Su Chen was a little embarrassed sitting on the sofa looking at the silk stockings. No matter who he gave this thing to, I'm afraid they would all draw a blank stare.

It looks like it's almost dinner time.

Su Chen touched his chin: "Why don't you give it to Song Qian to try?"

Just do it.

Su Chen took the bag and came to the 403 door.

Reach out and knock on the door.

It was Qiao Yingzi who opened the door.

"Su Chen?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Su Chen's hand and saw that there was a gift. She took it with a smile: "Come if you want. Do you want to bring any gifts?"

"Next time, don't bring anything except food."

Before Su Chen could stop him, Qiao Yingzi had already opened the bag.

Then close it immediately.

Looking at Su Chen with a red face.

"You're a pervert! Buying so many..." Qiao Yingzi glanced at the master bedroom and whispered, "Why did you buy so many stockings?"

"Even if Xiaoqi can use it, she won't be able to use so much, and..."

Qiao Yingzi looked at Su Chen strangely: "You don't want me to wear it, do you?"

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

How could such a strange brain circuit appear in you?

Isn’t this supposed to be a wonderful skill?

"Today I went shopping with Sister Tong. She bought it for her girlfriend. I thought it was a bit much, so I came to see if there is anything you like. Just take it."

Shake the pot.

Su Chen directly threw the blame on Tong Wenjie.

When Su Chen said this, Qiao Yingzi nodded and really started searching inside.

This time it was Su Chen's turn to be weird.

"Yingzi, it's true or false, it doesn't match your personality."

"What's wrong?" Qiao Yingzi raised her head dissatisfied, and her hair was thrown back casually: "What's wrong? Are you just saying that I'm not a woman?"

"I didn't say that."

"Tch." Qiao Yingzi rolled her eyes at Su Chen and chose two sets: "I'll take these two, and you can let my mother choose the rest."

"Who's coming outside?"

"Mom, it's Su Chen, he's here to deliver something!"

Qiao Yingzi patted Su Chen on the shoulder, pointed to the master bedroom, and went back to lie on her side.

Looking at Qiao Yingzi's leaving figure, Su Chen whispered: "Yingzi, what happened today? Are you in love?"

But now is not the time for Su Chen to think about this. He needs to sell the stockings in his hands quickly.

A cursory look.

I still have about 20 pairs in hand.

"Even if Song Qian can't finish it all, Li Meng, Yang Tao, Pei Yin, Xiao Meng, and Lan Weiwei can all do it~"

Su Chen didn't miss Deng Xiaoqi, Wang Yidi and the others.

Something like stockings.

Mature women feel better wearing it, but it is better to leak it when they are young.

Song Qian was still correcting papers in front of the computer.

The door is opened.

I looked up.

"Our busy man, why are you here today?" Song Qian pushed up her glasses and continued to stare at the paper.

Because at home.

Song Qian is not wearing professional attire, which makes her look a little less interesting compared to Tong Wenjie who is wearing professional attire.

"Sister Tong bought too many stockings and asked me to share them. I thought about it and you are the only one who looks good in them, so I came over to see if you need them."

Hearing Tong Wenjie, Song Qian glanced into the bag held by Su Chen.

He burst out laughing.

"You said Tong Wenjie bought this?" Song Qian squinted at Su Chen, who had a serious face, and curled her lips: "I know that Wenjie buys things. She likes to choose such consumables, but she doesn't like to buy them. .”

"If you brought four or five pairs, I still believe that if you brought over ten or twenty pairs at once, you must have bought more for her, right?"

Su Chen was startled.

Good guy.

Can Song Qian also read minds?

"more or less."

Su Chen licked his face and handed the bag over: "It doesn't matter who bought it, they are all pretty anyway, black, fleshy, gray, bright, and white."

"I really don't think I can use it all, I can help." Su Chen looked serious, but Song Qian rolled her eyes in return.

I simply selected a few pairs and threw the rest back.

"I will pay for the sins I have done, and I can help you consume so much."

He threw the chosen items on the bed and looked at the paper again.

Changed it for a while.

Instead of hearing the door close, there was a sound of breathing in my ears.

Although far away.

But she could vaguely feel the wind blowing from his mouth, which made Song Qian's ears turn red involuntarily.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Song Qian finally couldn't help it anymore and turned around to take a look.

I thought this guy was teasing me again.

Unexpectedly, he was reading the paper.

"Are you going to use this paper to test them?"

Looking at Su Chen's serious face, Song Qian stuttered: " has been tested and is being modified now."

Song Qian took out the corrected paper.

Su Chen glanced at each paper a few times and pointed at several places on the paper where the error rate was relatively high.

Analyze to Song Qian why these people made mistakes here.

And how to make them correct.

Song Qian was in working mode, listening and recording at the same time.

The two of them started talking like this.


at the same time.

Qiao Yingzi, who was playing back two pairs of stockings, quietly took a look outside.

I found no one was following me.

Then he threw himself on his bed and picked up his cell phone.

[Qiao Yingzi: Lin Lin, didn’t you say last time that stockings can increase a woman’s charm? I’m really ready to bring them to you when school starts? 】

[Zhou Linlin: I just said it, and you took it seriously]

[Qiao Yingzi: What’s wrong?Didn’t you say you wanted to reshape your image in college?Isn't this just an opportunity? 】

[Zhou Linlin: Actually, I think his current character is pretty good. 】

[Qiao Yingzi: Then the stockings I bought...]

[Zhou Linlin: ...How about you bring it. If it doesn't work, you can just find an opportunity to go out and rob it. 】

[Qiao Yingzi:......]


dinner at night.

Qiao Yingzi ate absentmindedly.

Song Qian asked: "Yingzi, what's wrong with you? Miao Miao usually eats first, and you are second. Why are you eating so slowly today?"

After hearing Song Qian's words, Qiao Yingzi realized that there was still half of the food in her bowl.

The contents of Su Chen and Song Qian's bowls have reached the bottom.

"It's okay, I just met a friend recently and I feel a little bit stuck."

Qiao Yingzi was also embarrassed to tell the matter in front of Song Qian.

I want to find an opportunity to explain it to Su Chen alone.

But there was absolutely no chance.

Whether it was eating or washing dishes, Su Chen and Song Qian were basically together.

Qiao Yingzi couldn't find a chance to be alone with Su Chen.

Until Su Chen left.

Qiao Yingzi looked at the closed door and sighed helplessly.

"Let's find another chance to explain. Zhou Linlin, you have tricked me to death."


Su Chen really had no curiosity about Qiao Yingzi taking stockings.


Fresh out of high school.

I wore school uniforms for three years and wore no makeup for three years.

I definitely want to try something like this to make myself beautiful.

Makeup is one.

Buying new clothes is another.

It is very common and normal to make yourself better after going to college.

Just when Su Chen returned to the bedroom, Editor Li called.

"Su Chen, your first TV series adaptation is about to be released. Do you plan to hold a press conference?"

"Editor-in-Chief, please don't embarrass me. I'm in the Imperial Capital now. You're holding a press conference there. I have to run to the Magic Capital and then back again. It takes several days to go back and forth. Why bother?"

"Since your university is in Shanghai, why don't you just stay here for one more month? If you can't afford the accommodation, I'll pay."

Editor Li also found it interesting when he heard the reason for Su Chen's rejection.

Shanghai University is your choice.

You also expressed that you must come here, and even came here for a tour during the winter vacation.

Why did I invite you over?

It won't work?

Do you look down on me, Li?

Su Chen didn't want to explain too much on this matter, but asked: "Which of my book changes is going to be released?"

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