Let her lie back to rest.

"Don't worry, I'm here. You have a good rest and I'll wake you up for dinner."

"Yeah." Li Meng smiled sweetly.

So handsome.

And can take care of people.

Where can I find a boyfriend with good physical strength?

But she met one.

Be sure to take good care of it.

Li Meng looked at the closet.

"Why am I so honest today? Everything is useless. Let's talk about it next time."

Suchen left the room.

Came to the kitchen with ease.

Glanced at the refrigerator.

As expected, there was not a single vegetable in it, not even the most basic tomatoes and cucumbers.

"I really don't even bother to buy food at home." Su Chen wrote a note and stuck it on the refrigerator.

Open the freezer.

It was full of meat, and there were some locust flowers that were frozen hard.


At first glance, these things were prepared by Li's father and Li's mother.

He probably wanted Li Meng to cook and eat it while he was at work.

It turns out that Li Meng is also a slacker.

Totally unwilling to do it myself.

But Su Chen got a bargain today. These things allowed him to cook a lot of dishes.

As for why Li Meng didn't say there was food in the refrigerator.

Maybe it's because the stuff still needs to be defrosted.

It's too late.

I looked at the time and there were about 10 minutes left.

I called a purchasing agent on my phone.

Hold hands.

A pressure cooker and an oven appeared out of thin air in his hand.

This is Su Chen's secret weapon.

Don't say it's just frozen in the refrigerator.

Even if it’s frozen with liquid nitrogen!

These cookware can still cook it well.

With the familiar tool value, Su Chen smiled slightly.

Start cooking.

Li Meng lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Although Su Chen is very considerate.

But she was still afraid that Su Chen would be too late, which might leave a bad impression on her parents.

of course.

Or it may just make the original good impression worse.

After all, her biological daughter is not as good as Su Chen.

I thought and thought.

Li Meng put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

As soon as I arrived in the living room and before I turned to the kitchen, someone knocked on the door outside.

open the door.

Father Li and Mother Li were standing outside.

"Mom and Dad, you are here."

Father Li hummed softly.

Mother Li pulled Li Meng into the room and looked around.

"Stop looking, he's in the kitchen." How could Li Meng not know who he was looking for.


Pull her outside the kitchen.

The moment she saw Su Chen's back, Mother Li smiled.

"This time you are honest and didn't lie to me."

"But he is a guest, how can you let him be alone in there without going over to help."

Li Meng pointed at himself with wide eyes.

"I'm going to help? You want me to help now?"

The big eyes are full of doubts.

Not to mention that she was tired.

Even if he's not tired.

Mother Li didn't even look at the clothes she was wearing.

This is as simple as wearing a cotton-padded jacket and coming out!

If this goes into the kitchen.

Isn't it the same as tempting him yourself?

Thinking about the English they had just reviewed, Li Meng blushed.

Mother Li didn't think much and just pushed her in.

The kitchen is so big.

Su Chen felt it as soon as Li Meng entered.

"Um...my mother asked me to come in and help you." Li Meng blushed in embarrassment at this point.

Usually he is too lazy to cook for himself.

Today, I was asked to help Su Chen.

I really don't know what she thinks.

"Okay, someone will knock on the door soon. Just go out and get the food."

"This is a good job, I like it."

Feeling Su Chen's favor, Li Meng nodded like a little girl and watched him cook.

From time to time, I want to get close to him and become familiar with him.

The result was that Su Chen pushed him back.

Back and forth.

Have fun.

Later, he even forgot what he was wearing and insisted on getting in front of Su Chen to help cut vegetables.

As a result, Su Chen glanced behind him.

Taught her a good lesson.

Now Li Meng was honest. After hearing the knock on the door, she went back to the room and changed her clothes.

Mother Li looked at her: "Didn't I ask you to help?"

"The vegetables Su Chen bought were brought back by someone. I'll come and get them." Li Meng took a look at the things inside.

They all ate what they liked, smiled, and then looked up at their mother.

"Mom, are you his mother or my mother? It feels like you are closer to him than to me when he comes here."

Mother Li stroked her hair and said softly: "Of course she is your mother, but she is also his mother. If it is true, I still like him more."

"Dad, look at my mother, she doesn't care about me now that she has a son-in-law!" Li Meng complained to her father like a little girl.

But Father Li turned his head.

Li Meng instantly became honest.

"Your mother is right. Now that you have the food, you should go back and help."

Li Meng: "..."

"I'm really going to kill you."

Suchen is cooking in the kitchen.

Hear movement behind him.

Turn around and look over.

Li Meng angrily threw the vegetables into the sink, beating the mud on them as if he had some deep hatred.

"Who provoked you? Tell me and I will help you beat him."

"It's not my parents..." Li Meng stopped and turned to look at him: "It just so happens that my parents like you. If you can beat them up, they won't like you anymore. "


Hearing Su Chen's laughter, Li Meng realized that he had made a mistake.

She blushed and turned around to continue washing vegetables.

Su Chen hugged her from behind.

"It's okay. I'll put all the delicious food in front of you later to make them angry."

Li Meng nodded happily...

There was even a smile on his face.

Let them look down upon themselves so much.

With Li Meng washing vegetables.

Su Chen cooks much faster here.

Less than half an hour.

Six dishes were put on the table by Li Meng, and finally there was a soup.

Seeing that Su Chen wanted to go back to the kitchen, Mother Li hurriedly pulled him.

"There's no need to do it. There are only four of us and we can't eat that much."

"It's okay, Auntie, I'll just bring up the last soup."

Looking at the back of Su Chen leaving.

Mother Li smiled with relief.

"What a good boy, why do you fall in love with you?"

Li Meng was determined to refute.

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