First, he glanced at the injured Tokugawa Kazuya, and then Saito was the first to speak: "Keigo Atobe, just think of this game as a face to the coaching staff... How about that end? "

0 · Ask for flowers0 ·

Atobe Keigo chuckled: "That's it? Although the three of them are a coaching staff, the rules of the training camp don't seem to say that the coach can stop the game at any time, right?"

"I think...should you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"After all! If high school students want to lose face, can Hyotei Academy be humiliated?"

Kurobe Yukio sighed: "Keigo Atobe, why are you making such a fuss... Let's do this! All seven of you will be promoted to the No. 7 training ground!"

"And, you, Kagachi Takahiro, and Ninzu Yushi have been awarded a spot on the junior high school representative team!"

"What do you think of this solution?"

Just when he thought Atobe Keigo would relent, Atobe Keigo waved his hand: "Coach Kurobe, is this your sincerity?"

"I have never seen anyone use the promise they have given as a bargaining chip!"

Yukio Kurobe's face darkened slightly: "Keigo Atobe, this is the best sincerity I can give!"

"Or you can state your request! After all, this is an internal competition, and everything is focused on player safety!"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Atobe Keigo's mouth: "Coach Kurobe, regarding the jungle of the Neon U-17 training camp! Only now can I truly understand it!"

"You didn't show up when those trash fish were scrapped!"

"A Kazuya Tokugawa actually said everything that focused on player safety!"

"That's all! I'm too lazy to discuss this with you in detail!"

"In addition to the previous conditions, one more thing! Even if the four of Shishito and the others do not meet the qualifications for junior high school students to play in the Neon U-17 representative team! They must be allowed to go to the U-17 World Cup as team players. Contest!"

...... 0

"As for whether you can play in the game, you don't need to care too much about it! If you are good enough, you can play. If you are not good enough... I just don't want them to sit in the audience!"

This additional condition made Echizen Ryoma and others outside the stadium change their expressions.

Because Atobe Keigo is equivalent to buying an "insurance" for Shishido Ryo and the four of them.

This "insurance" can be regarded as an opportunity that junior high school students like them may not get even if they work hard for a month!

The high school students gritted their teeth one by one.

Junior high school students may still have the opportunity to become an additional quota!

But these high school students don’t even have the luxury of going to watch the U-17 World Cup!

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, looked at each other and frowned again.

This condition...if they agree...

So what are the rules of training camp? !

But Atobe Keigo seemed to know what they were thinking, and he spoke leisurely again: "Coach Kurobe! To put it bluntly! The relationship between us and the training camp is just mutual use!"

"You take advantage of our age, talent, and strength! Give us training! Let us win the game for Neon U-17!"

"If you really don't consider our conditions...I can also find U-17 training camps in other countries through the minister to participate in the competition!"

"I believe... with our relationship with the minister and our strength! Even if we are scattered among teams from various countries, it shouldn't be difficult to at least have a spot!"

At this time, Kurobe Yukio and the others were completely anxious.

"No!! How can you do this!! You have been recruited and trained by Neon U-17. Now if you go to other teams... it is simply too much!" Takashi Ryuuji said in a deep voice.

But his accusation obviously couldn't make Atobe Keigo change his mind. He just looked at Kurobe Yukio quietly, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Promise him!" When Yukio Kurobe hesitated, the voice of Mifune Idou came from the headphones he was wearing.


He took a deep look at the position of the court surveillance camera, and slowly said to Atobe Keigo: "Deal! Just like you said! From now on, even if the four Ryo Shidos are not strong enough to join the representative team, they can also join the team. Let’s go! As a representative of junior high school students, follow the team and experience the competition!”

"But! They will not be considered for the playing quota!"

"Now, can the person be taken away?"

After he finished speaking, everyone in the room, including Oni Jujiro and the other three, stared at him in astonishment.

Actually agreed? !

This is equivalent to the training camp acquiescing to Atobe Keigo's "threat"! !

When does training camp bow before players? !

Do not!


A figure appeared in the minds of Oni Jujiro and the other three.

Northern owl! !

The training camp has also been threatened by the opponent.

Not only because of the Wolf Head Expedition Badge held by the other party at that time, but also because of the fearless strength of the other party at that time! !

Now...these Ice Empire middle school students in front of them have also inherited the style of Minister Bei Xiao in a sense!

