"It's all this stinky guy Su Chen who bought so many stockings for no reason. It's not enough if he doesn't wear them."

Rubbing his legs, he thought of Tong Wenjie and Xiao Meng.

The stockings the two of them wore were also bought by Su Chen.

"What a little pervert."

Feeling her legs loosen a little, Song Qian looked at the wall next to her.

If you guessed right.

The person living next door was either Yang Tao or Su Chen. I don’t know who was inside.

dong dong dong~

"What's going on? The hotel will also be renovated? Renovation...etc."

Song Qian heard the sound and came to the wall, her heart beating faster.


"Song Qian!!!"

The sound outside the door startled Song Qian, and the sound in her ears began to gradually weaken.

Did you find out they were here?

Song Qian touched her blushing face, quickly came to the door, and opened the door.

"Why is your face so red?" Tong Wenjie looked around the room: "Is Su Chen here too?"

"Can you stop being so nervous? Just watch me come in. How could Su Chen be here?"

"Maybe, after all, I just went back to my room. What if he comes during these ten minutes?"

Tong Wenjie searched in the room.

But not found.

After thinking for a while, he lay on the ground and looked under the sofa.

This scene was seen by Song Qian who was standing behind her.

Even if we have known each other for so long.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but went over to pull her up and pointed to the next door.

"The person you're looking for is probably having sex with someone else next door."


Tong Wenjie pulled up her skirt and listened according to Song Qian's words.

Very quiet.

Nothing weird going on.

"Song Qian, don't you just want to see me make a fool of myself? There's no movement around here."


at the same time.

A few more people came up in the corridor.

A noble lady was accompanied by several young girls.

"Aunt Pei Yin, you said Qian Sanyi went back to his hometown? He only has three months of rest in total. He still has time to go back to his hometown. Why don't he spend more time with you?"

"The elderly at home miss him too, so it's okay to let him go back. He's so tired in his senior year of high school, so he can relax a bit."

"Xiao Qi, I really didn't expect Su Chen to invite Aunt Pei Yin over."

The ones who came up were Pei Yin, Lin Miaomiao, and Deng Xiaoqi.

Pei Yin blushed when she heard Lin Miaomiao's words.

She also didn't expect that Su Chen would call Deng Xiaoqi and the others over.

This is if adults only have themselves.

That was too embarrassing.

Deng Xiaoqi held Pei Yin's hand and said with a smile: "It's normal to call Aunt Pei Yin here. Auntie is Su Chen's apprentice, so it's right to come out and relax."

"Besides, Miaomiao, don't blame me for not reminding you, there is a high probability that Li Meng will come too today."

"Ah???" Lin Miaomiao was in a daze.

Su Chen shouldn't be so perverted.

Even Li Meng was invited?

The waiter brought the three of them to the door and gave them a few more room cards.

Just as they were about to enter the house, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao opened the door.

"Miaomiao! Xiaoqi?! As soon as I heard the sound, you guys were here!"

"Aunt Pei Yin."

Pei Yin smiled: "You guys play, I'll go back to the room and take a rest first."

into the room.

Pei Yin leaned against the door, covering his chest with his right hand, feeling a little hesitant.

These are the words of these little girls.

I really don’t have the confidence to wear a swimsuit and compete with them.

"Why am I comparing myself to them? Really, I'm starting to think wildly again."

Pei Yin covered his face and shook his head.

In my mind, I thought of every little bit of how I met Su Chen now.

It always feels so fantasy.

Su Chen has a girlfriend now. Isn't it bad for her to continue like this?


It was hard for her to have such a sense of security, but she was unwilling to give up like this.

Pei Yin touched his face.

Although not as firm as those 20-year-old girls.

But she is much better than before.

Now that Su Chen can accept her as she was, and now that she is getting better and better, he should be happier.

Forget it.

Now that you're here, have fun and don't think too much.

Pei Yin took out the swimsuit he had prepared from his bag.

Also a bikini.

The whole body is light blue.

The upper body is decorated with some cloth strips, and the lower body is decorated with two thin ropes around the waist.

In fact, it is the most ordinary bikini.

Pei Yin is conservative by nature, so wearing such a dress is already very difficult.

In fact, there was another item in the bag, and basically nothing was exposed except the arms and legs.

But currently, if she wears that one, there really is no comparison.

At this moment, the door knocked.

Turn around and open the door.

"Mom Qian Sanyi, it's really you. I just heard a voice outside. I thought I heard it wrong."

Tong Wenjie said hello and suddenly noticed the swimsuit in her hand.

"You chose a good swimsuit."

Hearing Tong Wenjie's teasing, Pei Yin subconsciously hid her clothes back.

This little move was noticed by Song Qian, and she reached out and patted Tong Wenjie: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm sorry, I'm used to joking among friends, but you really chose the clothes well. We basically all have the same style."

Tong Wenjie stepped forward and leaned into Pei Yin's ear: "How else can I compare with those little girls?"

The last time he met these three parents, Pei Yin found their temperament very attractive.

I didn't expect this meeting.

It seems to be getting more intense.

In particular, Tong Wenjie became even more aggressive.

It was hard for Pei Yin to adapt.

"By the way, is Fang Yifan here this time?" I vaguely remembered that the parent in front of me was Fang Yifan's mother.

Tong Wenjie shook her head.

"Fanfan followed Lei'er back to his hometown, otherwise he wouldn't have time to come out."

"Sanyi also went back to his grandma's house."

Pei Yin seemed to be explaining why he came alone.

It feels like there is no silver 300 taels here.

It felt like the three of them came out for no other reason than to see who else was coming.

After a brief chat, we left.

It didn't take long.

Li Meng, Wang Yidi, Chen Jiajia, and Lan Weiwei came upstairs one after another.

Wang Yidi and Chen Jiajia knew Li Meng, and the three of them were relatively close.

But neither of them spoke.

All eyes were on Lan Weiwei beside him.

have to say.

After seeing Lan Weiwei's figure, they all felt a little ashamed of themselves.

I can't help but think of it.

Where did Su Chen know such a fairy?

The waiter took them upstairs and looked at them deeply.

Just for a moment.

The people they brought upstairs were all beauties, and they couldn't help but feel envious.

Others are beautiful and have enough money to be cool.

They can only serve as waiters here, and the gap between people is really huge.

Several people were speechless.

They all took their room cards and returned to their rooms.

However, Qiao Yingzi and the others quickly called everyone together through their own small group.

In Qiao Yingzi's room.

"Why hasn't that guy Su Chen come yet?"

Qiao Yingzi clicked on her phone and kept urging, and soon the door to the room was opened.

Su Chen walked in from outside.

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