Song Qian felt anxious.

He pulled Su Chen and ran to the closet.

"No, come again?"

Su Chen felt depressed when he saw the wardrobe.

Even if you have to hide, can't you just change places?

This is the third time.

I didn't want to, but I got in anyway.

This wardrobe feels different from the previous two.

Everywhere my hand touched were folded summer clothes.

Very cool.

There were even some places where Su Chen could feel a touch of frosting in his hands.

With his excellent senselessness, Su Chen was able to roughly see what was inside.

Basically everything imaginable can be seen.

I won’t go into details about what is there.

Smell the orchids in the air.

Su Chen found a place out of the way and opened the closet door a crack.

"Grass, it's getting more and more familiar." Su Chen felt ashamed of his skillful movements.

Obviously did nothing.

But it seems like everything has been done.

It would be a shame if someone caught him one day.

Outside the crack of the door.

Qiao Yingzi hugged Song Qian.

He buried his head in her arms and slowly talked about what happened tonight.

When talking about Aunt Xiaomeng.

Qiao Yingzi also took a special look at Song Qian's expression and found that there was nothing unusual, so she continued.

"So Qiao Weidong wants his girlfriend to teach Fang Yifan and Chen Jiajia to take the art exam?" Song Qian chuckled for a lifetime: "Does he think too highly of himself?"

Qiao Yingzi hurriedly explained.

She also helped to ask Aunt Tong if she had found the teacher.

If not, you can try it.

Song Qian looked at Qiao Yingzi.

seriously asked.

"Then do you think that aunt is more beautiful or me?"

"Of course you are the most beautiful. You can tell it from the way someone looks at you."

Song Qian, who originally wanted to ask a few questions, choked on these words.

"What are you looking at me like?"

Qiao Yingzi smiled and scratched Song Qian.

"Of course it's here."

After saying that, she quickly ran out of the room: "I'm going to take a shower. I'll go to bed after the shower. I have to go to school tomorrow."

run out of the room.

Qiao Yingzi touched her chest.

She herself didn't expect that she would do such an action just now.

If this is changed to before.

You won't be able to run away after being scolded.

She thought about it.

Seeing that Song Qian did not chase her out.

Still walked towards the bathroom.

Song Qian was stunned when she was caught.

Qiao Yingzi had never been by her side before, so young and old.

It seems that he has accepted her from the bottom of his heart and regarded her as his best friend.

"But best friends can't play around like this. Do you and Tao Zi usually get along like this?"

However, Qiao Yingzi had already left at this time, and she had no intention of pursuing him.

After all, there was someone else in the house.

You have to let him go quickly.

The number of hide-and-seek times +1.

After hearing the system prompt, Su Chen came out of the cabinet.

Looking at Song Qian who was in a daze.

scratching his head.

"That thing, actually I haven't seen it..."

Looking at his innocent eyes, Song Qian gritted her teeth.

He raised his hand and pointed toward the door.

"Let me go!"

"If you dare to let Yingzi find out, you will be doomed!"

Su Chen walked to the door.

"Actually, Lin Miaomiao is right, she does have a good figure."

Peng! ! !

A pillow appeared where Su Chen had just stood.

Let go of your anger.

Song Qian reduced her file to the smallest size.

Open QQ.


Lin Miaomiao, who was watching TV at home, heard movement outside the door.

Quickly call Feng Chu.

One by one, they lay down on the sofa.

Eyes on the door.

"Feng Chu, there will be a bad guy soon, you go and bite him immediately!!!"

Erha: "..."

If he had a mouth, Erha would definitely speak.

I am more coward than you.

As a result, the door opened.

Su Chen walked in with the key.

"What are you two doing?"

Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out it's you. I was also going to say that if a bad guy comes in, I'll send Feng Chu to bite him!"

Erha nodded beside him.

Su Chen, who knew Erha's nature well, would not believe Feng Chu's nonsense.

This guy is definitely thinking about how to escape.

After relaxing, Lin Miaomiao suddenly asked: "When did you go out? Why don't I remember it?"

"Um..." Su Chen turned his eyes and replied, "I just came back from next door. I told you to go for a walk. You came back first."

Lin Miaomiao looked a little convinced.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

It's quite interesting to have a sweet girl at home.

Just getting ready to go home.

Lin Miaomiao asked again: "The contact lens you are looking for is very easy to use. Can you help me ask if there is anyone who can grow hair quickly?"

Lin Miaomiao touched her hair.

I can only pull it to the corner of my eye.

too short.

"Okay, I'll pay attention when you get back."

Go back to the bedroom.

Su Chen lay on the bed.

Thinking back to what Qiao Yingzi said just now, I felt like laughing for no reason.

Are his eyes direct?

Even Qiao Yingzi can see it.

Su Chen chuckled and looked through the system mall.

He also wanted to find a hair restorer for Lin Miaomiao.

After all, this is the case.

His cultivation mission will be able to move forward a step further.

The next step is to develop character.

But none of the mall props triggered by his current achievement mission are related to hair.



Can't say no.

Cosplay clothes have long hair.

You must know that these clothes can even change your body shape. Changing the length of your hair is not a simple matter.

But the problem is that it was just a one-time thing.

Once the clothes are taken off, they are gone.

Su Chen flipped through it for a few minutes.

The mall still doesn't have what I want.

"Hair, hair, do I have to find an achievement related to hair?"

Su Chen made a fist with his right hand and tapped his forehead lightly.

It was an action he was thinking about.

I thought and thought.

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