Even some of his little bosses were exposed! ! !

He smashed the table angrily.

The colleagues around me were confused.

But after being reminded by colleagues who were fishing for money at work, they understood.

They all leaned aside.

Such people.

Don't get too close, who knows when it will be reported online.

"Listen to my explanation. The news on the Internet is all false. It is just to attract other people's attention."

His words elicited no response.

in the eyes of others.

He is quibbling.

One of them said something.

"If you think he is defaming, sue him."

young people:"......"

Everyone: "..."

it is more than words.

When you are a sailor, no one sympathizes with you.

At the same time, the door to the supervisor's office opened, and a cold voice came from inside.

"you are fired."


The young man shook his head.

I'm afraid no one will want me for anything I do later.

"No, why should I die and those people not die?"

"I don't agree!!!"

His eyes hardened.

The pace of going home becomes firmer!


Only three hours passed between the time the news appeared and the number of views exploded.

People on the Internet who were watching the Qiao Jingjing and Su Chen incident all went to this topic to get their attention.

Strange to say.

Just after the news came out.

Almost instantly, there was no one following their topic.

【I go!Weren't you still scolding just now?Where have everyone gone? 】

[Aren’t you here to eat melon?Everyone has eaten enough and left? 】

[While I’m still eating melon here, there’s something even more explosive next to me. Someone exposed the self-media and trolls for eating human blood steamed buns! ! !They are all scolding! ! 】

【Fuck! !I have to go and see. 】

[When the Navy got into trouble, there was no one here. I seemed to have discovered Hua Dian. 】

Su Chen looked at the comments in the last half hour.

A chuckle.

"Is this the fighting strength? Is this it?" Su Chen laughed disdainfully.

Beep beep! ! !

Beep beep! ! ! !

After he seized the V blog authority.

The firewall alert in the lower right corner of the computer is a constant reminder.

This is someone trying to find him along the network cable.

But he wasn't afraid at all.

Master hacking skills are no joke.

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Turn off the firewall.

"Let me see what you are capable of."

Su Chen's fingers flew, and software popped up on the desktop one by one.

Countless small computers glowed brightly above.

If anyone who knows computers looks at it, they will definitely understand that this is a bot commonly used by hackers.

Basically, they are all unlucky people infected with Trojan viruses.

Usually nothing happens.

Once something happens.

It will be used by hackers as a means of attack or defense.

This time.

Su Chen plans to attack!

When typing on the keyboard with both hands, the improvement in hand speed reaches its maximum at this moment.

If you can measure the speed.

Su Chen's current hand speed has definitely exceeded his limit, reaching [-]! ! !

the other end of the computer.

The head of VBO's IT department was lying in front of a computer, wiping his sweat nervously.

"How is it, did it work?"

Since he can reach the position of head of the IT department, he will naturally know some hackers.

He even knew a few people who had appeared in international hacker exchanges, and the man across from the computer was one of them.

Now I work in a computer security department.

"This guy's computer fire protection is pretty good, but now I'm in."

There was a hint of appreciation in the tone of the man opposite.

Just like a superior appreciates a subordinate.

However, the IT director was not in the mood to care about this and hurriedly asked: "Check his IP address quickly!"

"Don't worry, let me take a look."

"What the hell?! This guy has discovered me and is attacking me with data streams!"

"But it doesn't matter. My server can't be broken easily. I spend millions on protection every year. Damn it!!!"

"What's wrong???"

The IT director hadn't heard him out yet.

The screen went completely black!

There was also sadness outside the office.

A bad feeling arose in his heart.

At this time.

the phone is ringing.

"My side has been breached by the other party. Damn it! This guy is so fucking perverted. Millions of broilers have united to carry out bombings. This guy must have used all the fish he has caught in the past few years until today."

"Your side was compromised, why is my side disconnected?"

"Oh, because I'm connected to your network cable."

IT Director:? ? ? ? ? ?

"I think what they did is right, and these people should be punished. I will use your network to help you if you win. If you lose, you will be unlucky."

After the man on the other side finished speaking, he added: "By the way, don't even think about telling our leaders unless you are prepared to spend more on maintaining the server every year."

Dudu Dudu! ~

Listen to the busy tone on the other side of the phone.

The IT director was stunned.

I dropped my phone and didn't even find it.

long silence.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Boss, why don't you close the blog today? The Internet is disconnected here."


Magic City.

Zhang Da Da’s house.

At this moment, Zhang Dada was holding the computer.

The pupils are dilated.

His head was in a cold sweat.

Lips are pale.

He kept saying: "How is it possible? This is impossible. Why is this happening? How could things be like this?"

Zhang Dada was sitting in front of the computer waiting to see Qiao Jingjing terminated by the company.

Or perhaps Su Chen's identity was revealed.

As it turned out, these two things hadn't happened yet, and what we were waiting for was another breaking news.

The trolls and unscrupulous self-media have been exposed! ! !

What frightened him was whether it was trolls or unscrupulous self-media.

They are all the ones he sent messages to before! ! !

simply put.

These people are all related to him!

"No! This guy probably isn't targeting me. It's just that I think too much. I think too much."

Zhang Dada picked up the water glass tremblingly.

Just had a sip.

The sudden ringtone of his cell phone almost choked him to death.

Quickly pick up the phone.

"Hello~~" There was a tremor in the voice.

"Fuck!! You ****, have you offended someone? Can you stop holding us here if you want to?"

The person on the other end of the phone was scolding me.

However, Zhang Dada heard that it was the paparazzi's voice, and quickly cried and shouted: "This has nothing to do with me, I don't know how it could be, this may be accidental injury, really!!!"

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