Followed by less than 5 minutes.

Li Dapeng saw many people liking his circle of friends.

"Someone's coming, someone's coming."


"You can see it in the circle of friends."

Li Dapeng handed them his mobile phone. There were more than a dozen people on it.

This is their mutual friend.

With excitement, Guan Chao and the others continued to wait.

Su Chen went into the bar and got a bottle of beer. Within a few minutes, there were gradually more people here.

But most of them are boys.

After a while, Su Chen's vision went dark, followed by the voice of thanking Xun.

"Guess who she is."

"It must be cute with such small hands. She must be a song fairy."

"Yo, you can guess this."

Qu Xiaoxiao was also very happy when she heard Su Chen call out her name clearly.

He patted Su Chen on the shoulder and sat next to him, then ordered a bottle of wine to Xie Xun.

Then look at your surroundings.

The expression is disdainful.

"I asked you to go to the bar before but you didn't go. I didn't expect you to come here secretly to play. Is it fun here? Why do I feel so ordinary?"

"Is it average?" Su Chen took a sip of wine and smiled: "Are you trying to say it's rubbish?"

Qu Xiaoxiao: “What else?”

At this time, Xie Xun also brought Qu Xiaoxiao’s wine.

"You two are just chatting, can you please stop belittling our bar like this? After all, this is the only place we, as a student party, can book, so we'll just make do with it~" Xie Xun said helplessly.

After all, these two people are rich.

The places I usually visit must be 10 times or even 10 times better than theirs.

They say it's not good here.

Xie Xun really had no way to refute, he could only beg them to show mercy.

Qu Xiaoxiao waved her hand casually and asked him to do it again.

Saw him leave.

Qu Xiaoxiao moved her butt and moved closer to Su Chen.

The upper body was almost pressed against his body.

"You are so dishonest. You didn't even tell me when you came to the bar. You had to let me see it through my friend's circle of friends. How do you want me to punish you?"

Su Chen: "..."

Su Chen's body was shaken, and he quickly lowered his sense of presence to the lowest level.

"You are too..."

"Huh? Too what?"

"It's okay...I think this is good."

Su Chen drank quietly, enjoying the hustle and bustle here and the quietness around him.

It seems nice to do this once in a while.

As time went by, there were more and more people in the bar.

Xie Xun also walked in with Shen Yue.

"Eh? Su Chen was still here just now, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye." Xie Xun searched around here but couldn't find it, but he saw Qu Xiaoxiao.

"Hi, beauty, that Su..." Xie Xun didn't even finish his words when he saw someone sitting next to him.

"Let me go, Su Chen, why are you here? Why didn't I see you just now?"

Xie Xun was stunned when he walked in.

what's the situation?

Just dizzy?

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled at him with one hand and said hello.

But did not speak.

Su Chen looked at him and subconsciously moved forward.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Su Chen!~ I didn't expect you to be here. I thought you had no interest in this kind of party. If I had known about it, I would have come with them."

A beautiful woman jumped out from behind Xie Xun, speaking with a Hong Kong and Taiwanese accent.

It sounds soft and chewy.

Very cute.

And she pounced directly on Su Chen, and her happy expression changed instantly.

I found Qu Xiaoxiao next to me.

And her movements.


Seeing Shen Yue covering her mouth in surprise, Su Chen was afraid that he would scream and was about to hold her down.

next second.

Shen Yue said to Xie Xun, "Okay, you can go, as long as we are here."

At this time, many boys nearby were complaining that there were too few girls here.

There was no way to chat at all.

Xie Xun rushed over to get busy, and Shen Yue took this opportunity to sit next to Su Chen with a stool.

A pair of eyes looked at them both.

"Aren't you two ashamed? Are you so bold?"

"What am I ashamed of? At worst, if someone finds out, I'll just say that he forced me." Qu Xiaoxiao said casually.

Su Chen: "..."

Then yesterday I felt a chill again.

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

"If that's the case, then I can do it too!~" Shen Yue breathed out softly.

"That's enough for you two." Su Chen might have been very happy if he were somewhere else.

But in this crowded bar.

just a little...


"Do you feel like there are too many people and you can't let go? Why don't you go back to the dormitory later?"


At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the bar.

The three people turned to look.

It turned out that several beauties were lining up to come in, and the surrounding animals were barking excitedly.

Xie Xun walked in with one of them in his arms.

"This is my girlfriend. Don't get too excited. You can talk to other girls, but be careful. After all, we are here to make friends, not to seek revenge." Kou.

468: Qu Xiaoxiao: How about doing something fun?

"Just bringing a group of sheep here, I'm afraid it's going to be lively in a while."

Qu Xiaoxiao held her chin with her left hand and looked behind her.

"Hiss!~ You speak for your own sake, can you please stop..."

"Su Chen, let me introduce to you. This is my girlfriend Gao Baojing."

The sudden sound made Su Chen startled, and Shen Yue and Qu Xiaoxiao blushed.

But in this dynamic music.

No one can notice it against the dark background.

"Hello, my name is Su Chen." Su Chen became extremely calm at this time.

It’s impossible not to calm down.

"Hello, I'm Gao Baojing." Gao Baojing originally wanted to say that she was Xie Xun's girlfriend, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it.

And at this time.

Gao Baojing suddenly smelled an inexplicable smell, and then looked at Qu Xiaoxiao and Shen Yue who were calmly wiping their hands aside.

Gao Baojing's eyes widened instantly.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't feel embarrassed at all after being discovered, and she didn't betray Su Chen like she just said.

Instead, he said calmly.

"You just let the girls you brought here talk by themselves?"

"what happened?"

Xie Xun did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

Qu Xiaoxiao reminded: "Have you forgotten where this is? Bar, who are the people here? Young people with different temperaments. Do you know what boys of this age are thinking in their heads?"

"Then do you know what they do after drinking?"

"Brother Training!"

Gao Baojing reacted and was about to ask Xie Xun to go over and help call the girls over.

I heard a commotion behind me.

"I fell in love with this girl first! Why are you interrupting!"

"Who said the one you fell in love with first was yours! Did they say they wanted to follow you?"

People on both sides confront each other.

The robbed girl sat at the table and did not dare to move. She looked very pitiful.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start a fight, Xie Xun quickly stepped forward to stop them.

"Everyone has something to talk about. We come here to have fun every day, so why bother getting into trouble? This round of drinks is mine."

Lin Xiangyu and Guan Chao also ran over at this time, hoping to use their identities to stand up.

After all, he is also a sophomore.

It should save face.

As a result, people on both sides looked down upon them at all, so they picked up their stools and were ready to take action.

Gao Baojing panicked and held Su Chen's shoulders: "Brother, please go help me quickly. I beg you."

Su Chen glanced at her.

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