"Go away, you wretched man!"

"Scheming 0."

Before they could come in, Lin Miaomiao hurried over to stop them.

"What's going on with you! Why are you so excited!!!"

Lin Miaomiao blocked the door with both hands.

But there are too many people outside.

Lin Miaomiao can't support herself alone.

Deng Xiaoqi and Qiao Yingzi rushed to help.

Fortunately, they wore thicker clothes in winter, otherwise their bodies would not be able to withstand such a huge force.

Also take advantage of this opportunity.

They figured out the purpose of this group of people.

All because of the video on the official website!

Huang Zhitao frowned.

"What video? Why didn't we know about it!"

Lin Miaomiao shouted loudly: "You know what to do now, I can't stop you at all!!!"

Deng Xiaoqi: "We only need to hold on for another half hour, and we will start class!"

Qiao Yingzi: "But if there are classes, they won't be able to train."

Su Chen rolled up his sleeves and was about to go over.

A familiar voice came from outside.

"What are you doing?!"

"Have you learned everything the teacher taught you today? Or have you finished all your homework???"

In the past, Lin Miaomiao would panic when hearing this sound.

But at this time.

But she felt an inexplicable sense of security.

next second.

The crowded classmates outside instantly gave way.

Li Meng appeared in the middle of this road.

"Teacher Li, you are here!"

Lin Miaomiao complained endlessly.

Li Meng knew what happened at a glance and nodded to her.

Turning around and looking at the students outside.

Wherever his eyes went, no classmate dared to look at him.

Lin Miaomiao was extremely excited.

For the first time, I felt that Li Meng's majesty was so useful.

The classmates who were dancing just now didn't dare to open their mouths now.

Really relieved.

Su Chen looked at it and nodded.

This aura is really strong.

Whether Deng Xiaoqi and the others can be restrained in the future depends on Li Meng.

"If you have time now, study hard, write your homework, and think about how to prepare for the parent-teacher conference soon."

When we talk about this, some people actually raise their hands to refute it.

"Basketball games are originally school activities, and they can also be regarded as bringing glory to the school. Why are we so enthusiastic?"

His words were recognized by those around him.

Nod along.

Li Meng was quite disdainful of this sentence.

"Today's game is at noon. If you really think it's good for the medical school to win glory, why don't you go watch it at noon???"

Everyone: "..."

In fact, no one cares about this kind of school basketball game.

In the end, it is nothing more than a competition between foreign language schools and sports schools.

They are a key high school in the district.

Their physical abilities don't allow them to compete against those two schools.

It’s not humiliating enough to go see the scene.

Seeing them lower their heads, Li Meng drove them away.

No one dared to speak anymore.

Qiao Yingzi looked at her: "." Thank you, Teacher Li, for the rescue. "

Li Meng nodded.

"You guys look good in your cheerleading uniforms."

The girls blushed.

Chen Jiajia chuckled: "The main thing is that the clothes are good-looking and the person is beautiful. They work best together."

Li Meng was amused by his words.

Looking at Su Chen.

"Do you know why they came here?"

"What kind of video is it?"

Li Meng opened the phone and handed it over.

Suchen and the others took a look.

This was discovered.

It turned out to be a video recording of my noon game.

From passing to heading.

From layups to dunks.

From the background music to the drum beats.

Finally, there is the clean ending, and the envious and unwilling eyes of the opponent.

Professionalism everywhere.

"So handsome!" Deng Xiaoqi looked at Li Meng excitedly: "Teacher Li, can you send me a copy? I want to save it."

"Okay, give me the V letter and I will send you this video."

Chen Jiajia was confused: "Didn't I hear them say it was on the official website? How did I know that Teacher Li was a separate video?"

Li Meng, who was uploading the video, paused.

He turned his head stiffly.

"Teacher Pan passed it to me in the office."

The crowd nodded.

Su Chen smiled lightly at her arrogance.

What he got in return was a blank stare.

This scene was also seen by Wang Yidi.


What she guessed should be pretty close.

Lixiang Yayuan.

Song Qian was holding her mobile phone and looking through winter camp information.

Such as food and accommodation.

such as learning.

For example, will Qiao Yingzi participate in the major she likes?

She will pay attention to these news.

But right now.

Suddenly I saw an official reminder.

When I clicked on it, it turned out to be a video of a basketball game.

"I really didn't realize this little bastard was quite photogenic."

There are many people in the picture.

But there is only one thing that catches the eye.

It was Su Chen.

Every pass and every shot he makes is so cool and handsome.

And those few slam dunks almost made her scream.

In terms of watching the boys I like playing basketball.

It doesn’t matter what kind of woman it is.

After watching the video, Song Qian couldn't help but share the news with Tong Wenjie.

Of course the reason is that Fang Yifan is also inside.

But when you watch it, you can tell who the protagonist is at a glance.

School in the afternoon.

Song Qian heard the sound of keys outside the door.

Open the door quickly.

After welcoming Qiao Yingzi in, she found that Lin Miaomiao was the only one next door.

Song Qian asked in confusion: "Where is Su Chen?"

"There are several basketball games tomorrow. He went to see Teacher Li to ask for leave. It will take a while before he can come back."

Watch Lin Miaomiao go back.

Song Qian looked at the elevator not far away and frowned.

"How can I ask for leave?"


Thanks to 153****7579 for the reward of 100 points and a reminder ticket, thank you very much, love you.

197: Song Qian: That little bastard is going to meet netizens

teacher's office.

Su Chen stood behind Li Meng and rubbed her shoulders.

Li Meng was at the desk correcting papers.

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