"Are these two beauties interested in coming to our beauty appraisal club? None of us here have any special opinions. I believe that after you join us, your aesthetics will be superior to others."

"Wait a minute, which bodybuilder is yours?" Lin Miaomiao looked at them differently.

Not only are their faces sallow and thin, but their eyes are also becoming more and more lewd.

Is this kind of person a bodybuilding club?

Jianhuang Society is pretty much the same.

"Our beauty appreciation is to appreciate beauty. Whether it is external beauty or inner beauty, we are involved in it, and we can definitely make you a unique person!"

“From spirituality to aesthetics!”


Although what they said was very noble, Lin Miaomiao was particularly vulgar when it came to them.

He pulled Xia Xingchen away and hid.

At this time, the two of them saw an acquaintance in a part of the club.

"Isn't that the senior that Su Chen knows?"

Lin Miaomiao smiled and said hello: "Senior, why are you here?"

"Hello, senior."

Xia Xingchen smiled slightly, but she didn't know that this smile almost emptied Guan Chao's blood tank.


Guan Chao didn't know what to say for a while, but the person standing next to him bumped into him before he remembered.

"The club is recruiting new members today. Do you want to come to our drama club? We will film drama performances here and there will also be performances. This is our promotional page."

Xia Xingchen took it with a smile, but didn't read it much: "Thank you, senior brother, but we have decided not to join any clubs."

"Why? Wouldn't it be boring if you didn't join the club in college?"

"Yes, beauty."

Just when Guan Chao wanted to fight for it again, Huang Mao came from the side with two people.

He looked at the brochure in his hand with a look on his face.

"Drama club, this kind of club sounds quite interesting. Do you two want to join? I will accompany you."

"No, thank you." Xia Xingchen's expression immediately turned cold when he saw Huang Mao.

Guan Chao didn't want Huang Mao to join either.

But the man next to him was very enthusiastic.

"President, they are not good people."

"You can't say that. You can't think that as long as you have yellow hair, you are not a good person. Have you ever gotten along with him?"

Guan Chao was speechless for this president.

But think about it, this is also the recruitment time. They haven't recruited a new person yet. If this continues, their drama club will have no fresh blood.

Understandable, but unacceptable.

Guan Chao ran to Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen: "Then what are you two planning to do in college? By the way, where is Su Chen who is with you? Lao Xie from our dormitory also wants to invite him out for dinner."

"Let's go out to eat. Su Chen may not have much time recently. As for what he wants to do in college~"

Lin Miaomiao touched her chin and knocked Guan Chao up and down: "I plan to go to the radio station, and Xingchen plans to go to the life department, so I really don't have time to participate in club activities."

Guan Chao gave up as soon as he heard that the two beauties already had goals.

"You are going to the student union. For a simple student union, I don't need an interview at all. You can enter directly. Do you want my help?"

Just when Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen were about to leave, Huang Mao's voice came over again.

Turn around and look over.

Behind Huang Mao was the president of the drama club, but his expression was not as enthusiastic as before.

It looked like he had just been rejected.

But this has nothing to do with the two of them.

Lin Miaomiao finally couldn't help it and rolled her eyes at him: "I really don't know how you, a defeated general of Su Chen, can dare to jump in front of us. Don't you know that our Xingchen likes Su Chen?"

"The names of two people match each other so well, why do you have the nerve to stand here and flirt?"

"Is it because your academic performance is better than someone else's or because you are handsome? Even if you say you are richer than someone else, it doesn't matter, but you still don't take advantage of it. What are you doing here?"

"Does it make you look big?"

Lin Miaomiao is a pistachio, but also has a short temper.

Since living with Su Chen, his temper has calmed down.

But now that Su Chen was not around, this Huang Mao kept coming to provoke Lin Miaomiao and finally couldn't help it anymore.

Go straight to it.

Huang Mao was shocked when he heard Lin Miaomiao's words, and even stamped his feet angrily when he heard the last words.

"How dare you mention Suchen in front of me?! Believe it or not..."

Huang Maogang raised his hand.

All the people on the road around stopped and looked at him.

If you want to say who is the most popular person in the school, it is of course the beauty.

Not to mention that Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen's looks at this moment are the best in the whole street.

They are all worried that there is no chance for a hero to save the beauty, so they are waiting for Huang Mao to take action.

