
"High school student Tokugawa Kazuya scores! The score is 30-0!"



"Junior high school student Keigo scores! The score is 30-15!"



"High school student Kazuya Tokugawa scores! End of the game! Score 1-1! Change of serve!"

Two five⑤㈤⑨ five з zero 0


When the second game ends.

Although Atobe Keigo completed the counterattack against Tokugawa Kazuya's phantom serve.

However, the advantage of serving first exists objectively. Even though Keigo Atobe scored 2 goals in the game, he still could not stop Kazuya Tokugawa from winning his own serve.

However, for this result.

There was no relaxed expression on Tokugawa Kazuya's face.

Because Atobe Keigo's strength was also breaking through his original knowledge bit by bit.

different from him.

Atobe Keigo's lips always had a playful smile.

Now he will not have any emotional fluctuations because Tokugawa Kazuya won the opponent's own serve.

on the contrary!

In his eyes, if you want to win this game, prolonging the game is what you must do!

That's right! !

What he wants is not to win 3 games in the hands of Tokugawa Kazuya!

But I want to completely defeat the opponent! !

Because he felt that the other party was not as difficult to deal with as he imagined.

Even if the other party is a member of the "small group" like Oni Jujiro and the others.

In today's Neon U-17 training camp, he is a high school student with extremely special abilities.

but! !

There are two things that make Atobe Keigo feel that Tokugawa Kazuya may not be invincible!

First of all, the strength shown by the opponent now is lower than Keigo Atobe's own expectations for the opponent!

At least, after seeing the "one-goal battle" between Toyama Kintaro and Oni Jujiro, he could see that Oni Jujiro, who did not go all out, could steadily suppress Toyama Kintaro.

But the Tokugawa Kazuya in front of him obviously couldn't do this!

The second point is... Tokugawa Kazuya has not become a high school student worthy of being taken seriously by his minister Bei Xiao! !

This point is also the most important point that makes Atobe Keigo feel that he can defeat Tokugawa Kazuya! !

As the third game between the two began.

The confrontation between the two began to become more and more intense in everyone's eyes.

In the main control room.

Yukio Kurobe and Irido Mifune were also watching the game in the stadium.

They watched the scores of Atobe Keigo and Tokugawa Kazuya alternate back and forth, and their expressions also changed slightly.

Kurobe Yukio even started making calculations on the computer nearby.

He even hired several technicians to assist him in analyzing Atobe Keigo's strength.


For a moment, in addition to the sound of hitting the ball from the surveillance screen, the crisp sound of keyboard tapping also began to sound in the main control room.

On Kurobe Yukio's computer, rows of personal strength analysis data belonging to Atobe Keigo began to be generated.

Until a result analysis form was handed to him by the technical staff.


Surprise flashed in his eyes.

"How's it going? What did your analysis report tell you?"

Mifune Iridou didn't look at Kurobe Yukio, but everyone knew that these words were addressed to him.

Saito Zhi and Takushoku Ryuuji also got close to Kurobe Yukio and saw the answers given by the analysis table in the opponent's hand.

The two of them couldn't help but open their mouths in slight surprise.

[Player]: Keigo Atobe

【Age】: 14

【Strength】: 5

【Speed】: 4.5

【Endurance】: 6

【Skill】: 5

[Mental Power]: 4.5——? ?

Five-dimensional total value: 25-? ?

Strength assessment: semi-world-class threshold!Possess sweet spot technical control of at least 11 goals in a row!His personal physical fitness is balanced, and his comprehensive visual ability is 1.5 times that of ordinary people!Has great physical tolerance for long-term competition ability!He is a key player with a big heart!

This evaluation is undoubtedly difficult to imagine for a junior high school student.

At least, after Bei Xiao!

Keigo Atobe has become the highest-rated junior high school player Yukio Kurobe and the others have ever seen!

And, most importantly...

In a match with a player of Kazuya Tokugawa's caliber, it is no longer possible to accurately detect the limit of the opponent's mental power!

Then there is only one possibility!

The other party has not yet shown its full strength! !

Yukio Kurobe spoke slowly: "Head coach, it seems you are right! This game... Kazuya Tokugawa really may not be able to win 100%!"

"At least...it's impossible for Atobe Keigo-san to win only three games!"

"He may be about to start his counterattack!"

"And if I'm not wrong, the most important point is...his eyes!"

The corner of Mifune's mouth raised slightly: "Kurobe, although I am not very satisfied with what you usually do as a coach! But you can still stay in the training camp, which means that your professionalism is still recognized by me!"

In response to this comment, which was either a compliment or a criticism, Kurobe Yukio had no choice but to smile.


While Kurobe Yukio was analyzing Atobe Keigo's five-dimensional data and personal strength.

Inside the competition stadium.


"High school student Kazuya Tokugawa scores! End of the game! Score 3-1! Change of serve!"

The fourth game is over!

And Tokugawa Kazuya obviously had a considerable score advantage.

A small game score difference of 2 points is enough to determine the outcome of a game!

Outside the stadium, the high school students who came to watch the game from various stadiums did not look too nervous at this time.

after all.

It seemed that Atobe Keigo and Tokugawa Kazuya were evenly matched in the game, but in the end it was Tokugawa Kazuya who won the small game points.

"It seems Tokugawa-senpai is stronger!"

"No way!! I admit that Atobe Keigo is very strong, at least those of us here are definitely no match for him!! But if he wants to fight Tokugawa, he is still far behind!!"

"That's right! Being able to win a game is probably the result of Tokugawa's failure!! However, being able to attack and defend with Tokugawa using light balls, and even return a phantom serve, is a miracle among junior high school students!! "

"I can't wait to see this junior high school student named Atobe Keigo kneeling in front of our stadium!"

"`.Who isn't! See the expressions on the faces of those junior high school students? They can't even laugh anymore!"


The high school students stared at the Ninzu Yushi in the rest area, their eyes full of playful sarcasm.

The junior high school students who were also watching the game on the court had their brows furrowed.

of course!

Except Seiichi Yukimura, Kuranosuke Shiraishi, and Kintaro Toyama!

Based on their understanding of Atobe Keigo's strength, the three of them knew that Atobe Keigo had something to hide!


The other party must have their own plans!


Inside the competition stadium.

Atobe Keigo stood at the bottom line of the serve, looking at Tokugawa Kazuya who was 2 points ahead of him in the small round.

"It's been 4 games... You shouldn't have this kind of strength, right?"

"I'm already a little impatient!"

"If you don't go all out, I will force you to take action!"

The words that came out of his mouth made Tokugawa Kazuya's eyes dazzle, and he said in a deep voice: "Atobe Keigo! Before you talk big words... at least make sure that you have this strength!"

"Otherwise...you're just a joke!"

When Atobe Keigo heard this, he burst out laughing: "Hahaha!! What a joke?! In that case! Then let me tell you...who is the joke!!"


When he raised his hand to throw the tennis ball up.

Tokugawa Kazuya looked coldly at Atobe Keigo's hand that raised the racket, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He already had a clear understanding of Atobe Keigo's strength deep in his heart.

In his opinion, what Keigo Atobe said just now was just a way to influence his mentality!

too naive!



When the sound of hitting the ball came from the direction of Atobe Keigo, Tokugawa Kazuya suddenly stiffened.


A tennis ball bounced in front of Tokugawa Kazuya, grazed his shoulder and bounced out of the court.

During the whole process, except for those who had reached a certain level of strength and captured the trajectory of the ball, most of the people present were in a state of confusion.

"Junior high school student Keigo scores! The score is 15-0!"

When the referee announced the score, Tokugawa Kazuya came to his senses.

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