Su Chen held Li Meng's hand without any scruples and started shopping in the store.

Unknowingly, you saw that you seemed to be pulled into a shop again.

"Su Chen, where are you taking me?" Li Meng looked up and suddenly found a piece of clothes in front of her, and her body froze immediately.

Red quickly spread across my neck and cheeks.

This is an underwear store.

Su Chen made his request clear to the waiter, but the waiter opposite shook his head helplessly.

"Sorry sir, we only have the most ordinary underwear here."

"That's it."

Su Chen looked at Li Meng with a hint of disappointment: "There are only ordinary underwear, are you still willing to try them?"

Su Chen's words made the waiter look at Li Meng in surprise, as if those requests just now were made by Li Meng himself.

"Those requests were not chosen by me!" Li Meng stood beside him, furious and incompetent.

Suchen smiled at the waiter.

"She was a little angry..."

The waitress said very reasonably: "Beauty, although we don't have your requirements here, we do have new styles."

"For example, this sling can add a bit of fun."

When you saw the clothes in the waiter's hand, you reached out and patted them angrily, but before the waiter took it back, Su Chen said, "Look for a black one."

Li Meng crossed her arms and said, "You just want me to wear it. There is no way I can wear it for you."

Su Chen took the clothes and looked at them in front of him.

"I didn't say you have to wear it. I can buy it back and let others wear it."

As several women knew each other's existence, Su Chen naturally didn't have to hide it.

Instead, this relationship can be used to make them jealous of each other.

For example, it is now 3.9.

"Who are you going to buy it for?" Li Meng faced away, but her eyes looked at Su Chen from time to time.

"I can buy it for anyone, such as Teacher Song or Sister Tong. Star fruit is also good."

Every time Su Chen said a name, the veins on Li Meng's forehead would stand out a little. When he mentioned star fruit, Li Mao reached out and took the clothes.

"I went out shopping for clothes with me, and I also wanted to let others choose. It's a beautiful idea."

755: Li Meng changes clothes, Lin Miaomiao is here

Watching Li Meng go to the changing room, Su Chen had a smile on his face.

Perhaps this is the correct way to start after there are many people, the most classic saying of capitalists.

You don't do it, some people do it.

This thing is still effective in other things.

The waiters next to me were dumbfounded. What do you mean?You know other women besides this woman, and.Do they still know each other?

This is too great.

But if you take a closer look at the handsome guy 11 in front of you, he is really handsome. If you can do it, you can do it.

"Su Chen, come here and do me a favor."

Suchen walked to the door of the locker room.

He saw a smooth and clean beautiful back appearing in front of him.

"What help?"

"What do you think?" Li Meng looked back angrily and said, "Choose something so difficult to wear. What else can you do if I ask you to come over and button it up for me?"

Su Chen's fingers traced across her back, and Li Meng suddenly shuddered.

Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body.

"Don't move around. Just do whatever I'm told. If you move around again, I won't use you anymore."

Li Meng said tremblingly.

Su Chen saw Li Meng's face flushed from the mirror in the dressing room.

Mind you.

"Okay, I'll help you right now. You go a little further inside."

"Huh? I'll go!"

Boom! ~

The lingerie store fell into silence.


The waiter couldn't find Su Chen in the store.

But you can probably guess where he is.

But I didn’t bother.

Facing such a handsome guy, of course she must try her best to serve him and give him a good impression. Maybe he will come to spend money next time.

at this time.

Two more people came in.

"You're such a big girl, can't you buy your own underwear? Why do you have to drag me along?"

"It's been a long time since we went shopping. Today I just wanted my dad to see my brother and the two of us came out for a walk. Otherwise, do you want to go back and watch?"

"That's true."

Wang Shengnan took Lin Miaomiao to the underwear store, and the two of them made a selection inside.

He suddenly asked as he spoke.

"Recently, I heard from your uncle that your aunt's life has been quite stable recently, and she hasn't said anything about investment and financial management. What is going on? What were you talking about at Su Chen's place?"

"Nothing to talk about."

Lin Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed when she thought of what happened between the two of them at Su Chen's house.

My aunt already knows about their relationship.

If you say this, you will definitely become the object of ridicule in the whole family.

Lin Miaomiao was thinking that she was holding a set of purple underwear in her hand.

With lace trim.

Wang Shengnan was a little surprised when he chose this outfit. He didn't expect that after going to college, Miaomiao's preferences would become so open.

But since it was my daughter who chose it.

There was no need for Wang Shengnan to refuse.

"If Miaomiao has made a good choice, let's go and try it."

"What should you choose?" Lin Miaomiao 500 was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she was holding a set of underwear in her hand.

The face that had some baby fat turned red instantly, like a cartoon character in an anime.

Looking very cute.

"Mom, I didn't say I wanted to choose this, I just picked one up and looked at it." Lin Miaomiao quickly put her underwear on, clapped her hands, and walked in the other direction.

Wang Shengnan and the waiter both saw his shyness and smiled kindly.

"By the way, if Su Chen is fine these days, you can ask him to come home for a meal."

"Why are you calling him? We are not going to visit relatives these days. How can we call him?"

"Then we can invite our relatives to our house for dinner."

Lin Miaomiao: "...".

756: Li Meng: Lin Miaomiao is next door

Lin Miaomiao looked at Wang Shengnan in surprise. At this time, she even felt that her mother already knew about her relationship with Su Chen.

"Mom, didn't my aunt say something to you?"

Lin Miaomiao asked casually.

"What did your aunt say to me?" Wang Shengnan was confused.

"As long as I didn't say it." Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief and then said, "Tomorrow is the third day of the Lunar New Year and it's inappropriate to ask him to come to our house for dinner."

In many places, people choose to go home and visit their graves on the third day of the lunar new year.

Therefore, in many places it is taboo to visit relatives or have people over for dinner on the third day of the Lunar New Year.

Wang Shengnan said: "How old are you and you still believe this, and you are still college students."

Feeling her mother's contempt, Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes.

What does this have to do with year and college students?It's custom, okay.

The two of them started shopping in a lingerie store.

In fact, Lin Miaomiao didn't really want to come here. After all, she still had a lot of underwear that she hadn't worn yet.

That means it came here unconsciously.

When I came to the locker room with Wang Shengnan, I felt like there was something moving inside.

"It's because I chose an extra piece of clothing that it made such a big noise."

Lin Miaomiao saw a corset-like bra placed next to her.

"That's probably the one."

Wang Shengnan took one look and burst into laughter.

"This kind of clothes were only bought when we were our age and saw advertisements. Nowadays, the underwear we buy is more comfortable."

"That kind of clothing is uncomfortable to wear. I didn't expect it to be still here."

When Wang Shengnan saw this dress, memories immediately came back.

Lin Miaomiao naturally didn't have time to wait for her mother to finish recalling.

He went back and picked up a piece of clothing.

"Mom, why don't you try this one."

Wang Shengnan looked at the purple item in front of him and reached out to pat her on the head.

Lin Miaomiao smiled.

"Then if you two are willing, then I don't mind."

Lin Miaomiao was just proud when she was pushed into the dressing room by Wang Shengnan, including her clothes.

"Since you like this outfit so much, go in and try it on yourself."

"Huh?? I was joking, let me out first."

Lin Miaomiao's voice naturally did not arouse Wang Shengnan's sympathy.

Now it looks like Lin Miaomiao is the one who suffers every time she makes trouble.

Tian Miaomiao's voice attracted the attention of others.

The customers in the store smiled kindly after seeing it.

Li Meng, who was in the locker room, was stunned.

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