Su Chen woke up from his sleep and everything continued as usual.

"Why are you here?"

When Su Chen walked out of the bedroom, he saw Lin Miaomiao changed into sportswear and looked at Su Chen with a tired face.

"I...I'm going to run with you."

"I want to exercise..."

Seeing her face full of sleepiness, Su Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "Are you serious?"

Lin Miaomiao's head suddenly sank.

"of course."

Now she is risking her life to accompany the gentleman.

no way.

Who made her agree to Deng Xiaoqi?

Su Chen didn't refuse and led her downstairs.

Huang Zhitao was obviously stunned when he saw Lin Miaomiao.

Su Chen explained the reason.

Then he said to Lin Miaomiao: "You can follow her for as long as you can."

Lin Miaomiao also woke up at this moment.

Nod seriously.

Isn’t it just running? Who is afraid of whom?

After half an hour.

"Brother, run away, I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it anymore." Lin Miaomiao covered her stomach and squatted there not wanting to move.

Su Chen told her the stretching position and where to meet later.

Lin Miaomiao gestured OK.

Watching the backs of the two leaving.

Lin Miaomiao complained: "Xiao Qi, I really gave up half my life for you. You really need to thank me."

Lin Miaomiao walked forward with her tired body.

Wait for her to arrive.

Su Chen and Huang Zhitao also finished running.

"You are too slow."

"I am a normal person, okay?"

Lin Miaomiao wanted to sit on the floor, but Su Chen pinched her arm from behind: "Don't sit down, go ahead and stretch for a while, otherwise your muscles will hurt tomorrow."

"If you don't stretch, it will hurt tomorrow. If you do it, it will hurt today."

"Just let me feel pain tomorrow."

"I gave up~".

090: Qiao Yingzi: Aren’t you two stupid?

Su Chen carried Lin Miaomiao home on his back.

Put her on the couch.

He took her arm and shook it.

"Miaomiao, I'll take a shower first, and then you can take a shower."


After saying that, she stopped talking as if it had automatically shut down due to low battery.

Su Chen no longer cared about her.

I took a shower and changed into my school uniform.

When she came out, Lin Miaomiao had just gotten up from the sofa.

"Hurry up and wash up. Today is the first official day of school. Don't you plan to be late?"

"If your mother finds out, you'll be doomed."

When Wang Shengnan was mentioned, Su Chen immediately got up and ran to the bathroom as if Lin Miaomiao had been injected with chicken blood.

Within a few seconds, I heard the sound of water.

"If I had known it would be so useful, I would have told you so."

Less than 10 minutes.

Lin Miaomiao put on her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, striding to Su Chen's side.

Probing your head.

"What's for breakfast this morning?"

It has become her habit to watch Su Chen cook every day.

after all.

She eats something different every day, which makes her very happy.

Su Chen turned around and looked at her.

T-shirt and shorts clinging to the body.

You can also get a glimpse of the scenery from his perspective.

Su Chen patted her:

"Can you put on your school uniform first and then come here? Does it look good?"

"It doesn't look good, but you still look at it."

Su Chen was ready to fight.

Lin Miaomiao turned around and ran away.

When she reached the bedroom door, she didn't forget to turn around and make a face at him.

Wait for her to come out again.

Seeing that Su Chen had prepared the pot.

The two left 402.

A system prompt appeared on Su Chen'er's side.

Number of times you were kicked out of your home +1 (4/5)

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

what's the situation?

How did the rejected person get triggered?

Su Chen touched his pocket and turned to look at Lin Miaomiao: "Have you got the key?"

"Ah? Let me take a look." Lin Miaomiao shook her head and her expression stiffened: "I don't think I have it."

Su Chen: "..."

Does accidentally shutting yourself out count as being shut out?

Think about it this way.

It seems to be true.

Su Chen took a deep breath and glanced at Lin Miaomiao, and she ducked back.

"Why are you so scared? I won't hit you." Su Chen rolled his eyes.

Seeing that he really had no intention of taking action, Lin Miaomiao came over and said, "Then how do we go back?"

Su Chen glanced at his wrist.

"Let's talk about it when we come back tonight."

Knock on the door of 403.

Su Chen saw Qiao Yingzi put on the long pants school uniform again.

Shake his head.


"Don't you think it would look better if you pulled back your hair like Sister Song?"

"and many more!"

Su Chen glanced to the side and saw Song Qian wearing the clothes Su Chen gave her.

White T-shirt and shorts.

A pair of white and tender long legs leaked out, looking very dazzling.

"Wow! Teacher Song, what you are wearing is too..."

Lin Miaomiao ran in and stood beside her, looking her up and down: "It's so alluring, she looks like the heroine in a TV series."

"But your figure is definitely better than those heroines, and your skin is better."

Qiao Yingzi was also very happy when she heard someone praise her mother.

An arm was put on Lin Miaomiao's shoulder.

"Haha, right? I thought the same thing as you when I first saw my mother dressed like this."

"What do you think, Su Chen?"

"It's really nice."

Su Chen thought Song Qian was very attractive dressed like this before, but now she saw it.

That's very tempting.

Song Qian's face turned red when she heard Su Chen's compliment.

This is Tong Wenjie's plan.

Change the way you dress.

Let the other person's eyes light up.

Song Qian's clothes were very old-fashioned, and there was basically nothing that could make people's eyes shine. After flipping through them, she finally saw the outfit Su Chen gave her at that time.

Although I have worn it once before.

But the effect was still explosive, which made Song Qian very happy.

Song Qian dressed like this and served each of them a bowl of soup.

I don't know if it was intentional or not.

Suchen's eyes kept eating ice cream.

This made his nose itchy.

I had never felt this way after being flirted with by Deng Xiaoqi so many times, but this was the second time in front of Song Qian.

Really can't understand.

"Hurry up and eat. Today is your first day of school. I don't want to hear your teacher Li call me. Do you understand?"

After a short period of warmth.

Song Qian turned on parent mode again.

Qiao Yingzi and Lin Miaomiao lowered their heads and did not dare to talk, while Su Chen looked up.

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