at this time.

The arms felt warm.

Starfruit looked up.

A charming face appeared beside her.


The sun shines through his hair and into his pupils.

Starfruit fell instantly.

"How did you come?"

"You didn't ask me to come."

Su Chen looked at her and smiled slightly: "I didn't know why I was called here at first, but now it seems like someone is poaching me."

Star fruit: "..."

They were pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

But hear this.

Star fruit's heartbeat accelerated several times.

Like a little girl in love, she lowered her head.

As a clearing liar, how could Li Wei not see her state? He frowned and said, "Who are you? Why are you next to Yang Tao?"

"Carambola, don't be afraid, come here quickly."

"I should be asking you this question." Su Chen tightened his arms, bringing the two of them closer together, and looked at the person opposite: "Who are you? My girlfriend was stopped on the street. Believe it or not, I called the police. There is something perverted."

The person in front of Su Chen looked more and more familiar.

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere.

And I feel like a villain.

"Su Chen, let's go, ignore him." Yang Tao's heart was pounding and he wanted to leave quickly.

Although Su Chen was curious about who the other party was.

But he still didn't pursue it further and followed Yang Tao away.

"who are you?!"

Li Wei felt very unhappy as he watched this strange man take away the star fruit.

I want to reach out and stop him.

As a result, he was slapped away by the other party.

"Put away your paws."

Su Chen glanced at him coldly.

He now has a brave heart and much-anticipated bonuses.

Even if there are only two people.

Su Chen's majesty is still not something that ordinary people can resist.

Just this one.

Li Wei was frightened to the point of being stunned.

dare not speak.

He didn't react until Su Chen and Yang Tao left.

"Fuck! What's going on? Doesn't it mean she doesn't have a partner yet?!"

Smash the flower to the ground.

He stepped on it twice with his feet.

He straightened his tie and turned to leave.


on the taxi.

Yang Tao told everything about her and Li Wei.

Only then did Su Chen remember.

The other party turned out to be the emotional liar!

Not only did he run away, but he didn't expect to dare to run back after changing his name. He really thought that he was invincible due to his identity.

Su Chen clenched his fists.

After Yang Tao finished speaking, he felt a little depressed.

Looking at Su Chen's fist.


"Are you OK."

"If I had known this was the case, I should have gone up and punched him twice."

This is the truth.

When I first watched the show, I thought this guy was a scumbag.

I really want to kill him.

I didn't expect to encounter it here.


Su Chen saw Yang Tao smiling and reached out to pinch her face.

"Why are you laughing? I'm just venting my anger on you."

Star fruit gave him a white look.

Knock the handle off.

"I see that when you speak, it seems more like you are venting your anger on yourself."

The delicacy in the hands disappears.

Su Chen was actually a little nostalgic.

This is indeed a beauty.

If you take good care of your skin, you won’t be able to let it go.

Arrive at the downstairs of Yang Tao's house.

"Um..." Yang Tao put his hands behind his back, a little confused: "How about I treat you to something to eat."

"What to eat?"

Starfruit glanced around: "How about ice cream."

Su Chen glanced at the phone.

"347 It's sixteen degrees today."

"It tastes delicious just at this temperature."

Yang Tao excitedly pulled Su Chen down to the canteen next to him.

The ice cream prices here are quite normal.

No Ice Cream Assassin.

The two walked out of the small shop.

Starfruit also happily introduced her favorite sundae flavor.

It was a bit hard when I first took it out.

It will become soft later.

Very tasty.


The two just went out.

Once opened.

The sundae was spilled.

Splashed Su Chen's pants.

Star fruit: "..."

Su Chen: "..."

Su Chen pulled down his pants and smiled bitterly:

"Even if you like to eat, you don't need to treat me to my pants."

Starfruit's face turned red instantly.

Apologize quickly.

"How about you go to my house and wash yourself."

Su Chen looked at the piece on his pants.

Can only nod.

Go upstairs and come to where Carambola lives.

She's alone here.


The environment was not bad. Yang Tao brought Su Chen a bathrobe and asked him to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Su Chen walked into the bathroom.

It's very clean here and there's nothing you can't see.

Pick up the faucet and start flushing.

Otherwise it will be too sticky and uncomfortable.

In the living room, Carambola blushed for a while.

Someone came over to help her out, but as a result, even the ice cream she bought could be sprinkled all over him.

what is this! ! !

“It’s up to you to be so stupid!!”

Yang Tao covered her face in shame and anger for a while, waiting for Su Chen to come out.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Star Tao didn't think much and walked over to open the door.

"Mom?! Why are you here?!" Yang Tao was stunned.

Outside is my mother.

Xue Sumei!

Looked at Xue Sumei, then looked at the bathroom.


This is a bit unclear!

Xue Sumei didn't understand her expression and said with a smile: "What bad thing have you done? Seeing me is like seeing a ghost."

"It can't be that there's a man hiding in the house."

next second.

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