It feels a little more matte on my hands, I don’t know what it is.

I'm about to take it out and take a look.

The closet door opened.

"Sanyi has gone out, you..."

Pei Yin looked at the things in Su Chen's hands.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

Cover your mouth.

Su Chen was afraid that she would scream, so he quickly covered her mouth.

"Aunt Pei, don't scream, I'm not..."

Su Chen still wanted to explain.

But what she held in her hand made her eyes widen.



Moreover, Su Chen covered her up.

hiss! ~

Big misunderstanding!

He hurriedly threw the things in his hand into the closet and explained.

"Aunt Pei, you have to believe me, this is just an accident."

"Well~ I know."

"Uh???" Su Chen was stunned: "You said you knew?"

Pei Yin nodded, blushing and said, "You are a good boy. You help your aunt take care of Sanyi at school. How could I not believe you?"

"When I first saw you, I knew you were a good person."


Hear the word good guy.

I didn't know how to describe Su Chen's mood at this moment.

【Sitting calmly】The effect of this achievement.

Really great.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the question now was how Su Chen was going to get out.

"I'll lead them to the restaurant later. You can pretend to be back from outside." Pei Yin came up with an idea.

Su Chen nodded.

This note is indeed feasible.

Pei Yin: "..."

Su Chen: "..."

Pei Yin: "..."

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

"What's wrong? What are you looking at me for?"

"Auntie, it's not appropriate to go out wearing the same clothes. You have to change clothes. You..."

Su Chen covered her eyes.

Exposed seam.

"Don't worry, I promise not to look."

Pei Yin: "..."


living room.

"Qian Sanyi, your home is nice." Lin Miaomiao leaned on the sofa and looked around: "It's so big and the location is pretty good. I heard that your place is known as the Scholarly Garden in the south. Is this true? "

"How come I haven't heard this title after living here for so long?"

Qian Sanyi glanced around: "But this community has a lot of Qinghua and Yan University students, otherwise the rent wouldn't be so expensive."

Jiang Tianhao: "So expensive? How expensive."

Qian Sanyi: "2 yuan a month."

"I'll go!" Lin Miaomiao's eyes widened: "This is several thousand more expensive than the rent in Shuxiang Yayuan."

"It's three times your rent." Deng Xiaoqi added next to her.

Lin Miaomiao chuckled.

She got the advantage.

"We're all here. Dinner is about to begin. You go to the restaurant first and wait."



168: Will a boy walk around with an Ultraman Transformer?

Lin Miaomiao and the others turned their heads.

I saw a beautiful woman coming out of the room.

She looked rosy.

Eyes watery.

His hands were tied into a ponytail behind his back.

It looks mature yet girlish~.

Watch each other go to the kitchen.

Deng Xiaoqi pulled Qian Sanyi: "This is your mother, she is very beautiful."

"Really?" Qian Sanyi took a look and shook his head: "I feel pretty much the same."

"Get cheap and sell well."

"My mother is also taking good care of herself. It's just that the company went bankrupt some time ago. During those days, she was so worried that her hair turned white and her face became wrinkled. Hey~"

Don't torture the innocent.

Jiang Tianhao's experience of this family crisis also gave him a sense of crisis.

At least I can't let my parents worry anymore.

"Haha!~" Lin Miaomiao slapped the table: "No matter how well your mother takes care of herself, she is not as good as my mother."

"Do you know a word? Life..."

"Still still~" Jiang Tianhao drawled.

Deng Xiaoqi continued: "For example, that turtle can live for tens of thousands of years without moving."

Qian Sanyi: "So you want to say that your mother is just like it without moving?"

"of course not."

Lin Miaomiao changed her words and said: "What I want to say is that life lies in sports. Look at my mother, who was a physical education teacher at school. When she came home, she punched and kicked my dad and me. Look at how healthy she is. "

"How tight the skin is."

"Don't think I don't know. You have been doing morning exercises with Su Chen lately. You want to praise yourself in disguise." Deng Xiaoqi looked at her.

Lin Miaomiao scratched her head and smiled.

boom! ~

Several people turned to look at the door.

Qian Sanyi: "Did you go out just now?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Didn't you see me?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Did the door ring just now?"

Deng Xiaoqi nodded.

Several people looked at each other and hugged each other quickly.

"Qian Sanyi, there won't be any dirty things in your house!~" Lin Miaomiao asked in a trembling voice.

"Nonsense... nonsense, I've lived here for so long, how come I don't know." When Qian Sanyi said this, he was a little unsure.

But recently, he stayed up late studying until the early hours of the morning every day.

I really didn't hear anything weird.

What happened just now?

Just when they were discussing who should go and have a look at the door.

The door was banged.

dong dong dong.

"Is there anyone there? Open the door!~"

"Is it Su Chen?"

Deng Xiaoqi was the first to react and hurried forward to open the door.

Open the door and take a look.

Suchen held the soy sauce and stood outside panting.

"What's wrong with you? You're so out of breath even after buying soy sauce." Deng Xiaoqi took the soy sauce and led him into the house.

Su Chen took a sip of water.

Look at Qian Sanyi.

"I went out to buy soy sauce, and I didn't expect that the nearest supermarket is two blocks away."

"It's not like you're all waiting for dinner."

"I ran back."

Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen are too familiar.

The effect of the hat was greatly weakened for them, so Su Chen could only sneak out while they were not paying attention.

The reason is to buy soy sauce.

Naturally, Su Chen couldn't come back empty-handed.


He really ran to the supermarket and back again.

look at him.

Qian Sanyi said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, did I really expect that my mother would ask you to buy soy sauce? She actually gave me a call and I brought it back."

Lin Miaomiao quickly patted her heart.

"It turns out it was you who patted the door. I thought there was something dirty, so I was shocked."

Su Chen rolled his eyes.

Bring the soy sauce ones to the kitchen.

Pei Yin was relieved, but thought of what happened in the room.

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