Even opening your eyes is extremely difficult!

And Tezuka Kunimitsu is in high spirits!

At the limit of flawlessness, his strength is at the pinnacle of this game!

The referee also announced the score of the goal just a few seconds ago!


Bei Xiao's eyes were fixed on Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu just like Ninzu Yushi and the others.

This game is for him.

Winning or losing doesn’t matter!

Atobe Keigo won because the opponent was from Hyotei Academy!

Bei Xiao is also happy to see Tezuka Kunimitsu win.

After all, being able to defeat Keigo Atobe further proves that the opponent's strength and talent are the right choice for Germany's U-17!

And the thing he cares about most at this time has the perfect answer!

Tezuka Kunimitsu opens the door to the ultimate in seamlessness!

Or to be more precise, it should be one of the three reserved lights...the Aichi Glory!

The strange movements of the tiger talisman in his body made Bei Xiao's mouth curl up.

When Tezuka Kunimitsu returns to Germany, it will be the time to harvest the opponent for the second time!

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0144They played a game worth remembering!


"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! End of the game! Score 6-6!"

"The tie-break begins!"

inside the stadium.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who had reached the limit of seamlessness, won the last ball of the second game and completed the break of Keigo Atobe.

The match between the two sides directly entered the tie-break!

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience.

Tezuka Kunimitsu holds a tennis ball in his hand and stands at the baseline of serving.

Atobe Keigo's eyes had narrowed unconsciously.

The fatigue of the body, the stinging of the eyes.

He would lose control and collapse on the court almost at any time.



Tezuka Kunimitsu was also breathing heavily, and the light of his flawless body still shone brightly.

But every second it lasts, the burden on his body increases.

The ultimate power of Seamless Clothes and the power of Asura Shinto will bring a lot of mental energy consumption to the initiate.

"Tezuka! I really didn't expect that you would open this door at this time!"

"But...you can't hold on anymore, right?"

"Even if my eyes can no longer play the same role as before, what about your arms?"

"Zero Serve... Domain and Phantom's additional spin!"

"Plus, resist my attack!"

"Can you survive this tie-break?"

Atobe Keigo said, he tremblingly raised the racket in his hand and hit his head hard.


A flash of scarlet suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Blood flowed down his forehead and onto his cheeks, and the stinging sensation made him wake up a little.

But such a move undoubtedly made everyone in the audience and Tezuka Kunimitsu tremble in their hearts.

Too bad!

Everyone can see that Keigo Atobe did this just to keep playing this game.

After Tezuka Kunimitsu recovered from "[-]", the palm of his hand holding the racket trembled faintly.


Just like Atobe Keigo said.

Although he opened the door to the limit of seamlessness.

But my body has reached its limit...

This tie-break... Even facing Atobe Keigo like this, he was not sure!

It's not a question of strength!

But when he is unable to maintain the power to maintain the ultimate level of seamlessness, it is simply a confrontation based on perseverance and faith!

At this point, he would never underestimate Keigo Atobe.

Quick fight!


A flat serve was played.

The speed of this serve no longer allowed Atobe Keigo to make the most timely physical reaction.

The blurred vision made it impossible for Atobe Keigo to even capture the trajectory of the ball.


"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! The score is 1-0 in the tie-break!"

After scoring this goal, a countdown-like number also appeared in Tezuka Kunimitsu's mind!


6 goals left!

You are the winner of this game!

The right to serve is rotated in the tie-break.

Atobe Keigo took out the tennis ball from his pocket with difficulty.



Although his fighting spirit remains unchanged, his current physical condition does not support him to serve as high-quality as Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Tezuka Kunimitsu took a few steps forward and raised his hand to fight back.


"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! The score is 0-2 in the tie-break!"

Due to the tie-break service rule, Keigo Atobe will still serve the next ball.



"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! The score is 0-3 in the tie-break!"



"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! The score is 4-0 in the tie-break!"


The entire audience was watching this special tie-break.

Atobe Keigo's serve made them all feel like they couldn't even get past the net.

And every time Tezuka Kunimitsu hits a ball, they can clearly see part of the opponent's flawless and extreme light dimming.

The 7-goal tiebreaker was like the last 100 meters of a marathon.

Full of difficulties, but also the most important!

As for Sakaki Taro and others in the Hyotei player's box, and Fuji Shusuke and others in the Seigaku player box, they all stood up at this time and stared at the stadium.

Whether it's Keigo Atobe, who has no chance to score, or Kunimitsu Tezuka, who is only 3 points away from winning the game!

They have their inner trust in both of them!

Bei Xiao and Echizen Nanjiro in the auditorium were looking at Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Watch the opponent complete the counterattack again!


"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu scores! The score is 0-5 in the tie-break!"

When the fifth ball ends.

The flawless and extreme light on Tezuka Kunimitsu's body completely dissipated.


Half-kneeling on the ground, he finally reached the zero point of his body's burden.


Fuji Shusuke and others shouted, but their shouts could not help Tezuka Kunimitsu at this moment.

Although Atobe Keigo's vision was blurred, he still saw this scene.

He raised the corners of his chapped lips and spoke with difficulty: "Tezuka, now it's time to see who wants to win this game more!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu did not respond, and stood up almost tremblingly against the racket in his hand.

Step by step towards the baseline position of serving.

All he has in mind now is the countdown number.

2 goals!

It’s over with 2 goals left!

With his whole body almost numb and weak, he couldn't even throw up the tennis ball he took out of his pocket.

He could only rely on his body's muscle memory to hit an underhand serve that barely passed the net.


The speed and quality of this ball are even like those played by an amateur when he first learned tennis.

But under the current circumstances, it is still a goal that is difficult for Atobe Keigo to counterattack.

The influence of his vision and body functions made him almost rely on 8% luck to hit back the ball.

Tezuka Kunimitsu watched Keigo Atobe hit the tennis ball in front of the net, gritted his teeth and stumbled forward.



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