Andy's face darkened: "You told me on the phone that Guan Guan was sick and I came back in a hurry. Do you know what I have been busy with in the company these days? I am very busy with the acquisition of the company."

"Can this kind of thing be joked about?"

"I'm sorry." Seeing Andy being angry, Guan Ju'er bowed her head and apologized.

She also knew it was not good to lie like this.

But Qu Xiaoxiao only told her after lying.

There is no way to retreat.

"Don't blame her. During this time, you have been stuck in the company every day and haven't come out. We sisters can't even try to have a meal with you. What's wrong? Going out to have a meal together this time will delay your earning money. ?”

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't understand Andy's thoughts very much.

No matter how much money you make.

The golden decades of life are gone, where will you spend the money you earned?

Flowers for whom?

Carpe diem and enjoy the moment is fundamental.

797: Argument with Andy, Guan Juer is helpless

No matter what Qu Xiaoxiao said, Andy was so angry that even if he pinned him down on his seat, he would still criticize him.

Finally, Qu Xiaoxiao's temper got worse.

"What do you mean when I say Andy? Is it so difficult for us sisters to ask you to come out for a meal? Yes, I lied to you, but isn't it because you haven't had much rest for half a month, so I want to ask you Come out and relax."

"Otherwise, with your work temperament, if you die suddenly in the office, no one will know."

Qu Xiaoxiao sat down angrily, neither eating nor looking at Andy.

Everyone is more embarrassed.

Originally it was only Andy who was angry, but now there are two.

Andy was immediately laughed out of anger.

"Some people are so funny. It's obviously their own fault, but they make it look like I'm wrong. Shouldn't it be him who suddenly brought everyone together for no reason?"

Qu Xiaoxiao hugged her shoulders and snorted coldly: "Some people don't realize that good people are doing it for his own good. They think it's like harming him, so he should be allowed to die alone in the office."

"It's like anyone wants to come out."


Guan Ju'er stood there, feeling like he was about to collapse.

"Don't be angry, don't we just go out for a meal to have a good time. If you don't want to eat... then why not make an appointment together next time."

"Who wants to go on a date! Huh!" X2

other people:"......"

Fan Shengmei felt a little helpless when she saw the situation in front of her, so she came to Andy and asked.

"What acquisitions have you been busy with these days? I've never seen you busy for half a month before. You didn't say anything. Everyone was just worried."

"Yes, Sister Andy, it seems that you haven't come back to live in the past few days. It's really not good to sleep in a place like the office."

Guan Juer followed.

Andy looked at Qiu Yingying.

Qiu Yingying:? ? ? ? ? ?

"You're not going to say anything?"

"I, I, I..." Qiu Yingying was nervous for a moment, and she felt like she was suddenly called on by the teacher to answer a question.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

"Okay, I won't listen to what you say anymore. It must be all nonsense."

Andy also heard that they were really worried about him. Of course, Qu Xiaoxiao must be just for personal matters.

But it doesn't matter.

"The acquisitions I have been busy with recently are actually related to happiness."


"He Xingfu, their investment company."

Guan Ju'er was stunned for a moment, she really didn't know this matter.

Andy talked about the recent events, which was that He Xingfu had recently found several small companies that had been abandoned by two real estate resources.

The acquisition needs to be completed without the other party being aware of it.

Eating away the power of those companies step by step.

"Then that's not right. Companies that others don't want mean that these companies are not profitable. Why are you bringing them here? Prepare to raise an uncle!" Qu Xiaoxiao is not stupid. There is obviously a problem here.

The other party knows that there is no money to be made, so why are you taking him here?

...... 0

This will not encroach on the opponent's power, and you will become a successor.

"Of course we know this, and we're not stupid." Andy smiled after a long absence: "Then what if I say that we deliberately made these companies unprofitable."

Qu Xiaoxiao: "..."

"You guys are really insidious. In order to acquire someone else's company, he actually ruined his company first."

"This is not sabotage, this is normal business competition." Andy said very calmly.

The acquisition war between companies is never just a competition of financial resources, but also a competition of intelligence.


The author has been tricked... 38.8 degrees, ugh.

798: Andy acquires Jinyan Group

As a veteran investment player, Andy is of course very good at this.

Let the desired company not make money first, and then make money at a low price.

This is actually a method that every company leader understands.

But it depends on whether you can persist.

Every year, you need to spend a lot of money to support a company that is being attacked. Generally, companies that are not particularly wealthy will not do this.

Even if you are aware of it, you can only admit defeat.

"Then what kind of company is being targeted by you two?"

Qu Xiaoxiao glanced at her and asked.

"What else could it be? Happiness is targeting the Zhao Group and the Jinyan Group."

"As a master, of course I have to help her." Andy said calmly.

"Good guys, you two guys are too brave, right? These are the two largest real estate companies in our city. Their properties are not only spread all over the city, but are you two targeting such a giant?"

Qu Xiaoxiao twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling that this goal was very ridiculous.

These two behemoths are much larger than their home.

You must know that in addition to a head office, they also have several branches.

With such a size, if you want to get rid of his half-brother, you need to use some tricks.

Acquire his companies without affecting the head office.

All require a little thought.

The two real estate companies, Zhao Group and Jinyuan Group, are deeply involved.

A little carelessness will attract the attention of the two head offices. At that time, it may not be solved with just one or two apology, but may be jointly targeted.

That would be miserable.

I never thought that I, Qu Xiaoxiao, would admire others.

"Then how far has your plan been completed?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked.

"We have started to take action now." Andy rolled his eyes at her: "I said you are happy today, but why didn't you call me in the afternoon? It turns out that Su Chen came back today."

Qu Xiaoxiao:? ? ? ? ? ?

"how do you know?"

The Qu Xiaoxiaofa incident was transferred to Guan Ju'er.

Guan Ju'er quickly waved his hand: "It's not me, it's not me. You told me that Su Chen came to Shanghai when I came back. I didn't know about it before."

"Is that you little earthworm?" Qu Xiaoxiao turned her eyes to Qiu Yingying.

Qiu Yingying quickly shook her head.

In the afternoon, he was still upset about delivering the package. He had time to inform Andy...

If you have that time, you might as well cry for a while.

"Okay, don't look there. When I was downstairs, I saw Su Chen coming over and said hello to me." Andy inserted his fingers into his hair and said helplessly: "I knew you were all right here. I will chat with him downstairs for a while and let you wait here."

dong dong dong.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

As they were chatting about Su Chen, there was a knock on the door, and Guan Ju'er quickly stood up and opened the door.

Su Chen appeared at the door after ordering a few bottles of red wine.

"What do you plan to eat?"


Guan Juer excitedly took the red wine and brought Su Chen in.

Su Chen came to the dining table 3.9 and saw that they were all gathered around. Nothing on the table was moved, only the hot pot in the middle was cooking.

A lot of the water inside has dried up.

"Is this waiting for me?"

"That's right, we won't dare to eat if you don't come." Qu Xiaoxiao would say anything and didn't look angry at all.

At the same time, it also confirmed Su Chen’s previous thoughts.

"By the way, Guan Guan, didn't your sister Andy say you were sick? Are you feeling better?"

799: Su Chen: I know this box

Of course Su Chen knew that Guan Ju'er's illness was fake.

And when I came in, I saw her sitting at the table preparing to eat.

It doesn't look like I'm sick at all.

But Su Chen just wanted to see her anxious,

Want to tease her,


Just as Su Chen thought.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Guan Ju'er's cheeks quickly turned red.

Andy on the side also chuckled.

But he didn't defend her either.

Who asked you to come together to lie to me?

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