"is it?"

Su Chen looked at Song Qian: "Do you want to change positions?"

Song Qian didn't really want to change positions.

Because sitting like this, it felt like she and Su Chen were watching a movie alone.

The mood is different.

But now that Yingzi had asked, she was too embarrassed to continue sitting.

The movie hasn't started yet.

Song Qian stood up and let Su Chen pass. She was wearing a thin velvet one-piece dress today.

It feels particularly good to the touch.

Su Chen held her waist with both hands and moved to the side.

The space between seats is too small.

It was inevitable that the two would come into contact.

Song Qian felt the temperature in her waist.

The body trembled.

A blush rose on her face.

Su Chen clearly felt the delicate body in his hands tremble a few times and looked at the shyness on her face.

He inexplicably remembered the last time he watched a movie.

The interaction with Deng Xiaoqi.

to be frank.

Suchen began to look forward to the movie starting.

boom! ~

The entrance gate was closed by staff.

The surrounding lights go out.

The movie begins.

The scene begins with an intense action scene.

Qiao Yingzi's eyes turned to stars.

She likes this kind of stimulating movie, which can stimulate her adrenal glands.

Watch the movie with full concentration.

But Song Qian was not so focused.

For her.

There are too many bugs in this movie, too many to pay attention to the plot.

I've been looking for bugs the whole time.

"Eiko, you like watching movies like this."

"Yeah, Mom, doesn't it look good?"

"It looks good, but don't you think there are too many bugs in it? Many places do not comply with the laws of physics, such as..."


"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Well, it's okay. I just choked on my saliva and wanted to cough. It's much better now..."

"Mom, actually the movie is like this..."

Song Qian was not in the mood to listen to Qiao Yingzi's words at the moment, but she started this topic on her own and had to continue.

I could only respond with a few 'um's.

Occasionally, I have to say a few words to avoid arousing suspicion.

[Exciting, nervous, shy]

Feelings that she had never felt before gripped her.

Eyes full of tears.

Nibble your lip.

A pair of eyes that couldn't look anywhere else, could only stare at the screen.


Her mind was completely off the screen.

And Su Chen.

There is only one word in my mind.

Feels good.

Like a cute baby in the palm of your hand, soft yet tough, and like a green shirt, delicate yet smooth.

Only Qiao Yingzi felt a little strange.

Is this movie really so buggy that it makes her mother gasp for breath?

It shouldn't be that bad.


The movie is over.

Qiao Yingzi stretched.

very happy.

Although her mother criticized the movie, this was the first time the two of them went to the cinema together after entering junior high school.

It can be said to be quite memorable.

"Mom, actually watching movies is mainly about relaxation, so don't watch it with the eyes of a physics teacher."

"Otherwise there will be superhero movies in the future."

"Look at this, you are so angry that you even lifted the boards of Newton's coffin."

Qiao Yingzi now dared to joke with Song Qian.

Song Qian sat on the chair for a long time without moving, and just said "yes".

Soft sound.

Inexplicably a little tempting.

Qiao Yingzi was stunned when she heard this.

Looking at her expression, Song Qian also realized that the hand that originally caused trouble on her body had long since left.

Turning to look at Su Chen.

If the light hadn't been turned on now, she would have reached out and pinched it.

"Okay, we've finished reading, it's time for us to leave." Song Qian stood up, but her legs went weak. If Su Chen hadn't quickly supported her with quick hands and eyes, she would have sat back down.

Take advantage of the trend.

Song Qian put a hand on Su Chen's shoulder.

The center of gravity of the body rested on Su Chen.

Song Qian thought to herself.

Even if you can't pinch him, you still have to make him suffer a little.

But she didn't know that Su Chen's current physical strength and strength, with the blessing of the system, had almost reached the level of a special soldier.

Her weight was nothing.

Even because they were so close, Su Chen enjoyed it very much.

He even tightened his arms.

The three people walked out slowly.

"Mom, why do you have the same physical strength as Xiaoqi?" Qiao Yingzi couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" Song Qian, who was still attached to Su Chen, looked at Qiao Yingzi and asked softly: "Last time you watched a movie, was Xiaoqi very tired too?"


"Can you please be more detailed? Let me hear it. If our situation is the same, we can go out and exercise together." Send Qian said while looking at Su Chen beside him.

Look at his extremely handsome face.

She felt a sense of disgust in her heart.

I had known for a long time that Deng Xiaoqi liked Su Chen, but I didn't expect that the two of them would develop so quickly.

How long have we known each other.


Thinking of this, Song Qian touched Su Chen's waist with her right hand.

The two of them were too close.

Su Chen had no choice but to beg for mercy from Song Qian.

Qiao Yingzi, who was next to her, couldn't see the two people's little moves due to her perspective, and continued: "Last time I watched a movie, I didn't sit with Xiaoqi. I really don't know the specific situation."

Su Chen just breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, Qiao Yingzi continued: "But Su Chen is next to him, he should know it very well."


The pain in her waist made Su Chen take a breath.

at this time.

No need to explain too much, Song Qian already knew what was going on.

The little gangster in front of him must have done something.

Song Qian looked at Su Chen and asked softly: "What happened to Xiaoqi at that time?"

"Xiao Qi is a little tired after sitting for a long time, her legs are a little soft, and she is sweating a little~"

"The situation is better than Sister Song's now."

"After all, she's just fine except for the movie theater door."

Su Chen tightened his arms, and the distance between the two became closer, so Song Qian couldn't make a move.

Song Qian did snort softly.

Didn't pay much attention to it.

Mature women can be jealous, but they won't waste too much time on this matter.

The right time to grasp it is now.

It was only around six o'clock when I finished watching the movie.

The three of them strolled in the nearby shopping mall for a while, and Song Qian gradually recovered her strength.

Although I still want him to hold me like this.

But Qiao Yingzi is around, so this is not so good after all.

They found a place to eat.

Qiao Yingzi looked at her phone and looked at future movie trailers.

She felt that it was very good to go out to watch a movie with Song Qian, and she would like to find an opportunity to watch it again in the future.

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