"Come in and try."

Before Su Chen could speak, Yang Tao pushed him into the changing room.

I continued to choose clothes outside.

"Today Taozi is going to bring her boyfriend home, you have to clean up."

"Good wife."

Hearing the sound, Yang Tao frowned.

It feels a little familiar.

Turn around.

Aren't the couple at the door his cousin Su Qing and her husband Duan Xifeng?

Such a coincidence.

At this time, Duan Xifeng had not yet had an affair.

He is a good husband.

His experience was similar to Qiao Weidong's, except that he was more unlucky.

In the end, I got entangled with that woman.

Almost ruined the whole family.

But they don’t know about these star fruits yet.

Just when Yang Tao saw Su Qing, they also happened to see Yang Tao.

Both parties came together laughing.

Su Qing looked at her: "Shouldn't you be at work? Why are you shopping in the mall? Your boyfriend must be there."

"If you had told the truth earlier, I would not have made my aunt happy in vain."

Duan Xifeng looked at Yang Tao and his eyes moved to the area he just walked over.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Are you bringing your boyfriend to buy clothes?"


Su Qing looked back with wide eyes: "Where can I get him? Let me see if he is handsome and can match my peach."

Star Tao didn't say a word.

What they did was clearly guessed by the two of them.

I heard that my cousin wanted to see Su Chen.

She pushed the two of them with a blushing face: "Oh, I'll see you soon, why are you in a hurry?"

"One eye, one eye, I'll just take a look at Taozi." It was not easy to reveal the mystery in advance.

Why did Su Qing wait until noon?

Duan Xifeng was very calm.

He even helped Yang Tao pull Su Qing back.

"Why are you pulling me too? Where are you? Are you not curious about what Taozi's boyfriend looks like?"

"Of course I'm curious, but I don't have to watch it now." Duan Xifeng chuckled: "It must be good for Tao Zi to be so shy."

Hearing her brother-in-law's teasing, Yang Tao's face turned even redder.

Push them to the door.

The waiter came over with a paper bag.

"Miss, our boss said that if this man comes to buy clothes again, he will give this tie to his female companion."

The three of them stared blankly at the tie in the waiter's hand.

Dark blue all over.

The whole tie is seamless.

No trace of cropping at all.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a touch of white as an embellishment on top of the dark blue.

It's both deep and energetic.

Under the light, none of its shortcomings are exposed like those cheap ties.

On the contrary, it looks better.

This tie is not cheap...

Duan Xifeng and Su Qing thought at the same time.

And Duan Xifeng also likes it very much.

"Girl, how much does this tie cost? Can you get me one?"

Duan Xifeng is now an executive of a Fortune [-] company.

It is not easy for him to meet a tie that makes him happy.

Su Qing also nodded.

Although his family has money, he is also used to saving.

I usually don’t buy anything too expensive unless necessary.

But after seeing this tie.

She was moved.

If my husband wears this tie.

He must be handsome.

And it can also improve his taste.

"I'm sorry, this tie is handmade by our designers. This is the only one we have at the moment."

"Actually, we have other good styles of ties here. You can choose here if you need them."

The waiter handed the tie to Star Tao.

Pointing towards Duan Xifeng and Su Qing, he pointed at the tie area.

But obviously.

The two of them only liked the star fruit in their hands.

Duan Xifeng asked the waiter to go back first and walked to Yang Tao.

"Taozi, what does your boyfriend do? Why do the designers here design ties for him?"

"That's right, Taozi, please tell me, we're so anxious." Su Qing also looked curious.

Originally, I was just curious about Su Chen's appearance.

Even his identity is now more curious.

Although this store is not well-known in the imperial capital, it is because the designer is a foreigner.

Even Duan Xifeng's boss bought clothes here.

But no matter how noble their status is.

The designer still ignored me.

Some people think this designer is too proud.

Some people think that this designer is just a show-off, an actor specially invited by this brand.

But anyway.

That designer still hasn’t designed for anyone.

Listen to the two people's questions.

Star Tao is also full of questions.

She held the tie.

"I don't know either. You haven't told me before."

Su Qing said seriously: "It seems that he is hiding something from you. This is not a good sign."

"Whether we are recruiting or not, we won't know until noon."

Duan Xifeng was afraid of Su Qing, and Yang Tao would be sad if he kept talking.

Pull her and leave quickly.

After the two left, Su Chen came out of the changing room.

"This dress seems a bit big and doesn't fit me well."

Say this.Su Chen found Yang Tao standing at the door and not moving.

walk over.

She was found holding a tie in her hand.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

"Taozi, what's wrong?"

"This is the tie the store gave you. They asked me to give it to you."


Starfruit nodded.

Originally she wanted to hand it to Su Chen, but then she thought about it and brought it to Su Chen herself.

stand in front of him.

Starfruit looked up at his face.

I always felt that I knew him quite well, but today I saw that he still had so many secrets.

Su Chen discovered that Carambola was in something wrong.

"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Yang Tao thought for a while and then asked: "The waiter just told me that this tie was designed and made by the designer himself, and there is only one here."

"is it?"

Suchen has no feelings about ties.

But the enthusiastic foreigner from last time came to mind.

Shake his head.

No matter how attentive he was, he would never agree to put the photo at the door.

"So you are just a student, why would that designer design a tie for you?" Yang Tao finally asked.

Take it home and meet today.

She didn't want to have a conflict at this time.

"It turns out that's the problem. It's very simple, because he likes me."

Star fruit:? ? ? ? ? ? .

185: Starfruit’s strange desire to win and lose

Yang Tao stared at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes.

Wei Wei was a little dazed.

She thought of countless reasons in her mind, but she never thought it would be this.

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