When I arrived at the door of my house, I didn't even get the key, but the door was opened.

"Mom and dad, are you awake?"

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei appeared at the door. They were so frightened that they took Su Chen's hand and quickly let go.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei didn't pay attention to her expression.

"You don't even look at what time it is. How can we still sleep?"

Su Chen saw the child in Wang Shengnan's arms: "Auntie, what's her name?"

"Miaomiao, I didn't tell you, his name is Lin Goandao."

"Haha, when my brother grows up, he will definitely hate you for giving him this name." Lin Miaomiao wrinkled her nose and said, "Lin is enough, Lin Gou."

Hearing these three words, Wang Shengnan stretched out his hand to hit, but Lin Miaomiao hurriedly hid behind Su Chen, pulled his clothes, and looked at Wang Shengnan with one eye.

"This is the name you gave me, not me. I can think of this homophonic name, and others must also think of it. I must hate you."

"Wait? The name was given by aunt?" Su Chen looked at Lin Miaomiao in surprise: "Shouldn't it be you?"

"Me? I didn't give birth to my brother, how could I give him a name?"

Lin Miaomiao was also full of doubts.

"I chose Lin Go enough, which means that having such a child is enough, and our family is considered complete. Who knows what you, the girl, are always saying about homophonic sounds."

"Listen to other people's names, how can you hear the homophony!"

Lin Miaomiao: "Your name doesn't even sound homophonic. Shengnan is indeed better than a male."

"At least better than my dad."

Lin Dawei:? ? ? ? ? ?

Wang Shengnan: “Isn’t that what it should be?!”

Lin Dawei:! ! ! ! ! ! .

763: Wang Dingnan: Then you are very powerful.

"I said you two are going back and forth, and you're going to make trouble. Can you please not get me involved? I'll just watch from the side. Who did I provoke?"

"You didn't provoke anyone, I just held it for you." Wang Shengnan put the child into his arms and started to argue with Lin Miaomiao.

Seeing that the two of them needed to quarrel for a while, Lin Dawei called Su Chen into the room.

Two people are sitting on the sofa.

"The two of them are like this. They seem to be arguing fiercely, but in fact they are just playing."

Lin Dawei stayed in this house for a long time. If he couldn't figure out the thoughts of these two women, he would probably go crazy.

Su Chen smiled.

"It's okay, I feel very ~ lively."

In fact, it's because of Lin Miaomiao's family that it feels very interesting.

It's not boring to watch them chatting.

"Actually, are you and Lin Miaomiao together?" Lin Dawei asked suddenly.

Su Chen was taken aback.

"Don't be nervous, my mother and I saw what you two were doing downstairs this morning." Lin Dawei hugged the child and smiled: "Actually, I don't have any problem with you two being together, as long as you can treat Miao Just fine."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about this. Su Chen is very kind to me."

Lin Miaomiao emerged from nowhere and jumped to Su Chen.

"You don't know that Su Chen bought me a car in Shanghai."

“Buy a car???”

Wang Shengnan immediately came over and pointed at her: "How dare you drive a car now that you don't even know how to ride a bicycle? Do you have a driver's license?"

"Of course!" Lin Miaomiao took out her driver's license and threw it on the table: "I just said that you are looking down on people when you look at people through the cracks in the door. How could I not even get a driver's license in one year of college. "

Wang Shengnan picked up the driver's license and took a look. Sure enough, it was Lin Miaomiao's photo.

But even this still doesn't prove that he can drive.

"Su Chen, isn't it you who is driving?"

Su Chen smiled and nodded: "That car was bought for Miaomiao. When he doesn't have classes, he takes his friends around the city."

"My driving skills should be fine."

"Did you hear that?" Lin Miaomiao shook her head proudly.

What else did Wang Shengnan want to do? The doorbell rang.

Go over and open the door.

I found out it was my sister and her husband.

"Here you are, sit down quickly. I haven't prepared lunch yet, so you are already late. Please wait for me for a while."

