He stood up and watched behind her.

"What are you writing?"

"This is a difficult problem. Teacher Li requested that students put a question on the blackboard every day for students to go back and do it. This is a tradition that has been passed down in our class and is helpful for learning."

Lin Miaomiao walked over from the side, eating something in her mouth and said: "When it comes to the learning atmosphere, the spring breeze is the strongest in the Imperial Capital. If we want to talk about the learning atmosphere in the spring breeze, it must be our third class. You have to learn to get used to it."

Su Chen took a look.

This is a math problem.

Judging from his current thinking.

very simple.

If you just write it out, the steps will be very complicated.

Wait until Qiao Yingzi finishes writing.

He stood up and let out a breath.

Su Chen was holding chalk beside him.

"Can we do it now?"

"Of course!~" Qiao Yingzi smiled and said: "But I suggest you don't do it now and give the people behind you a chance. After all, it's only the first day today. Brother, if you write this, what will the people behind you do?"

Qiao Yingzi knew Su Chen's strength.

This question definitely didn't stump him.

She even said that this question was difficult even for herself, but she had been preparing for these questions for a long time.

I'm too lazy to change it.

Otherwise it will definitely be more difficult than this.

As a result, her meaning was misunderstood by the people behind her.

"This question is a relatively difficult question. If you don't know how to do it, don't be embarrassed here."

"The people in No. [-] Middle School are so awesome. They can think of the answer just by looking at them."

"How else would I be able to get into our Chunfeng Middle School?"


Just like the self-introduction on the first day, many people behind him jeered.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qiao Yingzi and Lin Miaomiao couldn't stand listening anymore, turned around and shouted: "If you know how, do it yourself, don't keep chirping from behind."

Qiao Yingzi's words are still very shocking.

After all, she was always in the top three in her grade. They didn't dare to say anything, but Lin Miaomiao really surprised them.

How dare Lin Miaomiao, a dragster in this class, be so arrogant.

Of course they don't know.

After studying with Su Chen for half a month, Lin Miaomiao is very confident in her current results.

Confidence naturally brings confidence.

This was all given by Su Chen. Of course she didn't want Su Chen's reputation to be insulted.

At this moment, she wished she could transform into a Tibetan mastiff and bite them.

Before she could transform.

A hand held her head.

"Don't get excited, there is no need to waste time with them."

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Today is the class placement test. I can't tell how many of his classmates standing here are.

And the strong wield their swords against the stronger.

The weak will wield their swords against the weaker ones, and competing with them will only lower their own worth.

Lin Miaomiao nodded obediently.

Su Chen focused his attention on the blackboard again.

Just when he was about to start writing, a boy suddenly walked in from the back door of the classroom.

Without further ado.

Stand in front of the blackboard.

He looked at the blackboard with his eyes, as if he was isolated from the outside world.

Others were also made speechless by his operation.

look at him quietly.

Qiao Yingzi's face was full of doubts. She moved to Su Chen's side in small steps, pulled his arm, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know this guy~?"

"Brother Yingzi, are you stupid?" Su Chen rolled his eyes: "I just started school today, and you don't even know me, how can I know you?"

That being said.

But Su Chen did recognize who he was the first time he looked at him.

Tall and thin, wearing glasses.


He looks like his IQ is higher than his EQ.

Isn't this Fang Yifan's panda cousin, Lin Lei'er?

Although people came out.

But Su Chen's expression was very strange.

no way.

I read too many novels in my last life, and when I saw Lin Lei'er later, I always felt there was something weird there.

"But this is the world of film and television, and he is just an ordinary person."

Su Chen comforted himself.

Now that he's here, it can't be anyone else's business.

Su Chen looked at Qiao Yingzi: "Didn't you say that Fang Yifan brought his cousin here today? Do you think this is true?"

"It's possible. If so, then Fang Yifan is too unreliable. He asked his cousin to come back alone and ran away first?" Qiao Yingzi couldn't find Fang Yifan and couldn't help complaining.

If he were a real cousin.

Isn't this just a trap? What if someone gets lost?

Su Chen pouted.

Fang Yifan is really so unreliable.

When I saw this, I wanted to complain. I knew that my cousin was not good at expressing himself but let him come back alone.

He really has a big heart.

But seeing Lin Lei'er coming, Su Chen didn't bother to write.

"How do you want to write it?"

Lin Leier glanced at Su Chen blankly, took the chalk, and started writing on the blackboard.

Follow him.

More and more words appear on the blackboard.

Lin Miaomiao took a second look and felt a little dizzy.

A hand was placed on Su Chen's shoulder, Su Chen's shoulder: "Can you understand what this guy wrote?"

"Of course I can understand it." Su Chen looked at her in surprise: "Can't anyone who has studied mathematics understand this thing?"

"Haha." Lin Miaomiao smiled softly and said, "That's really embarrassing. I've embarrassed the math students."

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes at Su Chen angrily.

She also responded.

You shouldn't ask him this kind of question. If you ask it, you're making yourself uncomfortable.

It was very quiet in the classroom.

Everyone was watching Lin Lei'er solving the problem.

At this moment.Huang Zhitao and Qian Sanyi also entered the class.

Put your schoolbag away.

Qian Sanyi asked Jiang Tianhao, "What are you doing behind here?"

Jiang Tianhao glanced at it: "It seems that Qiao Yingzi asked a difficult problem today, and a guy from the outside class came in to solve the problem. He seems to be very good."

Qian San nodded.

"Hey, he died again!"

Jiang Tianhao threw his phone on the table, looked up at Qian Sanyi, and suddenly smiled: "Aren't you afraid? If this guy is also a top student, your position as the number one in the spring breeze may not be guaranteed."

Jiang Tianhao was most annoyed by Qian Sanyi's stinking look.

If there really was someone who could make him feel defeated, he would be quite happy.

Qian Sanyi smiled disdainfully: "Let's talk about it if you can beat me."

Huang Zhitao put away her things and came to Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen.

His head rested on Su Chen's shoulder.

Neither speak.

When Lin Lei'er filled up the blackboard, he finally stopped using the chalk to solve the problem.

Most of the people around me couldn't understand it.

I could only stand there and marvel.

Su Chen and Qiao Yingzi nodded.

This question was really solved.

And at this time.

Fang Yifan ran in from outside and introduced Dasheng: "This problem-solving academic master is my cousin Lin Lei'er. He is a transfer student who transferred here this semester. From now on, we will all be classmates."

Qiao Yingzi punched him.

"You are really successful. You asked your cousin to come to class by himself on the first day. What if I lose you?"

"Isn't this a loss?" Fang Yifan said with a smile.

"The teacher is here!!!"

I don't know where the shouting came from, and everyone hurriedly ran towards their positions.

But still a step too late.

Li Meng had already stepped in from the back door.

"What are you doing if you don't study hard? Have you learned everything?!"

Su Chen glanced at it.

Everyone buried their heads like ostriches and dared not speak.

The power of Li Tiezhang is so terrifying.

"." Why are you still standing here not reviewing? "

Li Meng noticed that Su Chen hadn't moved. Thinking of what happened yesterday, Li Meng couldn't help shouting.

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