"Why do you always have trouble with Xiaofan? We are all friends. She is just a little weak. There is no need to embarrass her." Andy said next to him.

"I didn't say I wanted to embarrass him, I just felt unhappy with his behavior." Qu Xiaoxiao was most annoyed by seeing this kind of wooing.

Relying on his youth and beauty, he wants to find a rich man in the magical city to achieve a class leap.

In her opinion, such women are mentally ill.

More importantly.

The half-brother she had driven away before was a child born to this kind of woman.

How could Qu Xiaoxiao be kind to such a person?It's already very good without thinking about how to kill them.

The two of them chose on the other side for a while, and finally found the bag that suited their liking.

Of course it's just compounding.

Even if you buy something back, you may not necessarily recite it. After all, most women buy things just to experience the mood when buying things, rather than actually buying what they need.

These two bags will most likely stay in the closet with the rest of the class after you buy them.

The two of them took the bags of their choice and came to Su Chen.

"We've made our choice and are ready to go."

Su Chen looked at Fan Shengmei, who was standing there motionless.

"Wait a little longer, there are still people..."

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't care about that and shouted to the other side: "Sister Fan, why are you still standing there? We should go."

"Wait for me a little longer and let me think about it carefully." Fan Shengmei sounded a little nervous in her tone.

13 bags placed in front of her.

Prices decrease from left to right.

If she were normal, she would definitely choose the one with the highest price.

But today he wanted to choose the most beautiful one.

Very confused.

"What are you struggling with?"

Qu Xiaoxiao stood next to Fan Shengmei and looked at the three bags placed in front of her.

Very surprised.

"Aren't you confused about which of these three to choose?" Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand her behavior.

Since I like them all.

Wouldn’t it be enough to buy them all and get 3.9?

Why bother.

Anyway, Su Chen has money. Since he has taken them out to buy things, he definitely doesn't care whether he buys one or three.

But Qu Xiaoxiao would not remind him.

Fan Shengmei looked puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"There must be a problem."

Qu Xiaoxiao pressed her hand on the counter: "These three must be ranked in your heart from left to right, so if you choose, you will definitely like the left one."

804: Spend money to get rebates, make money again

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't know what the ranking was about.

But with my understanding of Fan Shengmei.

With the ability to capture fashion.

Qu Xiaoxiao still accurately saw that the most expensive one should be the one on the far left.

The last two are self-evident.

"Choose this one?"

Fan Shengmei's expression was a little tangled: "This is the most expensive one in this bag, but actually I don't like the appearance too much. I prefer the one on the far right."

"Then choose."

Fan Shengmei hadn't put her hand on the bag yet, but he paused after hearing these words.

If you just choose the cheapest one. 11

Then she may not be able to buy another expensive bag in her life.

Just when she was confused.Su Chen came over from behind.

"Miss, please help me wrap these three bags."

The waiter was stunned.

Fan Shengmei was also stunned.

"are you serious?"

The waiter was a little surprised to see Su Chen being so grand.Daguai asked.

In fact, it’s not like I’ve never seen customers buying bags like this.

There are even many rich ladies who come to buy bags on the first day a new model is launched, and they buy all types once they buy it.

Men are not absent.

Most of them are rich people who come with their female companions to buy bags, but the ostentation is much bigger than now.

Let them know each other's identity at a glance.

When Su Chen said something so abruptly, the waiter was really a little stunned.

Su Chen nodded.

"Wrap it up for us. We won't waste any more time."

The waiter was very quick and put away the three bags.

Everything is placed inside the gift box.

Only then did Su Chen find out.

It turned out that the gift box in this luxury store looked exactly the same as the gift box he saw at Emma's today.

Originally, Su Chen thought that Emma just found a random box.

Unexpectedly, she even imitated this kind of packaging box.

Really great.

Fan Shengmei looked at the three boxes in her hand in surprise.

"Are you really going to give me all three bags?"

Su Chen was surprised: "What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"I like it, I like it, I must like it!" Fan Shengmei held the three packaged items in her arms with both hands.

Just like an old hen protecting its young.

No one can take it away.

Qu Xiaoxiao chuckled, she really saw too many people like this.

There is no need to be angry at all.

4 people came to the counter with their things to settle.

The cheapest package costs 5, and the most expensive package costs 35. The 7 packages add up to more than 60 yuan.

This is because Qu Xiaoxiao and Andy are not interested in bags.

The result of choosing one at random.

If the two of them are the same as Fan Shengmei, they both like expensive and beautiful bags.

This number may need to be doubled several times.

Just when Su Chen was paying the bill.

A system prompt appeared in my ears.

"The payment was successful and one thousand eight hundred yuan was received."

"Beep! ~ [Spend a Lot of Money] achievement is triggered, five times the critical hit is returned, a total of 3194000 yuan will be returned, and it will be returned to the bank account through the original route."

The more than 60 yuan originally spent turned into more than 357300 yuan.

Returning to the card and looking at it, he was a little dazed for a moment.

Now I am spending more and more money.

If others had this ability, they would be so happy that they would take off.

But Su Chen was just a little emotional.

Because he couldn't spend all his own money.

It’s even harder to spend it all now.

If Fan Shengmei knew his thoughts, she would definitely regret not buying more bags.

But she didn't read minds, she just looked at Su Chen in a daze.

I thought he spent too much on himself.

A little pissed off.

"I bought too much this time. How about we return the most expensive one?"

After saying that, he actually put the bag on the counter.

805: Qu Xiaoxiao accepts the package

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled relentlessly.

Knowing that it was impossible to let her go, this was a great way to turn retreat into advance.

But what Qu Xiaoxiao didn't expect was that Fan Shengmei really felt a little embarrassed here with Su Chen.

After all, this man brought her here just by the way. If it were the guys she fished out, she wouldn't do this.

After all, Su Chen was so kind to them.

Even if you want to trick someone again, you can't trick him.

These three bags are indeed a bit beyond her acceptance range.

Always feel uncomfortable.

Su Chen reacted after hearing Fan Shengmei's words.

Fan Shengmei probably thought she had bought too much when she saw herself in a daze.

Smile at her.

"It doesn't matter, just take it. I originally wanted to buy you something, and I didn't say I could only buy one thing. The reason I was dazed just now was not because I had too much money, but because I seemed to have more money in my card. "

Su Chen shook the card.

These words coupled with his smile made Fan Shengmei fall in love instantly.

This is the first time I heard someone say that the money in their card is getting more and more when they are shopping.

Fan Shengmei wanted to laugh.

This was too lame an excuse to reassure her.

Qu Xiaoxiao picked up her things and urged her.

"Let's go quickly. It's getting colder and colder outside. I can't help but want to go back to sleep."

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