"Su Chen, um...where did you practice your massage skills? I've never heard of you talking about it before."

"You haven't asked before." Su Chen continued to press without stopping with his hands: "I practiced this with Sister Song. He had a sore shoulder in class before, and it will be cured by pressing it."

"So that's it, he's still a sweet little boy, but Song Qian never told me about this kind of thing." Tong Wenjie turned to look at the shy Song Qian aside: "She really doesn't regard me as her best friend."

Song Qian was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Looking at it now, you are so good. You are self-taught in cooking, and you are also self-taught in massage. Compared with you, let alone Fang Yifan.

Even his father, Fangyuan can't compare. "

Tong Wenjie sighed.

The same goes for cooking.

Fangyuan only cooks home-cooked meals.

However, Su Chen's cooking skills are up to the standards that make the Jiang family kitchen profitable.

Then comes the massage.

If it's a square or dome type, just rub your shoulders and legs to simply relax your muscles.

And Su Chen.

It's like putting your hands on your body as if they were tainted with magic.

Just for a while.

The strange feeling just now arose again.

she knows.

If this continues, the situation just now may happen again.

But she doesn't care.

Anyway, it’s happened once, so it doesn’t hurt to do it again.

Might as well quiet down and enjoy it.

This is a simple comparison.

The three men in her family couldn't be mentioned at all.

Just like what I told Fangyuan.

In the future, we can get closer to each other as much as possible.


The massage is over.

Tong Wenjie did not get up immediately.

Instead, he lay there and rested.

Song Qian looked at Su Chen angrily.

"You won't restrain yourself."

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Su Chen's Massage Master is a passive skill.

Placing your hand on someone else's head can automatically remove the negative buff.

At most, he wouldn't massage the acupuncture points.

But who can withstand it?

"Sister Song, do you want to try?"

Seeing Su Chen's eager eyes, Song Qian quickly backed away and stretched out her hand to pull Yang Tao in front of her.

"Tao Zi has just finished exercising. Please help her stretch and relax."

Yang Tao was confused.

Before she could react, Song Qian put her down on the yoga mat.

The beauty is in front of me.

Naturally, Su Chen would not let it go.

"No, I haven't finished exercising yet, wait..."


10 minutes later.

Star Tao and Tong Wenjie were lying there together.

Because Su Chen pressed harder.

Carambola's head was covered with fine sweat.

Even more than when I just worked out.

Su Chen looked at Song Qian again.

Song Qian still backed away.

"Since Teacher Song is unwilling, then let me do it. I just exercised for a while and my whole body is sore."

An unexpected voice came.

Xiaomeng walked over with enchanting steps.

Lie flat on your yoga mat.

Take a deep breath.

Those who watched were moved.

"Can you give me a good massage? I'm a little sore here."

Xiao Meng put her hands on her waist, with a trace of pain on her lips.

The voice is weak.

It looks like a harmless rabbit.

Song Qian cursed secretly in her heart.

But it didn't stop Su Chen's actions.

That guy Qiao Weidong dared to compete with him for custody of Qiao Yingzi during his senior year of high school.

Don't think that you will reconcile with him.

As for his girlfriend's cheating, he was in no mood to help mediate it.

She even said that it was too late for her to be happy.

This is revenge from a woman!

Song Qianqian and Su Chen didn't do anything, but even took the initiative to put her hand up for him.

"Teacher Xiaomeng is now our yoga teacher, so naturally we should treat her well."

"Don't refuse people's requests."

Song Qian raised her eyebrows at Su Chen.

He also put his hand in the right place.

Su Chen felt Xiao Meng's body trembling, so he nodded and pressed it down.

And right now.

Su Chen also confirmed that Xiao Meng changed his pants before.

One less thing to replace.


One thing is missing.

Su Chen believed that Song Qian could also see this.

That's why I let myself press it.


"Why do I feel that the people around me are getting more and more wrong, or that I am getting more and more wrong?"

Su Chen recalled the past.

It seems that since Deng Xiaoqi started, there seems to be something wrong with the people around her.

There seems to be some issues with the xp system.

More bold.

Song Qian looked at Xiao Meng who was lying there enjoying herself, and touched her face with her hands.

"Teacher Xiaomeng, your strength is not bad."

"Well..." Xiao Mengqiang opened his eyes, met Song Qian's eyes, and bit his silver teeth lightly: "Did you recognize me when you came in?"

Xiao Meng had seen Song Qian's photos from Qiao Weidong before.

She once regarded Song Qian as an imaginary enemy.

So you can recognize it at first sight.

But Song Qian had almost no contact with Qiao Weidong, and she shouldn't have seen herself.

"So what if I recognize him? Qiao Weidong and I have divorced. You don't think I still have feelings for him, do you?"

"Hmm... um... I thought there was still one before." Xiaomeng trembled twice and then said: "But now I am sure there won't be any. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to have one."

The better Su Chen behaves, the more jealous Xiao Meng becomes.

Think about that guy Qiao Weidong again.

There is simply no comparison.

"Then since there is no conflict between the two of us, we can become friends. We can communicate more in the future and occasionally visit my house."

"Let Su Chen help you relax."

Song Qian narrowed her eyes slightly.

Speak softly.

It looks like a deceptive fox.

That's exactly what she's doing now.

When Su Chen heard this, his heart was moved, and the movements of his hands could not help but become a little deformed.


Song Qian touched Xiao Meng's neck with both hands.

make her look up

You can see Su Chen from this position.

Song Qian asked her to think about the useless Qiao Weidong.

There is no way to compare personally.

Even just to look at it.

Isn't this handsome guy better than Qiao Weidong?

Xiaomeng nodded feebly.

[Desire, excitement. 】

Su Chen felt an extra excitement from her emotions.

"Could this stimulation be the inducement for them to become like this?"

In fact, Su Chen had the same idea.

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