The two people's movements stopped in mid-air for an instant.

Su Chen's left hand rested on his chin.

Shout a second later.


In less than a second, as long as the voice left his mouth late, a quick punch hit his jaw.

He might just fly out.

clap clap clap! ~

There was a burst of applause, and others followed suit.

"Su Chen is amazing!!!"

"Good job!!!"

Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen clapped their hands and came to the front of the crowd.

Su Chen also separated from the instructor.

The company commander smiled and said: "It seems that my mastery of Juntiquan is better than yours."

The instructor was helpless: "You kid didn't use the 3.9 throw with your arms and back, why did you call it that name?"

"I don't necessarily have to use this trick when calling this name. I'm not stupid. If I call the name, I just tell the other person. Why did I hit him? The other person was on guard, so I spanked him."

Su Chen's words made the instructor very ashamed and he was also stupid.

He clearly felt that calling out the name of the move was silly, but he still believed it.

The instructors around him also started cheering.

The company commander smiled and came to Su Chen: "You fought well and your brain is flexible enough. And I heard from the doctor in the infirmary that your physical fitness is also good."

"Do you plan to join the army? After you join the army with your college entrance examination results, you will at least be a non-commissioned officer."

Whoa! ~

The position of noncommissioned officer is not very senior in the army.

But being brought up casually by the company commander still shocked everyone around him.

"As tempting as it sounds, I'd rather be chic in a big city."

Su Chen did not avoid his thoughts at all.

It is normal for young people to have such thoughts.

There are always a few people who are capable and want to directly sacrifice their lives for the army.

The company commander didn't force it.

Just as the company commander was leaving with the people around him, a voice came from the team.

"Report! Company Commander! I have something to report!".

435: Huang Mao was tricked again, openly playing indecent videos

After the incident was over, Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen jumped in front of Su Chen.

"I didn't expect you to actually have a fight with the instructor. It's pretty good. If I go back and let Xiaoqi and Didi know about it, they will definitely be excited."

Lin Miaomiao was happier to see Su Chen win than to win herself.

Xia Xingchen also looked happy.

But at this time.

Su Chen's team suddenly heard a discordant sound.

"Report! Company Commander, I want to report!"

The people who were about to leave turned their heads and looked over after hearing these words.

Huang Mao stood up and walked out of the crowd with a look of disdain.

Behind him were three younger brothers.

Seeing the four of them walking towards each other with steps that they didn't recognize, the company commander frowned subconsciously.

This kind of person who is like a world slut is completely unpopular in the army.

But the company commander didn't say much, but glanced at the instructor next to him.

This made him sweat.

"You said you want to report, who should you report? What is the content? Is there any evidence?"

"I want to report Su Chen and the two women around him. They had a private fire in the camp in the middle of the night without regulations. I have evidence."

The company commander and instructor's frown deepened.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

The most stringent thing in the army is discipline. Even if it is arson without causing any property damage, you will be severely punished.

Because this is ignoring the rules and regulations of the army.

Even if the school asks them to take care of Su Chen, if this matter is implemented.

in front of so many people.

They must also take certain measures, otherwise the prestige of the army will be lost.

"I'll go. I thought it was just a little extra privilege. Being a squad leader, but I didn't expect that I would light a fire privately at night. This is too much."

"This must be punished! Otherwise I won't be happy!"

"He is handsome and there are two beauties beside him. If this is not punished, I will feel unbalanced."

"But Huang Mao seems to have reported not only the boys, but also two girls. I think it's enough to just punish the boys and keep the girls."

Huang Mao was extremely proud when he saw that his words had caused discussions among the people around him.

He was waiting for this opportunity to trample Su Chen under his feet.

But why didn't Su Chen panic at all?

This one was suppressed by Huang Mao as soon as it rose. I guess this guy didn't know that the ignition had been recorded by them.

Huang Mao felt even more proud when he thought of this.

I can't wait to see his stunned face.

"Let me remind you that casually slandering one's own possessions in the army is very serious, but you have to think clearly." The company commander found that Huang Mao's words had attracted the attention of the people around him.

This matter must be dealt with seriously.

He glanced at Su Chen and found that there was no trace of panic on the guy's face.

Do you know it well, or do you think they will cover you up without any reason?

The company commander is also unknown.

Huang Mao shook his head and walked up to the company commander and took out his mobile phone: "The evidence is here. I have recorded several videos. It can definitely prove that it is Su Chen and the two women beside him."

Xia Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao's hands involuntarily grasped Su Chen's arm.

But Su Chen's confident smile still made the two of them quiet down.

there is him.

Absolutely no problem.

Others were also infected by Su Chen's confidence and didn't know who to believe for a while.

Now we can only wait for Huang Mao to bring out the evidence.

Just as Huang Mao was rummaging through his cell phone for evidence, people around him gathered around him again.

Even more and more.

Huang Mao clicked on the video storage and frowned.

"It's strange. I've recorded several videos, why is there only one left?"

"Did you find it?"

"Found it, this is it, company commander, take a look." Huang Mao clicked on the only video inside.

The company commander clicked on the video on his mobile phone.

It was really Su Chen inside, and they were next to the fire.

It’s just that the three people in the picture put out the fire.

But even so.

Coupled with Huang Mao's dictation, this evidence is considered inescapable.

I saw the company commander's expression gradually becoming serious.

Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen became nervous again.

"You three, what else do you want to say?"

I heard the company commander say this.

People around began to point their fingers at Su Chen again.

"It looks like there's really video evidence, and this guy is going to suffer."

"What else is there to say? Just handcuff him away!"

"But Su Chen seems to be very confident. Is there something inside?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought military training was boring. I didn't expect to watch a big show during military training. It's interesting. Is there any twist in it?"

The words of the people around him did not affect Su Chen, but instead made the smile on his face grow stronger.

"Company Commander, although I don't know what's in Huang Mao's phone, I also have a video that I want you to see."

"You also have a video?"

The company commander looked at Su Chen doubtfully, but his expression was unfailing.

Just let him bring it.

Huang Mao said disdainfully: "What kind of video? It's not going to say that a cigarette butt blown by the wind ignited the fire. You guys should put out the fire next to it."

The company commander took a look at the video taken by Su Chen and his expression became more serious.

Huang Mao found that the company commander looked at him with something a little wrong, and his expression gradually calmed down.

"what happened?"

"I think you should also explain why you are next to the fire."

Huang Mao looked at the video in the company commander's hand, which showed him and his three younger brothers eating in the woods.

You can even hear what they say.

"Fuck! This is fake!"

Huang Mao pointed at the video and said to the company commander: "This is definitely a fake!! This is a short video that Su Chen made intentionally after he found out that I had recorded his video!!!"

The three younger brothers behind Huang Mao also saw the content of the video and were shocked into a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Huang, the three of them would be sitting on the ground.

Two people and two videos, the company commander didn't know who to believe for a while.

"I just found out this guy was on fire at the training facility from day one."

"Originally, I thought we were all classmates and didn't want to expose it."

"It's just that I didn't expect that in order to frame me, this guy would be so crazy and crazy. Knowing that I was following him, he deliberately didn't put out the fire in order to make me appear next to the fire. He waited until I went to put out the fire. This incident was recorded on video to expose me.”

Su Chen took his phone back and sneered at Huang Mao: "When you did this, you never thought about how serious the consequences would be if I left and caused a fire!!!"

Huang Mao:! ! ! ! ! !

Huang Mao understood at once that this guy had discovered that he was filming him a long time ago and had already prepared a series of countermeasures!

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