They dared to push him to the ground and rub him.

To win a smile from the beauty.

"Boss, the atmosphere here is not right. Let's not take action, otherwise we will definitely suffer."

"Yes, the green hills left by the boss are not afraid of running out of firewood, and that Su Chen will be taken care of by uncle soon. There is no need for us to be involved."

Hearing the words of the two people behind him, Huang Mao snorted: "For the sake of you two, I have to tell you something. I have already told my dad what happened during the military training. Now that the military training is over, he will wait I will be warned by the school."

"It's easy to get my forgiveness. Didn't he get perfect marks on the exam? Write a letter of apology and go to the radio station to read it for seven days and I will forgive him."

Looking at Huang Mao's proud back, Lin Miaomiao was extremely surprised.

"Where does this guy get his confidence?"


Xia Xingchen couldn't help but give a comment.

"By the way, I heard from Director Gao that this year when you start your freshman year, you will invite a few newcomers from Shanghai's business community to give lectures. Then our sophomores and juniors will also be there."

"Oh, thank you, senior brother, I will tell Su Chen."

After speaking, Xia Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao's arm and left.

Guan Chao looked at the two people's backs and said in despair.

"What I actually want to ask is whether you will go."


Su Chen came to the door of the dormitory.

I found someone lying at my door and took a closer look.

This person is still the guy who has been following Huang Mao before.

"Why is his little brother running to my door for nothing? It's bad luck." Without thinking, Su Chen dragged the man by his collar to the toilet door.


Who should be where.

The toilet is his home.

At this time, Huang Mao brought the other two younger brothers to the third floor of the dormitory.

"Where's that guy?"

The two younger brothers around me looked around and said, "You're unethical!"

"I didn't know you didn't call yet?! You still need me to teach you???" Huang Mao was speechless to the three people in his dormitory.

I saw one of them making a phone call.

There was a burst of music from the end of the dormitory corridor, and then a familiar figure ran out of it in panic.

Still holding the phone.

"Boss, boss! Damn it!!!"

"You've seen a ghost. I've seen a ghost too. What's going on with you?"

Seeing the man rushing towards him, Huang Mao pinched his nose and stepped back.

With a look of disgust on his face, he asked him to stand still.

"I didn't ask you to wait at Su Chen's door. Why did you come out of the toilet?"

"I..." The man also had a face full of panic: "I don't know either. I was standing here waiting for Su Chen to come back, but I was stunned. When I opened my eyes again, I was there It’s the toilet.”

"You're just asleep, how can you be so evil?" The other person behind Huang Mao obviously didn't believe it.


"Then did you know that Su Chen didn't come back?" Huang Mao didn't want to talk too much about whether he had slept or not.

After all, this guy just came out of the toilet and smelled all over his body.

The man looked at Su Chen's door blankly: "Maybe...he hasn't come back."


"That means he didn't come back. I stood guard here without blinking an eye, not even a fly flew in. Su Chen definitely didn't come back."

Huang Mao curled his lips and said: "This guy is lucky. I wanted to repeat everything the woman scolded him, but he dodged me. Forget it, he is also a grasshopper after autumn and can only jump around for a few days. "

"Just wait for him to apologize then."

"Boss, why don't you just give him a punishment or fire him directly." One of the people was very uncomfortable.

They were tricked by Su Chen.

How can a simple apology relieve anger?

Huang Mao pointed at his head: "Do you think his reputation as the top pick is fake? If we dare to fire him here, we will be on the news. Do you want everyone in the country to know that we eat barbecue during military training? ?”

"Can you please be smarter! I really don't know why I would put you in the same dormitory." Kou.

443: Shen Yien gave a speech at the school and everyone was shocked

Su Chen returned to the dormitory and had nothing to do.

I took a look at v blog online.

His web series has already begun to be announced and even aired.

"Editor Li is very patient with his temper and didn't even call me after the broadcast?"

Su Chen took a look, it was the movie "The Years When I Was Mr. Yin and Yang".

There are actually not many scary and harmful things in novels. In most cases, people are scarier than ghosts.

It's just that if it was placed in the review environment of the previous life, it would definitely not pass.

I never thought it would be made into a TV series.

Suchen took a bag of potato chips.

Click on episode 1.

While eating, I looked at it with relish.

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