her mind.

Since Yukiko's identity can be recognized at a glance, the man in front of her is obviously Fujieda Shigeru who sent the commission letter.

Fujieda Shigeru glanced over and asked curiously: "Where's Mr. Kudo, why don't you seem to see anyone else?"

"Ah, he is still in the United States." Yukiko raised her index finger and said with a smile, "For some reasons, he can't come here for the time being, so I came here for him."

Especially when it was mentioned that Kudo Yusaku could not come, she seemed to smile particularly happily.

Then Yukiko came up behind Serabel, put her hands on the latter's shoulders, and put her chin over her shoulders to the front.

"Then this is my brother, Serabel."

"Brother?" Fujieda Shigeru was a little surprised, "I don't think I heard Mr. Kudo say that he has a brother-in-law..."

"I just recognized you!" Yukiko raised her little nose proudly.

"Oh oh..."

Since everyone had said that, Fujieda Shigeru naturally didn't hesitate to ask more questions. He just turned his attention to Xiaolan and Fei Yingli on the other side.

"Then these two must also be..."

"Master Fujieda Shigeru misunderstood. They were invited by the young lady for the same thing." The old housekeeper coughed lightly and said.

"Oh, it turns out it was Miss Suhua who invited me." Fujieda Shigeru understood immediately.

It's a bit strange to say that it stands to reason that an outsider like Fujieda Mikio invaded his home by marrying into his wife. He failed to take good care of his sister and let her die of illness. He also married a second wife not long after her sister died. This way No matter how tolerant and generous a person is, they will feel a little uncomfortable.

But when Shigeru Fujieda mentioned his brother-in-law's second marriage, there was no hint of displeasure in his tone, nor was there any resentment on his face. He was simply stating a fact very calmly.

Is it so Buddhist?

Fujieda Shigeru turned to the old housekeeper and nodded: "Then I will go get the threatening letter now. Miss Kudo and the others will trouble you, Mr. Ueki."

"I see."

Ueki Sohachi responded.


The perspective changed and came to the mansion.

Shigeru Fujieda had already gone upstairs to get the threatening letter, while Serabel and others were brought to the living room by the housekeeper Ueki Sohachi, where they met the person entrusted to help solve the problem-Fujieda Mikio.

"Oh~ So it's you, the agents of the idiot detective who took over the commission to investigate that silly prank that claimed my life."

The person who started talking nonsense when they met was a rather fat middle-aged man with rosacea. Perhaps it was because of excessive drinking and debauchery. Although his actual age was only a few years older than Shigeru Fujieda, judging from their appearance, the two looked like father and son. Generally, the crow's feet at the corners of the eyes are still clearly visible even when not smiling, the hair and beard dyed brown are slightly gray at the roots, and the swollen face still cannot hide the gloomy air from the inside out.

Being ridiculed like this when they met, even though Fei Yingli had been in the workplace for more than ten years, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Well, we are indeed here to investigate this matter..."

Xiaolan next to her even put on a face of disgust without concealing it.

However, in comparison, Serabel did not have such good self-cultivation and responded directly.

"Although it was just a silly prank, it seems like you don't care so much."

"What do you mean?" Mikio Fujieda suppressed his sarcastic smile and frowned.

"Can't you understand what I mean?"

Serabel pointed to the northwest and southeast corners of the living room.

"These two cameras are obviously newly installed recently. When I was walking outside just now, I saw many street lights with cameras installed on them. They were also equipped with night vision and high-definition functions. They must have cost a lot of money, right? "

"...Hmph, that's not because they insist on adding additional equipment, saying that safety comes first and caution comes first."

Fujieda Mikio continued to speak harshly with disdain.

As if he felt that there was no need to continue explaining, he snorted heavily and turned to leave, leaving only one sentence before leaving.

"Then you should investigate carefully. Tsk, you actually spent 1000 million on such a thing."

I hope your dick is half as hard as your mouth...

Serabel wanted to complain like this, but after thinking about it for a while and looking at the three women next to her, she decided to forget it.

At this moment, a young woman's pretentiously apologetic voice suddenly came from the stairs leading to the second floor from the living room of the mansion.

"Todoroki Niguo Mikisai~ Mikio seems to be in a bad mood today."

? ?

A little surprised by the strong smell of tea in this sentence, Serabel followed it up.

What I saw coming down the stairs was a young woman who looked quite pretty. She seemed to be in her early 20s with a slim figure. The deep purple V on her chest was very eye-catching.

She ran down and came to the four people with brisk steps.

Fei Yingli was also a little surprised: "Are you his...daughter?"

"Oh, that's disgusting~" the tea-flavored woman twisted her body and laughed sweetly, "I am Mikio's wife Soka Fujieda. Although she is a little younger, I think age doesn't matter as long as there is love."

"No, no, no, this is already a crime..."

Yukiko lowered her voice and complained in Serabel's ear.

At the same time, someone came down the stairs again.

It was Fujieda Shigeru who had gone upstairs to get the threatening letter. At this time, he had a transparent evidence bag in his hand with something in it.

"That's what was in the threat letter."

"Let me see..."

Serabel reached out and took it and glanced at it.

There are not many items in the evidence bag, there are three items in total.

Two of them were two pieces of paper, one said "Watch your back" and the other said "I will send you to the west".

and the third was a spent pistol bullet.

"Huh? I put this in the study before." Fujieda Soka came over and said.

"Are these the only things in the threat letter?"

Serabel flipped it back and forth, making sure there was nothing else written on the back of the piece of paper before taking out her phone.

"If it's a threatening letter, it's better to call the police, because there may be fingerprints on it, and it would be more convenient to use police equipment..."

"Ah, I'm afraid this won't work."

Mentioning this, Fujieda Soka's pretty face looked slightly embarrassed.

"Because Mikio was very angry when he received this threatening letter before. He mocked it in front of everyone and then showed it to everyone in turn, so everyone's fingerprints are probably on it."


Serabel thought to herself that after receiving the threatening letter, she not only did not call the police but also let others touch the evidence casually.

Do you have no desire to live at all? ?

Chapter 74: Elegance, then show off (Tenth update)

Considering that it was okay for such a large group of people to be in the living room all the time, Butler Ueki quickly brought Serabell and others, plus Shigeru Fujieda and Soka Fujieda, to the study on the second floor.

Soft light shines from overhead. Six people stand around a large solid wood desk. The threatening letters and bullets that were taken earlier are sealed in evidence bags and placed in the center of the table.

Surrounding the walls are huge bookcases that reach the ceiling. They are filled with books covering various fields. The elegant fragrance of ink fills the air.

Although it is said that the three stooges beat Zhuge Liang violently, professional things must be done by professional people.

Among the six people present, except Serabel, the trainee detective, the others were a lawyer, a former actor, a high school student, Shigeru Fujieda, who he said was writing mystery novels, and Soka Fujieda, a reliable person. A beautiful young wife who has successfully risen to the top.

The housekeeper Sohachi Ueki had other things to do, so he left temporarily after taking the six people to the study.

Considering that if he had to wait for the other six people to speak first, he might not be able to wait a whole day for a decent conclusion, Serabel decisively stepped forward and took over the hosting job.

"By the way, when was this threatening letter sent?"


Fujieda Soka spread her hands in a bit of embarrassment.

"If I have to say, it's the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday. They appeared in three days, and the place they appeared was very strange."

"How to say?"

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