Take advantage of this time.

Fang Yifan told Fangyuan about his art exam.

Fangyuan naturally agreed.

I just feel a little worried about this teacher Xiao Meng.

This worry is mainly aimed at Tong Wenjie.

You must know that Tong Wenjie is involved in Song Qian and Qiao Weidong.

But he stood firmly on Song Qian's side.

If she knew that Fang Yifan was training with Xiao Meng.

It will definitely cause a stir by then.

So this matter needs to be considered in the long term.

However, Fangyuan agreed first for Fang Yifan.

It’s better to have a teacher than to fumble around on your own.

Even if it’s just a meal.

You can also gain a lot.

Su Chen and Huang Zhitao made an appointment at the entrance of the shopping mall.

The weather is getting colder now.

When Su Chen arrived at the entrance of the mall, he found that Huang Zhitao had been waiting at the entrance of the mall for a long time.

Su Chen hurried over.

I found that even though she was wearing a scarf and hat, her nose and ears were still red from the cold.

Su Chen took off his gloves.

He covered her ears and asked with concern: "We live so close together, why do we have to meet in the mall?"

Look at the sweetheart in front of you.

Listen to his voice.

Feel his breathing.

Feeling the warmth she created for herself with her hands.

The corners of Huang Zhitao's mouth curled up slightly.

Like plum blossoms in the cold weather of December [-]th.

Fragrant and lonely.

She is obviously very beautiful, but she doesn't want to compete with others.

Suchen scratched her nose.

Drag her into the mall.

Feeling the warmth of the air conditioner, Huang Zhitao took off her scarf.

Said to Su Chen.

"Actually, my uncle and I were shopping here just now, but he has gone back after shopping now, so I will wait here."

Su Chen was relieved when he saw that she was not waiting here all the time.

Follow Huang Zhitao and wander around the mall.

He has been to this place four or five times and is basically familiar with it.

Especially the clothing area on the 4th floor.

Su Chen planned to take her up to buy some clothes, but was pulled to the snack area.

This made Su Chen a little surprised.

In my impression, Huang Zhitao didn't seem interested in snacks.

And Huang Zhitao also saw his doubts.

explained with a smile.

She just likes the feeling of going shopping with her family.

It will make you feel less alone.

This reminded Su Chen of her parents who were far abroad.

Get a cart.

Holding hands.

I walked around slowly.

As a result, less than halfway through, they saw a familiar figure.

Huang Zhitao just wanted to say hello.

It turned out that the person was not with Aunt Tong, but another woman.

She doesn't know him yet.

"Uncle Fang, is he...cheating?".

193: Dark cinema, almost discovered by Fangyuan

Su Chen followed his gaze.

Less than three shelves away, there was indeed a man who looked exactly like Fangyuan shopping there.

There was a woman with him.

It's just a back view.

Not quite sure who it is yet.

I can only be sure that it’s not Tong Wenjie.

As for why it is said to be similar to Fangyuan, after all, there is another person named Chen Zhuo in this world.

If it were him and Xiao Min.

It is not impossible.

Su Chen wanted to go over to confirm, but was pulled aside by Huang Zhitao.

Su Chen looked at her doubtfully.

Huang Zhitao explained: "How embarrassing it would be for Uncle Fang to go through this."

Su Chen: "Is it possible that he is Chen Jiajia's father?"

"Wouldn't it be more embarrassing if we went over to say hello?" Huang Zhitao looked at him.

Su Chen thought about it.

It seems right, Chen Zhuo does not live in Shuxiang Yayuan.

You may still have some impression of Su Chen.

But to Huang Zhitao, he is a stranger.

Suddenly he went over to say hello and called the other person Chen Jiajia's father.

It would be so embarrassing if that person next to me was someone else's girlfriend.

Su Chen was curious.

Is the woman next to me Brother Xun?

Although he can't get Brother Xun's looks, he really likes to hear Brother Xun's voice.

It's good to make a friend and chat.

But since Huang Zhitao was unwilling, Su Chen didn't say much.

The two of them are like thieves.

hunched over.

Cat crotches.

Push the cart toward the other side of the shelf.

en route.

I was still very nervous when I passed by those two people.

Su Chen held Huang Zhitao's hand.

You can even feel the sweat on her palms.

At the same time, I also felt her excitement.

When touching taboos.

Everyone is very excited.

The two of them were like playing a horror game, not daring to speak loudly or gasping loudly the whole time.

Even the heartbeat sounds so harsh at this time.

It wasn't until they left the snack area that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them looked at each other.


Huang Zhitao smiled and said, "Aren't we two too naive?"

"It may be childish for elementary school students, but it's just right for high school seniors."

The number of hide-and-seek times +1.

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, a system prompt came to his ears.

Su Chen was taken aback.

So this counts?

Huang Zhitao saw that Su Chen was silent and waved her hand in front of his eyes.

Su Chen caught her evil hand.

The corners of the mouth rise.

With a smirk.

"Not only was it not childish, it even did me a favor."

Huang Zhitao's face was full of confusion when he heard this.

He even forgot to take his hand back.

Let Su Chen hold it.

Looking at the two figures gradually leaving.

Su Chen smiled at Huang Zhitao and said, "How's it going? Are you interested in playing a game?"

"what game?"



The person targeted by Su Chen and Huang Zhitao was really Fangyuan.

It’s just that Xiao Meng was following him.

In fact, there is also Qiao Weidong.

It's just that this guy went to the toilet and hasn't come back yet.

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