It was the first time that Lin Miaomiao saw Su Chen so angry, but she was not afraid at all.

This yellow guy deserves it.

Let him curse.

When Lin Xiangyu saw Huang Mao like this, he didn't know whether to go up to help or watch the show.

But at this moment, his eyes were attracted by a beautiful woman following behind.

"Look, there are beauties."

With one sentence, everyone's attention was attracted.

Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao also turned their heads.

I saw a slender beauty walking towards this side with a pink suitcase on the aisle.

A white top paired with light blue jeans, with long black hair hanging behind her head.

Under the sunlight.

It looks so fresh and refreshing, which makes people’s eyes brighten.

Of course Su Chen had an impression of this beauty. She was my brother who slept on the upper bunk, one of the beauties in there.

Xia Xingchen.

The one who was in charge of Chaonian before.

At this moment, Xia Xingchen seemed to be used to other people's attention and did not show any displeasure.

But when passing by Su Chen, I still took a special look.

Do I know this guy?

Why does it feel so familiar.

"Hello, senior brother, I'm from our business school, foreign trade English, my name is Xia Xingchen."

When Guan Chao heard Xia Xingchen's name, he didn't even need to look for it and turned directly to the page with Xia Xingchen's name.

Help fill in the name.

Huang Mao, who was originally held in Su Chen's hand, took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly escaped from Su Chen's clutches.

He covered his shoulders and ran to Xia Xingchen's side.

"Beauty, are you going back to the dormitory? I happen to be on the way, so I'll take you back."

"no need."

Xia Xingchen pulled the box and walked to Su Chen, and also glanced at Lin Miaomiao beside him.

"You are also freshmen, right? Do you want to go back to the dormitory together?"

Su Chen's eyes didn't want to look at a certain place, but they looked there involuntarily.

Although Xia Xingchen's figure is not as good as Lan Weiwei's, she still has a lot of room for improvement, especially since Su Chen still remembers that Xia Xingchen's actor played the beautiful policewoman in Yu Zui.

Su Chen remembered that nickname.


Lin Miaomiao glanced at Huang Mao, who was standing nearby gnashing his teeth.

The more angry he becomes.

Lin Miaomiao became happier.

Pulling Su Chen and Xia Xingchen, the three of them walked to the dormitory.

Song Zihao shouted at Su Chen's back: "Just wait for me!!! I have plenty of time to play with you in four years of college!!!"

"How awesome are you? As a freshman, those who don't know better would think you are the school leader." Xie Xun is not afraid of him at all, even if his father is the leader.

He couldn't control himself, and he believed that if his father knew that his son was a bully in school.

Definitely angry.

"Get out of here!" Song Zihao pointed at Lin Xiangyu behind him: "Please sign in for me and I'll go back to the dormitory directly."

Watching Song Zihao pull his luggage and leave.

Guan Chao put his arm around Lin Xiangyu's shoulders: "Your dad actually has such a leader. It's really hard for him."

"He is my father's leader. With such a son, my father's leader is not him." Lin Xiangyu hugged his shoulders, looked at Huang Mao contemptuously, and smiled: "I originally thought that this guy would definitely cause trouble when he came. But now it seems that he doesn’t have many good days.”

Guan Chao nodded: "That guy named Su Chen is really awesome. Your voice just now must have twisted Huang Mao's tendons out of place. Eh! My hair stood up when I heard it."

"Hey, Guan Chao, you're still here praising me for my strength. You didn't realize that I have a girlfriend. The new girl is also interested in me."

"It seems that you are really the only one left in this university, and you are still a boy, hahaha!~"

"Hey~ Lao Xie, you can't say that, there are still monkeys."

Lin Xiangyu laughed: "The welcome party is tonight, but don't miss your chance to find a girlfriend."


Xia Xingchen followed Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao for a long distance.

I saw no one following me.

Then he said to the two of them: "I'm so sorry. I didn't want that guy to follow me, so I pulled you out privately, but there was nothing I could do."

Su Chen nodded to express understanding.

If Huang Mao didn't offend him, Su Chen really didn't want to be a shield.

But not now.

That Huang Mao was full of ridicule as soon as he appeared on the scene. If it didn't disgust him, he would be sorry for attending this school.

Lin Miaomiao also patted her chest: "It's okay, that guy has such a bad mouth, he should have been punished long ago."

"Thank you then. Would you like to have dinner together this afternoon?"


Lin Miaomiao pulled Suchen's arm: "Can you take the spoon?"

"You're thinking about farting."

Send Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

The two also exchanged letters.

Xia Xingchen asked: "What's your name? Let me make a note."

"My name is Su Chen."

"Su Chen, my name is Xia Xingchen, I feel..." Xiao Xingchen raised his head and glanced at Su Chen, then chuckled: "It's quite fate."

"Su Shi's Su and Chen Guang's Chen may be different from your Chen."

This sentence stunned Xia Xingchen, and for a moment he really didn't know how to answer.

"Xingchen, let's go, don't worry about this guy." Lin Miaomiao saw that the situation was not good and quickly pulled Xingchen away.

It feels like Xia Xingchen will fall after watching for a while longer.

In fact, Lin Miaomiao didn't know.

It's fine during the day.

It’s more about the intimacy of relatives and friends.

At night.

That's the charm.

The male dormitory at Shanghai University of Science and Technology only has 4 people per room.

According to Su Chen's impression of the boys' dormitory in the TV series.

The environment in the school dormitory is really not that good.

It's nothing compared to going to the same school together.

At least the 4 people in other people are sleeping on the bed and sitting at the table, but the 4 people here are still bunk beds.

The tables are on either side of the bed.

Su Chen dragged her luggage to the dormitory and found that there was only one bed in the dormitory.

air conditioner.

Water Purifier.


There's even a dehumidifier.

"What's going on? This is my dormitory???"

Su Chen pulled his luggage around the room in surprise.

One last look at the list on the door.

It was really Su Chen alone.

"I'm going, even if you want to do me a favor, you can arrange a teacher's dormitory for me."

"I was given a single room in the student dormitory. Isn't this obviously isolating me? It's no wonder that the current leaders are divorced from the grassroots. If you come down and take a look, you won't make such a stupid decision. .”

Su Chen threw away the list and hung the clothes in the box in the closet.

I thought about it.

I still exchanged it for a noob.

"From now on, the floor hygiene in the dormitory will be left to you."

"Good host."

Seeing Xiao 970 Bai start to work, Su Chen felt relieved.

Although it was a bit different from where he imagined he would stay.

But it's not too bad.

After all, even that guy Huang Mao lives in a 4-person room.

It would be great if the school could arrange an independent dormitory for him.

"It seems that if you study well, it will be useful."

Hear the phone ring.

Su Chen turned over in bed, changed her clothes and went downstairs to prepare for dinner.


school cafeteria.

Xia Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao stared wide-eyed.

I was surprised to hear Su Chen talk about the situation in his dormitory.

"You're the only one in your dormitory? This is so cool!"

Lin Miaomiao's eyes were filled with envy.

Her luck was both good and bad.

The bad thing was that she was assigned to a mixed dormitory, which meant that there were people from all majors in the dormitory.

The good thing is that there is Xia Xingchen here, so I don't know anyone.

But they heard that Su Chen actually lived in a single room alone.

The envious expression was beyond words.

"Then you can cook by yourself in the future???"

Lin Miaomiao's focus is always on food.

Xia Xingchen shook his head.

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