123: Song Qian asked questions at night, Su Chen reviewed all night


Lin Miaomiao's face was full of confusion: "Oh my God, you actually said that I am happy. You don't know how much I envy you."

"You have a mother who loves you so much. She can buy you whatever you want. If it were my mother, she would never even think about it."

Deng Xiaoqi was eating.

Eyes are dull.

Others envied her, but no one knew her pain.

While eating today, she actually saw her mother shopping with a man she didn't know.

At that moment Deng Xiaoqi almost collapsed.

If it weren't for these friends around her, she probably wouldn't have been able to help questioning him.

Deng Xinhua has been really good to her over the years.

Almost buy whatever you want.

But none of these can replace her parents' company for her.

She almost grew up in an environment completely lacking love. Because of this, she pays so much attention to her appearance.

Want to be taken seriously by others.

She doesn't like being ignored.

Thinking about her life for so many years, Deng Xiaoqi said softly.

"If I had a child, I would never let her live the life I'm living now."

Speaking of which.

Deng Xiaoqi raised her eyes and found that Lin Miaomiao's two small pubic hair seemed to have grown longer.

"Miaomiao, are you growing your hair recently?"

"Ah?" Lin Miaomiao touched her head and lied in her heart, but still smiled: "Yes, my mother always said that I don't look like a girl. I think if I grow my hair long, it should be It looks like it."

Deng Xiaoqi touched her hair.

"It's too slow for you to leave it like this. I have a wig there. Do you want to try it?"



Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were on the same bed.

"Tao Zi, let me tell you a secret, but you must never tell anyone else."

"What secret."

Huang Zhitao looked at Qiao Yingzi's mysterious face, which also aroused her curiosity.

Qiao Yingzi took out her mobile phone excitedly.

Click on the chat history.

"Didn't my cousin come to the Imperial Capital a few months ago? What do you think she is here for?"

Huang Zhitao thought for a moment.

"I remember she said she was here to discuss a contract."


Qiao Yingzi handed over the phone: "Just watch it. After reading it, I guarantee you will be excited."

half a minute.

"Yingzi!! Yingzi!!! Everything said above is true???"

"Your cousin wants to sign an endorsement contract with Xiabi Rushen???"

Huang Zhitao pulled Qiao Yingzi's clothes and shook them, excitedly kicking off the quilt.

"calm down."

Qiao Yingzi was so shaken that she felt dizzy: "This thing should be true, but these two months have passed, and Qi Rui has not responded until now. It is probably because the ambassador of our school is angry."

"No." Huang Zhitao said seriously: "The writing is as grand as God's writing, and it will definitely not be so small-minded."

Qiao Yingzi's eyelids twitched.

"Then you are so protective of your idol, then tell me why he hasn't given any news in the Imperial Capital for two months and kept my cousin waiting?"

"..." Huang Zhitao was speechless for a moment.

She really didn't know why.

"Then he must have been delayed by something. After all, he has had two updates every day recently. He must be tired."

Huang Zhitao defended his idol like an excited fan.

"You, I've never seen you like him so much before. Why are you acting weird today?" Qiao Yingzi was confused.

In the past, Huang Zhitao even liked her.

He only talks about it with his mouth, and he is not secretly a fan at all.

what is it today.

Why does it feel like it's changing so quickly?

Huang Zhitao blushed.

"I used to feel that my idol was far away from me, and I only thought about it occasionally. But it's different now. He is also in the imperial capital, and we may even meet him. This must be exciting."

"Definitely." Feeling the power in Huang Zhitao's hand, Qiao Yingzi quickly took out her hand.


"I'm telling you, don't be so excited. There are some good-looking people who write novels."

"What if it's a fat house?"

"Your fan filter will be shattered in an instant, and it will even turn from pink to black."

Qiao Yingzi smiled and said: "How much you like him now, you may hate him in the future."

Huang Zhitao: "..."

As she said herself, keeping a distance from her idols is the best choice.

What if reality doesn't match imagination...

"But I still want to see him."

Huang Zhitao took Qiao Yingzi's arm and said, "Can you get rid of your cousin and take us two to see her?"


"Well, I'm afraid it won't work." Qiao Yingzi said helplessly: "This matter is still in the confidentiality stage. It is already a violation for me to tell you."

"This is because my cousin's contract was not signed because of the two of us."

"Isn't that over?"

Huang Zhitao was a little disappointed.

This can be said to be the closest she has ever been to her idol.

But only recently.

It seems that I still can't even see him in person.

"Oh, don't be so sad. There's nothing you can do about it."

Qiao Yingzi couldn't see Huang Zhitao's grievance and quickly comforted her: "For example..."

"We can become waiters~"

Huang Zhitao:? ? ? ? ? ?


Hotel corridor.

Suchen is hanging out here.

When I came to the door of a room, I clicked on my phone a few times.

The door opened.

"What are you doing here!" Li Meng kept blocking Su Chen with one hand and blocking the door with the other.

She thought this would prevent Su Chen from entering.

Li Meng just took a shower.

The scent of shampoo can be faintly smelled through the crack in the door.

Although only one head was missed.

Su Chen guessed that he was wearing a hotel bathrobe.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I am looking for a teacher to review physics."

Li Meng's cheeks turned red.

"To review physics, go to your teacher Song. I'm your math teacher."

"Don't squeeze!~"

boom! ~

Su Chen broke through the defense line and walked in.

He closed the door smoothly.

"Don't make trouble. Let's review. We can't disturb other students' rest."

"You also know not to disturb others' rest."

Su Chen guessed correctly, Li Meng had just taken a shower.

Even the phone was still in the bathroom.

Look at the blush on her face.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Do you still remember our agreement? I still have six hours."

"Gungun, who made the promise for you?"

Li Meng wanted to push him out, but Su Chen held him in his arms.

"Have you been holding it in here all day?"

"What do you think?" Li Meng lay in his arms and sighed: "It's not like you don't know my reputation. If I go out, can you still have such fun?"

Su Chen rested his chin on the top of her head.

"It's really hard for you."

This sentence pierced Li Meng's heart.

if you can.

Which female teacher would be willing to bear the nickname "Iron Bar Yam".

This comfort.

The most touching thing.

Late night talk +1 (8/10)

Su Chen noticed this progress bar the last time he watched the fireworks.

I didn’t expect it to come out again today.

However, this situation made Su Chen think of [Nuan Nan] inexplicably.

Is this a replacement?

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