And meters have any other actions.

Just a simple massage.

Such considerate service really made her envious.

If He Xingfu hadn't told him that Su Chen would start school in the next two days, he might not even have known that this guy had already come to Shanghai.

I feel like we need to quickly bring Carambola to them.

When two sister riders connect, they can definitely defeat those other coquettish bitches.

Lan Weiwei is already here.

Suchen and the others started to eat.

Su Chen cooked all the food on the table. After all, Gao Baojing and Zhu Luxi didn't have much energy in the kitchen.

And they don’t know how to cook much.

Su Chen took matters into his own hands.

7 dishes in total.

It should be enough for several adults and one child to eat.

Even if it's not enough.

Lin Youyou and Gao Baojing will also eat less at the beginning.

Make sure everyone is fed.

This is a habit they have developed.

Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't say anything.

He is used to this kind of service, and it's really nice.

Needless to say, Su Chen's own craftsmanship goes without saying.

Grandmaster class.

Everyone had a great time eating.

Zhu Luxi even lamented that Su Chengang could support himself with just one craft, not to mention that he was the boss of an investment company. Such a man could not be found even with a lantern.

After dinner.

Zhu Luxi went to the kitchen and took out the desserts she had prepared.

Made 6 dirty bags.

There is one on each plate covered in cocoa powder, steaming from the heat of the oven.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were coming back, so I didn't do anything..."

Zhu Luxi looked at Lan Weiwei sheepishly, not knowing where to put the six plates.

Lan Weiwei smiled and said, "Don't worry, Su Chen and I can just have one, right?"

Su Chen nodded.

Divide your dirty bag into two parts and hand one over.

see this scene.

Gao Baojing's face was full of envy. If he had known better, he would have given his own to Lan Weiwei, and he and Su Chen would have a share.

"smell good."

Su Chen smiled.

Seeing that the problem was solved, Zhu Luxi was very happy to introduce it: "This is the dirty dumpling that has become very popular on the Internet recently. I just learned it today. I don't know how it tastes when it is made. Everyone should try it."

..... 0

"I didn't expect you could even learn dirty tricks there. It's really amazing."

Lan Weiwei naturally didn't say anything, picked up the dirty bag and took a bite.Unique texture with a slightly astringent taste.

This dirty bun is not unpalatable.

The cocoa powder even creates a slight sense of happiness.

"It tastes good." Lan Weiwei put a faint layer of black on his mouth.

Gao Baojing and Lin Youyou also picked it up.

It tastes like ordinary bread when you eat it.

A little bit tougher.

The cocoa powder on top tastes good.

After eating, all three of them had a little cocoa powder on their faces.

It looks like he has a beard.

Worthy of the name Dirty Bag.

When Isabel saw the two sisters, she clapped her hands on the table and kept laughing.

818: Lan Weiwei: Are you going to pinch someone else’s feet?

"Sister, you all have beards on your faces!~"

"Hahaha, it's so fun, I want to come too."

Isabel herself started to devour the food.

Lan Weiwei and the others did it unintentionally, but Isabel did it on purpose.

After eating, my face turned dark, especially my two pink cheeks, which were extremely dark at the moment.

Seeing this, Zhu Luxi wanted to hit someone.

Everyone is so close.

Naturally, everyone can see what the other person’s face looks like.

Lan Weiwei didn't wipe his mouth in a hurry, but said to Su Chen: "It tastes good, try it quickly."

Lin Youyou and Gao Baojing also stared at Su Chen.

After all, they also want to see this handsome face.

What would it look like if you ate a beard?

Even Isabel on the side stopped making trouble and looked at Su Chen with a pair of jewel-like eyes.

"You guys are really bored. Don't you just want to have a dessert? Do you need to keep staring at me?"

Su Chen naturally knew what they wanted to see, and it would definitely not be what they wanted.

Holding the chopsticks in his hand like a knife, he divided the dirty bun into several portions.

Use chopsticks to pick up one portion and put it into your mouth.

Taste carefully.

“It tastes good, it was baked at the right time, and it’s well done.”

It was obviously a compliment, but it sounded a bit depressing to Zhu Luxi.

I want to see Su Chen make a fool of himself.

why is it like this.

Isabel clapped her hands and laughed: "Handsome brother is so awesome."

The others were disgraced, but Su Chen was calm and gentle.

This difference is too obvious.

Lin Youyou curled his lips slightly: "How can Zangzangbao be eaten like this?"

Lan Weiwei does not restrict them from going out, but only after doing things at home.

Lin Youyou often goes out to buy things after making money.

Naturally, I know this kind of internet celebrity product well.

Zongzhangbao just eats happily, eating big and turning himself into a big-faced person.

Only in this way can I be happy.

There's no point in being so polite.

Several people saw that Su Chen had not changed much.

No longer looking forward to it.

They all finished eating what was in front of them and went to the living room to wash their faces.

Lan Wei came to Su Chen.

Leaning against him, he said calmly: "It seems that you had a good life in the imperial capital. You didn't even remember to say hello to us when you came back."

"I didn't want to leave the best behind. I'll find you when I go to the office later. I didn't expect you to know that I'm back so soon..." Su Chen pinched Lan Weiwei's chin.

It feels cool and delicate.

It's like touching a broken egg.

Su Chen was a little reluctant to let go.

Lan Weiwei smiled softly and walked away.

"You're going to press Zhu Luxi's feet later, so don't waste your energy on me."

Su Chen was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Lan Weiwei was not at home and knew everything about the situation at home.He opened his mouth and asked, "How do you know?"

Lan Weiwei smiled and said, "You guess."

When Su Chen heard this, he couldn't help but look around.

Could it be that there are cameras installed at home?

Lan Weiwei finished washing his face and secretly returned to the bedroom.

Turn on the phone.

Several images appeared above.

They are the kitchen, living room and several bedrooms 3.9.

The most important thing is the basement, where there are many things.

After all, he had to deal with the woman brought back by Su Chen.

She needs more information.

Seeing these things, Lan smiled slightly.


Gao Baojing and Lin Youyou wash the dishes.

Su Chen went to press Zhu Luxi's feet.

in the room.

Su Chen gently grabbed her ankle.

819: Do you want to rest with us?

Fair and translucent.

No trace of redness or swelling.

Zhu Luxi blushed. After all, ankles can be said to be the most sensitive parts of the human body.

Being held like this by a big warm hand.

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