The only thing that doesn't change is the opponent's score.

It's always 0.

Every time a goal is scored, the people around him cheer vigorously.

By the end, I even lost my voice.

But even so.

When Su Chen and the others scored, they still waved their hands to celebrate for Su Chen and the others.

Song Qian and the others also raised their hands.

I can't help but be excited.

Only two periods have passed.

That is more than 20 minutes.

Several people in foreign languages.

I never entered Su Chen's infield from beginning to end.

Every time he crossed the center line he was interrupted.

I can't help being angry.

Especially that Su Chen.

Whether it's speed, jumping power, or that terrifying hit rate.

They can't compare.

"Captain, that boy is the only one on their side who is good. As long as we exhaust all his energy, there are still more than 20 minutes left, and victory will definitely belong to us."

The captain narrowed his eyes.

Although this method is a bit destructive, looking at it now, it seems that this is the only way to win.


except this.

He has other ways!

There is a bad move on the court.

That is to send some players who did not play to commit crazy fouls at the end of the game.

He even used to hurt the opponent's players to achieve his own goals.

He hadn't used it before.

But that doesn't mean he won't.

And during this break.

The music started playing on the court.

The opposing team’s beautiful cheerleaders wiggled their way to midfield.

Dance in front of everyone.

Raise your legs high.

do the splits.


There is also a human ladder.

Just like acrobatics, it can arouse people's emotions.

This is supposed to be a way to cheer up your team.

As a result, they focused their attention on Su Chen.

It looks like it was danced specifically for Chunfeng Middle School.

This has confused the popular foreign language people.

Play a basketball game.

The beauties on the cheerleading team all have crushes on other people.

Is there anything more disgusting than this?

The break is over.

Su Chen and others come on stage.

They discovered that the opponent had substituted a substitute at this time.

Jiang Tianhao and Fang Yifan are quite familiar with this scene.

Come to Su Chen.

"These guys may be planning to do something bad."

This little trick on the court is not surprising.

What is friendship first and competition second.

It's all bullshit.

If only we could discuss it directly with the other party and let him give up the first place.

What a competition.

"I'm not afraid. I'm afraid they will use dirty tricks to get you hurt."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

They have no substitutes here, if someone is injured and leaves the field.

They can GG in advance.

"Leave this to me." Fang Yifan said with a smile.

Seeing how confident he was, Jiang Tianhao laughed: "Yeah, why didn't I think of playing dirty tricks? Isn't this exactly your method?"

Fang Yifan slapped his hand away.

"I'll reiterate again, what happened last time was your fault and had nothing to do with me."

Jiang Tianhao nodded: "Yes, it's this kind of tough talk. If they use tricks, just blow them up!"

Game start.

The jersey was in the opponent's hands, and this time several of their substitutes looked at each other.

Nodding without a trace.

Holding the ball, he rushed toward Su Chen.

Three strong men who are 1.9 meters tall and nearly two meters tall.It was like a cannonball at the moment.

He crashed towards Su Chen.

It seems to move very quickly and is very oppressive.

But to Su Chen, their movements were just like a child learning to run.

Too slow.

When the distance between them was less than five meters, Su Chen could even see the smile on the leader's face.

At this time, Su Chen turned to the side.

The three people's attacks were instantly ineffective.

But Su Chen didn't see disappointment on their faces, instead there was a hint of excitement.

If Su Chen avoided it.

The four people behind them posed no danger to them at all.

They have to decide this point!

Just when they were about to step into the three-point line.

A figure suddenly appeared next to him.

Haven't waited for them to react.

The two sides collided.

Because of the angle, the referee and the surrounding spectators could hardly see what was going on.

Just a few seconds of contact.

The man flew out.

Covering his head and wailing in pain on the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

"Ah, it hurts so much! They hit me with their elbows!!!" Fang Yifan covered his face and rolled around on the ground.

Just for a while.

It felt like the entire basketball court floor was about to be wiped clean.


The referee can only call a timeout.

While he was understanding the situation, the captain on the other side walked towards the three people.

"Why is your target Su Chen beating that guy! This is not a wasted opportunity!"

"It's none of our business! Just as I was about to steal the blue, that guy rushed over and bumped into my elbow."

The speaker felt extremely wronged.

He really felt that he had done nothing.

Who knows how that person flew out.

And it flew so far.

Tong Wenjie in the stands immediately exploded when she saw this scene.

...... 0

"Fanfan!!! Fanfan is injured!!!" Tong Wenjie stood up immediately and wanted to go down and save Fang Yifan.

As a result, Fang Yuan held him tightly.

"What are you doing? We, Fanfan, are all injured, and you are still stopping me! If you don't go down, I will!"

"No, no, take a closer look."

Don't look at Tong Wenjie, she would either hit or scold him every day.

But he knew.

Tong Wenjie's love for Fang Yifan is no less than her own.

So he could only hold her back quickly to prevent her from going crazy, and then use the facts to help her regain her senses.

But this trick was obviously useless.

Tong Wenjie still wanted to open him and go down to see Fang Yifan.

Fangyuan had no choice but to continue: "Look at Su Chen, look at Su Chen on the sidelines. You should feel relieved about him. Seeing his team members being bullied like this, he didn't even get over."

After hearing Fangyuan's words, Tong Wenjie looked over.

I discovered that it wasn’t just Su Chen.

Others in the team didn't go either.

And helplessness was written on his face.

Tong Wenjie thought of her child's nature and asked, "Is this all Fang Yifan's acting?"


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