Threatening openly to leave the Neon U-17 training camp...

In the past...

That’s unthinkable!

【1.5W words per day!Please order in full! 】one.

0189 The expeditionary force returns! The shock brought by 6 junior high school students!

The next morning.

On the trail to the Neon U-17 training camp.

A passenger bus is traveling at a constant speed.

inside the car.

A group of high school students wearing red and white uniforms were sitting there.

Some leaned lazily on their chairs and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Some have calm faces, just resting with their eyes closed.

However, they all have a special number badge on their uniforms.

They are the Neon Expeditionary Force who have returned from the Expedition Points Competition! !

That is... the first-tier high school student who represents the true first-tier strength in the Neon U-17 training camp!


In the car, a high school student wearing gold-rimmed glasses was tapping on the laptop in his hand.

He wears a badge with the number 17 on the collar of his jersey.

On the computer screen, rows of player information gradually began to display.

If you look closely you will find it.

These player information are all junior high school player information left in the Neon U-17 training camp.

"The master..."

"All the information for junior high school students has been sorted out!"

"Among them, 6 junior high school students have already obtained quotas for the junior high school representative team!"

Mitsuya Akuto! !

Neon U-17 represents the master of data collection within the team.


He is also a data tennis style player.

After he typed the last time on the keyboard, he turned to look at the blond, rugged man sitting in the last row of seats in the vehicle.

A little stubble, a mature face that goes beyond the image of a junior high school student.

There was a scar on his forehead, which looked like an old wound.

The number 1 badge pinned on the opponent's uniform undoubtedly represents his identity.

Neon U-17 No.1 in the First Army!

The leader of the Neon U-17 team!

Byodoin Phoenix!

He was leaning against the window with his "five-four-zero" eyes closed to rest, and he slowly opened his eyes when he heard Mitsuya Akuto's words.


"Kurobe Yukio and the other three guys actually decided on 6 spots before I even arrived at the training camp... They really don't take me seriously anymore!! "

Byodoin Phoenix spoke in a deep voice, with a somewhat cold look in his eyes.

As the head coach of the Neon U-17 team, he should personally select the junior high school students in the team!

He will not obey the arrangements of Yukio Kurobe and the other three as the coaching staff!

In the eyes of the First Army...the so-called coaching staff is dispensable!

One of the high school students with long purple hair looked ferociously excited after Byodoin Phoenix finished speaking.

"Jie Jie Jie! Six junior high school students..."

"I would like to see if they are qualified to be one of us!"

"If they are 6 losers... then let them accept my execution!"

"I didn't expect that I would be targeted for execution as soon as I came back!"

His words made an elegant and calm-looking short-haired high school student next to him adjust his glasses on the bridge of his nose, shook his head and said: "Tono... the way you look now is really disgusting! You are recruiting after all. If the junior high school students who come in fail to pass the exam, they will be eliminated!"

"General, I can go and negotiate! The processing speed must be much faster than the execution of this guy Tono!"

Among the two, the purple-haired high school student who was "executed" one by one was Tono Atsukyo, the No. 8 member of the team.

The other one is Kimijima Ikuto, who is NO.7.

As soon as they finished speaking, Mitsuya Akuto shook his head: "No! These six junior high school students were not chosen by Kurobe Yukio and the others as the coaching staff!"

"But... they all completed the training on the mountain, and after coming down, they also completed the tasks assigned to them by the head coach Mifune! Thus they obtained the quota for selection!"

As soon as the words came out.

Tono Atsukyo and Kimijima Ikuto were stunned.

The other high school students in the car also looked surprised.

Byodoin Phoenix's eyes also flickered, obviously he didn't expect such a result.

"It's actually quite interesting to be able to come down from the mountain..."

"Ya Jiudou, it seems that you are also surprised by their information, right?"

"Show me!"

Byodoin Phoenix said slowly, and Mitsuya Akuto also handed over the laptop in his hand.

When Byodoin Phoenix glanced at the computer screen, others also looked at each other curiously.

It seems that he wants to get something from the expression of the other person looking at the computer screen.


"Yue Zhi, I didn't expect that your Hyōtei Academy would produce a Bei Xiao! Actually, among the 6 junior high school students, 3 are your Hyōtei's brats!"

"And...each of them exceeded my expectations for the strength of junior high school students!"

"The other three, even based on the current information, people have to be surprised..."

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