"Hey, Su Chen? Are you free recently? I've made a lot of money from you. I'd like to treat you to a meal and see if you have time."

"Mainly I want to bring my girlfriend to you to meet.".

452: Enron, for the sake of the future of the company, you should go ahead.

Su Chen really wasn't interested in meeting Xie Xun's girlfriend.

However, he did not refuse Xie Xun's invitation.

"Have you finished chatting? After chatting, why don't you let go of one of them quickly? You two are going to show off your affection here. How long will it last?"

He tapped his body lightly on the table and looked at Su Chen, or to be precise, he looked at him and Shen Yien in his arms.

Others were there normally talking about business cooperation or just casual chatting.

Only Su Chen.

Either they are jealous, or they are crazy about showing affection.

It's quite eye-catching.

He Xingfu: "Our company has made several big moves recently, would you like to come and take a look?"

"What big move-?" Su Chen asked.

"One is the acquisition of a medical equipment company. It has entered the mid-term stage and is negotiating a contract. The other is the acquisition of a decoration company under the Jinyan Group. The negotiations are almost complete."

"We've already talked about everything, why do you want me to do it?"

"You are the boss. By the way, my new network security consultant seems to want to meet you too."

"Forget it, why should I meet him?"

When it comes to network security.

Only then did Su Chen remember that he seemed to have something to do.

Help Xiaoya restore her reputation.


Cheating company.

Zhou You called Xiaoya to Qin Huai's company, and the three of them talked about what happened in the past few days.

Xiaoya also smiled and told her story.

"Do you believe that man so much? He is most likely lying to you. Moreover, we still haven't been able to find the evidence of that man and frame you. How can he guarantee to help you restore your reputation?"

After listening to what Xiaoya said, Zhou You was very resistant to the man in his mouth.

As the saying goes, if there is nothing to be diligent about, if you are not a traitor, you will be a thief.

The man not only agreed to help Xiaoya solve her reputation problem, but also helped her find a job.

The most important thing is to buy her a brand-name suit.

When Zhou You first saw Xiaoya today, he almost didn't dare to recognize her.

The clothes I'm wearing are too expensive.

One piece costs tens of thousands of dollars.

I can't afford it even if I sell it.

Qin Huai was very envious: "Can you tell me this man's contact information and let me be a network security consultant for their company? The money is very good."

Qin Huai hated that she was not a woman at this moment, but as long as she was a woman, she would stick to this man.

"Can you please stop making trouble?" Zhou You said impatiently.

Xiaoya looked at the relationship between the two of them and felt a bit similar.

It seems that Zhou You is the more mature person.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I have a new job now, and I was a woman last time. Isn't it great?"

"The working environment of my new job is also good. It is an investment company. Currently, several projects are being followed up. I am responsible for checking their financial reports, which can be regarded as a professional counterpart."

"Can the investment company please tell me his name? I have also done network security maintenance for an investment company before."

"Fuchen Investment."

"This is it."

Qin Huai suddenly smiled: "Is this company located in an office building? The decoration is very luxurious and the office area is very large."


After hearing Xiaoya's answer, Qin Huai patted Zhou You on the back.

"Don't worry, kid. I also know about that company. Their boss is indeed a woman. Xiaoya will never encounter the same thing as before. It's just that Xiaoya said that man can help him restore his reputation. This... ....”

Qin Huaigang was about to say that I remain skeptical, but suddenly he remembered that he seemed to have told Boss He last time that he was a very powerful hacker master.

"Hey, you are talking."

"It's not good! Something bad is going to happen!!! No, it's great! Something great is happening!"

Qin Huai, who was about to speak, was suddenly interrupted by a burst of shouting from outside.

Then Tang Lin, the only employee in the company, ran in from outside.

Mobile phone in hand.

Happiness is written all over the eyes.

"Just now, a big event happened on v-blog. The previous PR team of Hei Xiaoya forwarded a surveillance video to all accounts at the same time."

"Look at it."

Everyone looked at the mobile phone handed over by Tang Lin. There was a black and white surveillance screen on it.

Xiaoya could tell at a glance that this was the scene inside that scumbag boss's office.

"Didn't he say that the surveillance camera was broken last time? Why is there still a picture?" There was a hint of trembling in Xiaoya's mouth. She had already guessed what would happen next.

