Whoa! ~

Everyone looked at the two of them in shock.

Including Gao Chao.

What did Boss Shen just say?

Little boyfriend? ! !

Oh my god!

He's so young and handsome, but he's already eating soft food? !

When did he realize that soft rice tastes good?

Shouldn't the young people at this time have my fate and be left to my own devices?

Most importantly.

Why did Boss Shen choose him instead of me?

Just when Gao Chao was heartbroken, there was a burst of heartbreaking sounds from around him.

Su Chen felt the sharp eyes around him, as sharp as knives.

He felt that even if he minimized his presence.

I'm afraid it will also be noticed by all of them.

Because no one attracts more hatred than him now.

I can't run away even if I want to.

I go.

Sure enough, he has bad intentions.

"Su Chen, can I...Hey~~~" Lin Miaomiao wanted to follow her, but was pulled away by Xia Xingchen.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more envious.

what is this?

The red flag does not fall down at home, and the colorful flags flutter outside. This is the ultimate goal that all boys envy.

Su Chen was frozen in place at this moment.

Neither is moving.

Not moving.

Just when he was in a stalemate, Shen Yi'en and Xu Li walked to both sides of her.

One person holds an arm.

Smelling the fragrance of the people around me, my originally stiff body gradually softened.

Start getting used to.

"Why did you come to our school to give a lecture and you didn't say a word to me?"

"Last time I asked you to have dinner together, you didn't go. This time I'm going to tell you what to do if I run away." What Shen Yi'en said was also reasonable.

"Aren't you two going to introduce me to me? I've been standing here for so long anyway." Xu Li, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

Hearing Xu Li speak, Shen Yien couldn't ignore her even if he wanted to.

"This is Su Chen, who may have been my boyfriend Ye Qilei. This is Xu Li, who is a friend of mine."

"Hello, my name is Xu Li. I am a psychiatrist. Nice to meet you, reborn person." Xu Li's eyes are very similar to Qu Xiaoxiao's.

When he squinted his eyes, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, looking like a fox that had stolen something.

Suchen shook hands with her.

Weak and boneless.

It is indeed an imaginary touch.

Really superb.

Shen Yiran saw the two shaking hands and felt sulky for no reason.

"There are too many people here, let's go out to eat first, and we'll talk about anything later."

Gao Chao, Huang Mao and others just watched Su Chen walking out with his arms on both sides.

Plus the two people who left before.

This is simply a sure winner in life! ! !

"Boss, I have to say, I'm a little envious of this guy."

"Me too."

Huang Mao felt uncomfortable when he heard the two younger brothers talking.

Are you just envious?

I’m envious too! ! !

"What do you two know? Sooner or later, there will be beautiful women. Let's go."

"Huang...Song Zihao, didn't you just say that you wanted to invite some of our teachers to dinner? Why are you leaving now?"

"The beauties are all gone. Let me treat you old gangsters to something to eat. Go back and drink the northwest wind. You can eat as much as you want."

"Damn!" Gao Chao cursed angrily, then looked at the students around him and shouted loudly: "What are you looking at? There will be no classes for you guys later. If there are no classes, go to dinner now and have self-study in the evening!"


Xu Li drives.

Su Chen and Shen Yi'en were sitting in the back seat, next to two doors respectively.

Xu Li glanced at the rearview mirror and raised the corners of her mouth.

"You two can do something, and I can pretend I didn't see it, really."

445: Xu Li’s seduction resulted in a mouthful of dog food

Shen Yien rolled his eyes at her.

"Both of our fortunes and lives are now in your hands. You drive well for me."

Xu Li smiled, stared at the road ahead with her charming eyes, and asked casually: "Su Chen, right? Why do you think you are a reborn person? Is there any basis for your feeling?"

"Does this still need evidence? When I was born, I carried the memories of two lives. The people I met saw things that overlapped with my memories. That's enough." Su Chen spotted Xu Li in the rearview mirror eyes were staring at him.

No matter how you look at it when he says this.

Even if the world's most powerful micro-expression identification experts look at it, it's true.

Because it's true.

He just lived two lives.

It's just that the previous life was a parallel world, not Shen Yien's boyfriend.

But his extremely serious expression at this moment seemed to Xu Li to prove that he was Shen Yien's boyfriend.

And what he said was true.

This made her very surprised. Is there really something in this world that science cannot explain?

But even if you use gods and ghosts to explain it, this reincarnation cannot be so fast.

He just disappeared a few years ago, how could he be 19 in the blink of an eye?

"How is it? Is he telling the truth or a lie?" Shen Yien also saw Xu Li's actions and knew that he was helping him make a judgment.

In fact, it can be seen from Xu Li's introduction that she was a psychiatrist that Shen Yien had no intention of hiding it from Su Chen.

Xu Li put away her smile with a rare seriousness on her face: "Although I still think it is very unscientific, I can only say that what he just said was true."

"But I still can't accept that he is the reincarnation of your boyfriend."

When Xu Li finished saying this, her eyes were focused on the road ahead.

The speed of the car increased.

She couldn't help it anymore and wanted to quickly explore the heart of the man behind her.

Shen Yien was also stunned after receiving Xu Li's reply.

To tell the truth.

After chatting with Su Chen for so long, he no longer cared whether Su Chen was lying to her.

I just simply wanted to chat more with this little boy.

But I didn't expect that when facing such a professional psychiatrist, what Su Chen said turned out to be true.

This news made Shen Yien couldn't help but lean towards Su Chen.

A complex fragrance made Su Chen feel very comfortable.

"Then if you are really Ye Qilei, why didn't you call me even once after you came to Shanghai, and why did you get so close to other girls?"

At this moment, Shen Yi'en seemed to have taken off the coat of a domineering president and turned into that suspicious little woman.

A pair of big eyes looked at Su Chen, as if wanting to see into his heart.

But who is Su Chen?

He is a man who combines the titles of [Scumbag], [Warm Man], and [Sea King].

No matter day or night.

His words are the easiest to convince others.

It's just that this time he didn't speak, but took action.

Take Shen Yi'en into your arms.

He stretched his arms as if he wanted to melt her into his body.

Needless to say, it’s all in action.

Shen Yien listened to the heartbeat in his ears and smelled the scent of Su Chen's body.

I feel unprecedented peace of mind.

In fact, no matter what Su Chen's identity was, she could feel an unprecedented sense of intimacy in Su Chen.

This alone was enough for her to give her heart away.

Strong women have been doing this for a long time.

She also wanted to show her softer side, and Su Chen's appearance helped her solve the biggest crisis in her life.

Maybe it would be good to just find a man to rely on.

"Actually...々‖." Shen Yien was about to say something when he suddenly stopped.

It scared away all her words.

"Let's chat with you and me when we get to the restaurant later, get off the car."


The restaurant they found was very stylish.

The style of the restaurant is that the lights are not turned on, and there is a not too bright chandelier above each dining table.

The surrounding curtains are also closed.

In such a dark place, everyone will subconsciously get close to the people they know.

It will also expose the truest emotions in your heart.

On the small stage next to it.

There were several violin players playing soothing music there.

Su Chen and the others didn't attract much attention when they came up.

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