Wang Shengnan saw that all the people he had called had arrived, even though it was not yet noon.

But we also have to prepare lunch.

"No, sister, I just came over to take a look at you. I will plan to..."

Wang Dingnan originally planned to sit here for a while and then leave. He didn't plan to have lunch, but he saw Lin Miaomiao and Su Chen on the sofa.

Change your mind immediately.

"Sister, do it first, I don't eat fish."

"You talk too much."

Hearing Wang Shengnan's laughter and scolding, Wang Dingnan was not afraid and went straight to the sofa and sat on the other side of Su Chen.


Tang Yuanming watched the Changsha launch and had no place to sit, so he could only sit opposite.

Sit with Lin Dawei.

Looking at Su Chen opposite, he couldn't help but feel good about him, and a question appeared in his mind, who is he?

Why does it feel so familiar.

"Don't you know him? He is Su Chen from your school."

"Su Chen!" Tang Yuanming touched his eyes excitedly. Of course he knew this name.

It's just that he teaches liberal arts and doesn't have much contact with Su Chen.

We haven't seen each other often.

Didn't expect to meet here.

"It turns out to be Su Chen. You are the pride of our school."

"Teacher Tang is too praised."

Wang Dingnan took Su Chen's arm and said, "It seems you are very powerful."

Su Chen: "..."

Isn't this a bit much?mouth.

764: When Wang Dingnan gets nervous, Su Chen becomes nervous too.

Tang Yuanming had been chatting with Su Chen, and Wang Dingnan was sitting next to him.

I don’t know if it’s a matter of presence.

Everyone focused on Su Chen, and no one paid attention to the movements of Wang Dingnan's hands.

This made Su Chen feel a different kind of excitement.

"By the way, it was difficult to live in your house before. I'm really sorry, but I'm also very grateful to you for letting her have a place to live. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get it back."

Wang Dingnan tensed up.

Su Chen took a deep breath.

"There should be more communication between husband and wife, but I also feel that she...is a little wrong."

Wang Dingnan rolled his eyes at him,

You still have the nerve to say me?

If not, how would you have the chance to know me?

"What a heartless one."

Wang Dingnan blurted out, and the others were stunned.

"I'm talking about you, Tang Yuanming, you are a heartless person. When you make money, you don't say anything. When you lose money, you have to be better than anyone else."

"Okay, okay, I just said it casually, and I don't mean to blame you. Just don't buy it in the future."

Tang Yuanming didn't want to talk any more about this issue.

Every time Che Zhuglun talked back and forth, but in the end he always admitted his mistake.

No more trouble for yourself.

Wang Dingnan glanced at Su Chen proudly, as if you said whatever you want, I will be the winner in the end.

Su Chen didn't care.

Just to distract her a little so his little brother wouldn't suffer.

However, this situation did not last long.

Su Chen tensed up.

started again.


half an hour.

Wang Shengnan asked everyone to eat.

Su Chen thought that he could finally relax a little bit, but Wang Dingnan still sat on Su Chen's left hand side while eating.

Opposite her was Tang Yuanming.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, but it is Su Chen who suffers the most.

"No, this woman is too crazy, she needs to adjust her presence."

When eating, Su Chen kept his presence to a minimum, and the people at their table would not bring the topic to Su Chen when chatting and eating.

On the contrary, Wang Dingnan was mentioned several times by Wang Shengnan.

I heard she was a little impatient.

The hands are getting tighter and tighter.

pat! ~

"I dropped my chopsticks."

Wang Dingnan lowered his head.

"You're such a big man and can't even hold chopsticks. No need to pick them up. I'll find you a new pair."

Wang Shengnan muttered, and Wang Dingnan stretched out his hand to interrupt.

"Even if you go get a new pair, I won't use it, so just save your energy..."

"Whatever you want to do, I don't care."

Wang Shengnan had nothing to do with his sister.

The family is pampered.

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