Just like what he said, you can clearly see the whole process of the scumbag boss's cruelty to her in the picture.

Not just this video recording.

The scumbag boss’s v-blog also updated a letter of apology simultaneously.

It listed all the wrong things he had done, and even scandalous things he had done before but had not been exposed.

[Let me go, it’s really him. What a scumbag. Not only did he bully a little girl, he also went online to buy a black public relations team. 】

[It’s so shameless. Does this kind of person deserve to live in this world? 】

[I see that the public relations team that cleans up such scum is not clean either. Just like last time, someone should report the full list of everyone in the public relations team! 】

【that is!It’s only been a few days, and yet again, another black publicist has come out to harm people, and I don’t even remember it for a long time]

Seeing this, Qin Huai returned the phone. There was no need to look further.

"These people are such assholes!"

"Are you talking about a black publicist or a netizen?"

"The black PR still has netizens!" Zhou You said angrily: "When Hei Xiaoya was involved, they were behind it, and now that the evidence has been made public, Dao Quan has put the blame on the black PR."

"They don't even think about who made them so arrogant."

Qin Huai patted him on the shoulder: "This is society. There is no black or white in society. Some black is hidden under the white, which is the so-called gray. They will use countless reasons to cover up the facts of their crimes."

"But no matter how they cover it up, they can't get away with their crimes, including this person."

Qin Huai looked up.

Xiaoya originally had tears in her eyes, but when Qin Huai looked at him like this, she immediately understood what he meant.

"I still have something to do, I'll go first."

Xiaoya picked up her bag and turned to leave. As soon as she reached the door, she heard Qin Huai shouting from behind: "If you guessed correctly, this should be done by the man you said. If you can see him, please tell me He, what he did has already violated the law, and I hope he can surrender."

"No, I have no idea what you are talking about, and I don't know any hacker masters." Xiaoya left without looking back.

Zhou You pointed at the computer and looked at Qin Huai in shock: "You mean, someone hacked the account?"

Qin Huai looked at him as if he were a child: "Do you think that one second you can find the guy who is a black publicist and Hei Xiaoya, and the next second you can get better and issue a confession? Stop making trouble."

Qin Huai made a phone call and hung up the phone helplessly after a brief chat.

"Who did you fight just now?" Zhou You wondered.

"The person in charge of the V blog backend, I want to see if he can find out the address of the person who sent this message."

"Pfft!~ Stop making trouble. Since he can hack his account and send messages, he will definitely not use his real IP. He is not waiting to be caught."

Qin Huai turned to look at him, his eyes full of teasing: "Do you really think I don't know? Forget it, there are some things that a little kid like you doesn't have to talk about."

Qin Huai patted the computer and recalled the last time he fought with that person.

"Will it be you who takes action this time?"


After Xiaoya returned, she called Su Chen to thank her.

Also remind him to be careful.

Don't reveal your identity.

Su Chen was naturally not afraid that someone could find him out, even if he could get to know him through Xiaoya.

Want to catch him.

There must be evidence.

His current mobile phone and computer are all self-service systems, and only he can see everything about hackers on them.

Everyone else saw nothing.

This is also the reason why he dares to mess around.

As for the IP being tracked, that is even more impossible.

0 ......................

His title of achievement is not just for looking at.

"How about Boss Su? You can drink now."

"I actually..."

"An Ran, look, there's no wine in Boss Su's glass. Hurry up and buy some."

Su Chen promised He Xingfu to accompany her to meet with representatives from the Medical Bureau.

I had already expected to drink.

But I didn't expect the other boss to be so polite and actually called two beauties over.

Moreover, Su Chen looked familiar to these two people.

One is Enron.

The other one is Paulina.

The total cost of what Bao Lina wears and what she wears on her hands must be more than 1 yuan.

An Ran only had a few thousand in total, which was still a lot.

He Xingfu sat on the other side, like a secretary, looking at everything in front of him calmly.

He doesn't seem to have any feelings about this kind of thing.

When An Ran heard the boss's arrangement, she lazily picked up the wine glass and filled it for Su Chen.

"Boss, I'm so sorry. An Ran is my sister and she's a little uncomfortable today." Bao Lina tried to smooth things over.

Su Chen bowed his hands and said it was okay.

An Ran sat back down with relief and felt nervous.

But after seeing Su Chen's face, she became less nervous.

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