Su Qing's family.

"What is he doing? Why did he drink so much?" Su Qing still wanted to act like a normal person in front of Su Chen.

After all, this is their own family business.

Su Chen is Yang Tao's boyfriend, and it's not appropriate to say this kind of thing in front of him.

Yang Tao hugged Su Qing's arm: "Sister, I've already told Su Chen about this, so you don't have to pretend."

Su Qing glanced at Su Chen, sighed, and became inexplicably shorter.

"Tell me what happened."

Su Chen glanced at Yang Tao and said honestly: "Duan Xifeng's matter over there has been resolved. He was so happy that he went to the bar to have a drink."

no way.

It can't be said that Duan Xifeng and the other side are separated.

Because the other person only values ​​his money, people who don't value him feel uncomfortable and go drinking.

Isn't this courting death?

Yang Tao rolled her eyes, but for the sake of the peace of her sister's family, she could only hold her nose and admit it.

He gestured with his fist at Su Chen.

"Sister, even if this matter is resolved, can you live a good life in the future?" What Yang Tao is most afraid of now is that Su Qing can't think about it.

Now pregnant with a child.

Su Qing is most easily affected at this time. It would be bad if she suffers from depression at this time.

Su Qing smiled and shook his head.

"Su Qing, wife, I'm really sorry. I won't dare to do it anymore. This time it was really just an accident. I drank too much and didn't know anything. She was pestering me just for my money, not because she wanted to I am responsible for her..."

Duan Xifeng didn't know whether he was really drunk or pretending to be drunk, crying and shouting to the ground.

It was as if he knew he was in front of Su Qing.

Su Chen and Yang Tao looked at each other awkwardly.

"Okay, if you two have nothing to do, just leave quickly, as long as I'm here."

"Then, sister, the two of us are leaving."

Yang Tao didn't want to stay any longer, so Su Chen left quickly.

Saw two people leaving.

Su Qing then took Duan Xifeng back to the room.


After Su Chen and Yang Tao left, they went home directly.

Su Chen smelled of alcohol all over his body.

After returning home, he wanted to go to bed immediately, but Yang insisted that he wait until he took a shower.

"Then I'll feel refreshed after taking a shower." Su Chen said seriously.

"The spirit is the spirit. Tell me what you are doing. Go and wash it quickly."

Yang Tao blushed, but still pushed Su Chen to the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of running water inside, I felt relieved.

Star Tao returned to the bedroom.

Open your closet and take out a box from inside.

There are some colorful clothes inside.

"Su Chen prefers cosplay. I wonder if these doubts will interest him."

While he was thinking about something here, a voice suddenly appeared behind him.

"What are you doing?"

Yang Tao turned around in surprise and found that it was still Su Chen.

"Why did you take a shower so quickly?"

"For a man to take a shower, it only costs 350 to rinse and wash his hair. Ten minutes is enough."

Su Chen looked behind Yang Tao curiously and discovered the box.

"Is this all prepared for me?"


Yang Tao didn't lie either. Su Chen had been in school for half a year, and she had spent the past six months relying on seeing things and thinking about people.

The last time Song Qian sent her a message, Su Chen had a confidante in the devil.

Yang Tao cooperated with Song Qian and others to send some photos, but spent the rest of the time alone.

Also preparing for Su Chen's return.

Su Chen was very moved after hearing this. She put down her clothes and took out a piece of clothing from her own space.

Still Poison Ivy's body.

Su Chen thought.

Tall people should wear this kind of clothes.

655: Bamboo shoot mountain, tough grass

That night, Su Chen took Carambola out for a trip again.

The two went to Bamboo Shoot Mountain.

The bamboo shoots here are very famous, and the peaks are very similar to bamboo shoots.

This is where the name comes from.

The scenery here is different from Shuangshan, and no one sells steamed buns.

Most of them are bamboo shoot specialties.

The two of them were not in a hurry to buy, but went to the cave entrance at the foot of the mountain to explore.

It’s not as sweeping a view as the Stalactite Cave, but it’s also not as overgrown with weeds as the last place we went.

There are quite a few here and there.

Starfruit changes into Poison Ivy's costume.

Su Chen looked at her and felt that even the scenery outside had turned green. 360

Don't have a taste.

But even so, Su Chen still liked the scenery here.

Just when the two of them entered the cave to play, it suddenly started raining heavily.

The weeds on the ground looked soft, but they were still strong under the violent storm.

After a night of wind and rain, it still stood tall.

This made Su Chen give a thumbs up.


Day 2 morning.

Yang Tao was awakened by the sound of a phone call and heard Xue Sumei's voice on the other side.

I was too lazy to say hello.

"Is Su Chen with you? Tell me, he's back now. Why doesn't he come over to see me? And you, you know that I really want to see my uncle, why don't you let him come over."

"Mom, I'm very busy, and so is he. We both have time, and we want to have fun by ourselves. Why do we keep going over to see you?"

Yang Tao muttered: "Besides, my mother-in-law and son-in-law are the ones who won't deal with me. It's a good idea for you to call me every two days. You wish you could treat me like your son."

"Then if you don't want me to call you every three days, that's fine. Let me hug my grandson."

Yang Tao had no choice but to hang up the phone after a few words.

She can't give birth to a child alone, so two people have to work together.


We only meet once or twice in half a year, so it all depends on luck.

But thinking of Su Chen's current abilities, Yang Tao was also frightened.

Really unable to challenge.

If you have the chance, you have to call Lan Weiwei from Magic City and learn from her.

Just then her door rang.

Suchen waited for the cooked breakfast to come to her.

"Whose call just now?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"It's my mother. He probably found out about your return from my sister and wanted to call me to take you back. By the way..."

At this point, Yang Tao blushed: "By the way, let's talk about the child's problem."

Su Chen put Yang Tao in his arms and fed her.

"Don't rush this matter, just let it take its course. We didn't do it on purpose, right?"

Carambola nodded.

Watching Yang Tao finish his meal, Su Chen asked, "Why don't you take another day off today and the two of us go out for a drive?"

Yang Tao quickly shook his head: "There are more people getting married these days, and there are also many people getting engaged. I have to go and look at the store. You go back quickly."

Yang Tao no longer wants to drive and travel with Su Chen.

too difficult.

Su Chen had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Lin Miaomiao's home.

Lin Miaomiao held her younger brother and discussed future plans with Wang Shengnan.

"Mom, I've been back to help you take care of your children for so many days. After a few more days, I want to move to Su Chen's house. What do you think?"

"You are a girl, why do you always want to move to a boy's house? I don't agree." Wang Shengnan sat on the sofa watching TV, chewing melon seeds and shaking his head.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes: "I think you just want me to continue to look after your brother. You are too lazy."

656: Wang Dingnan was kicked out of the house

"What are you saying about your mother? You don't even think about how much weight I gained because of your brother. I lost weight again in half a year. You often say that I am lazy?"

Wang Shengnan despised Lin Miaomiao's ridicule and even gave him a look.

Just when Lin Miaomiao was still trying to argue, the doorbell rang.

"Miaomiao go and open the door."

"Miaomiao, go open the door~" Lin Miaomiao muttered, but she still carried her brother towards the door.

After opening the door.

"Miao Miao! I didn't expect you to become more and more beautiful after going to college. You really can't compare with your aunt."

Outside the door, a happy voice rang, and then two hands pinched Lin Miaomiao's face.

"Is the top man here?" Wang Shengnan's voice came from the sofa.

The person who came was Wang Dingnan, Wang Shengnan’s biological sister.

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