While eating her meal, Tong Wenjie looked at Qiao Yingzi's dazed eyes and teased: "Yingzi, I haven't seen enough of your mother in 18 years."

"Of course it's not enough. My mother is so beautiful today, but her clothes are a little wrinkled. She will definitely be more beautiful if she changes into something neater."

He does not mean that.

Tong Wenjie and Li Meng glanced at Song Qian's clothes at the same time.

Song Qian wanted to cover it up with both hands.

But it's too late.

"I accidentally dropped it while cooking, and my clothes are a little wrinkled."

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, Song Qian only has this explanation.

Lin Miaomiao sighed while eating.

"I'm afraid it will take a long time to eat such a delicious meal after today's meal."

"Su Chen, why don't you come home with me, and I'll pay you to support you."

What Lin Miaomiao said about Qing 3.8 is true.

But Su Chen had to remind her: "You only have a few hundred yuan left in your coffers. Are you sure you can ask me to cook you a meal?"

Su Chen's current skills are definitely that of a state banquet chef.

Even a simple plate of egg fried rice is estimated to cost four figures.

Hearing what Su Chen said, Lin Miaomiao was also discouraged.

The meal is over.

Lin Miaomiao pulled the box, said hello to everyone, and suddenly looked at Su Chen: "By the way, what time is the swimming scheduled?"

"About mid-July, I'll call you then."


Lin Miaomiao left.

Song Qian glanced at Su Chen angrily. As expected, this guy invited everyone.

"Okay, let's go back?" Su Chen prepared to go upstairs with them.

As a result, Song Qian and Tong Wenjie were preparing to go to work, and Qiao Yingzi was also preparing to take their car to the planetarium.

Tong Wenjie placed her hand on Su Chen's shoulder: "I'm afraid only Mengmeng can accompany you today."

Watch them leave.

Li Meng also planned to leave, but was pulled by Su Chen.

"Don't worry, have you bought a swimsuit?"


Thanks to 1867****546 for the two rewards with a total of 1588 points. Thank you very much. I love you! .

400: Buying a swimsuit, and Li Meng was stuck in the fitting room with star fruit

the mall.

Su Chen and Li Meng came to the swimsuit area.

It's not like other stores where ordinary clothes are placed on hangers in the middle.

High-end ones are hung on the walls on both sides.

Or maybe there are a few plastic motorcycles standing there, or even a few cabinets with shoes.

Or package.

Selling swimsuits here is very simple.

A room of dozens of square meters is full of shelves, with signs hanging in front.

Children's swimsuits basically only differ in color.

There are more swimsuits for adults.

Especially ladies.

Just one bikini can be derived into more than a dozen styles.

It looks very eye-catching.

Su Chen and Li Meng were walking around here, choosing their favorite swimsuits.

Although there is a place selling swimsuits in the hotel, there are too many people there.

When buying, you can only look at it honestly.

It's different here.

Not only can you watch it, but you can also give your opinions.

After Li Meng walked in, when she thought of Su Chen following behind her, she just wanted to grab a swimsuit and leave immediately.

But Su Chen stopped him.

"I think this will do, no need to try."

"If not, what if I buy a smaller one?"

“I’ll wear it even when I’m younger!”

"That won't work, I will feel bad."

Li Meng gritted his teeth and looked at the man in front of him, with fire in his eyes.

But the other party didn't give her a chance to leave at all.

How could I fall in love with such a shameless guy?

So angry.

Li Meng could only keep thinking in her heart, she chose it, she chose it.

I casually grabbed a swimsuit that almost covered my whole body. 11

He smiled and said to the waiter beside him: "Please give me an L code. Thank you."

Before the waiter could bring the swimsuit over, Su Chen changed the clothes in Li Meng's hands.

The upper body has a classic shape.

There is an extra layer of lace skirt outside the lower body.

"Change to this one."

The waiter looked at them awkwardly, not knowing who to listen to.

Li Meng originally wanted to persist, but Su Chen said in her ear: "Sister Song and Sister Tong will almost all be wearing this way. You are younger than them, so you won't be willing to lose to them in terms of figure." .”

"Whoever compares to this, you won't be the one who ends up cheaper."

Li Meng's mouth was tough, but her body was very honest, and she let the waiter take Su Chen's swimsuit to change into.

He chose next to him again.

"I thought you would choose a bikini." Li Meng said unintentionally, but her eyes were focused on Su Chen.

"Of course I like bikinis, but I don't know if you can wear them, and~"

Su Chen took one and made gestures on her body: "I think Sister Song will look more charming when she wears it."

"You! Give it to me!" Li Meng was extremely angry at Su Chen's words.

Take the clothes away from Su Chen.

Go into the changing room next to it.

The moment the door closed, a successful smile appeared on Su Chen's face.

He believed that Li Meng also knew that this was irritating her.

But no way.

This is conspiracy. If you don't agree, then admit that your figure is not as good as others.

How could Li Meng endure this?

"Actually, there is no need to force yourself. You can come out if you don't want to wear it. It doesn't matter."

Su Chen held the door, unable to stop smiling.

next second.

The door suddenly opened, and Su Chen rushed in without paying attention.

There was a wall bang for Li Meng.

Su Chen: "..."

Li Meng: "..."

"What do you want to do?!" Li Meng's voice was trembling, and her eyelashes were shaking up and down, seeming to be talking about her owner's uneasy mood at the moment.

Especially Su Chen, who now had an arm blocking the side of her head.

The two were so close that they could feel each other's breathing.

Li Meng's fair and tender skin turned pink at this moment, and she just plucked up the courage to let Su Chen see it.

Now both hands are holding clothes in front of him.

The eyes are watery.

If Fang Yifan and the others were to see Li Tieguan with such a gentle and tender side, they would probably give themselves a slap in the face.

Make sure it's a dream.

But Su Chen was very familiar with this scene, holding her chin in his hand.

"you are pretty."

Suddenly hearing Su Chen's sweet words made Li Meng blush even more, but it also made her react.

He reached out and planned to push Su Chen out.

"Wait a minute, aren't you going to let me see it? I haven't seen it clearly yet, please give me another chance."

"Fuck you, you can watch it later when you're swimming. Get out of here right now! You stinky scoundrel."

Su Chen didn't resist and allowed Li Meng to push him to the door.

Just as he stepped out with his right foot, he heard a voice coming from the door.

"Taozi, aren't you going to go swimming? The swimsuit you wore before I saw you was too small. Let's choose one today."

"Well, sister, you are pregnant now. Don't be tired. Just sit there and rest. I will do it."

"It's okay. Your brother-in-law is here, and your aunt is behind you, so don't worry about me."

Upon hearing this voice.

Su Chen quickly turned around and pushed Li Meng back, and locked the door.

His smooth operation confused Li Meng.

The action is the same as before.

Clothes in front of me.

"What do you want to do? Why don't you go out!"

Looking at Li Meng's blushing face, Su Chen whispered from outside: "There is an acquaintance outside."

"Who is it?" As soon as she heard the word acquaintance, Li Meng bent down and even her voice became softer.

I want to take a look outside.

This is people, even if they know they shouldn’t, they still want to take the risk to see it.

Su Chen stood behind and looked at Li Meng's swimsuit.

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