I just help organize the neatly arranged books every day.

Already clean books need to be dusted once a month.

Of course, this job is voluntary and free.

Talking about money with scholars is vulgar.

However, in the following months, Kazan was awarded a scholar certificate by Dr. Olympus because of his good character, conversation, and rich experience, and even awarded him a scholar hat.

It's like the kind of bachelor's hat you rent when you graduate from college.

At the same time, Kazan also gained the qualification to read all the books of the Omniscient Tree.

of course.

Kazan had also seen ancient texts such as historical texts, but he could not read or learn them.

This led him to speculate that reading ancient texts was a unique bloodline ability of Oha scholars or people like the Three-Eyed Clan, and outsiders did not have this gene.

However, this is the time.

Even though some ancient writings are there, scholars have not deliberately studied them.

Of course Kazan doesn't either.

He just felt that the carriage of the times had not yet reached its designated location.


Kazan did not waste time on ancient texts and concentrated on roaming in the ocean of knowledge.

It is worth mentioning that.

Each of O'Hara's books is fresh and a huge treasure. Every time Kazan reads it, he can gain a huge amount of experience value.

"read more, walk more."

The God-level experience system is right, knowledge is the best weapon for the brain.


"The host reads Homer's epic, and the experience value is +120000!"

"The host reads the brief history of fishmen, and the experience value is +155000!"

"The host reads the poem of the sea, and the experience value is +360000!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a new entry: portable space, 100 cubic meters!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a new entry: physique!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a new entry: Overlord Color and Dominance!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a new entry: Seeing and hearing color characteristic branch - foreseeing the future!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a new entry: Armed Color Characteristic Branch - Flowing (Flowing Sakura)!"


Flowing Sakura is the name for Haki in Wano. In fact, Flowing Sakura and Armed Color are the same thing.

Just like those with devil fruit abilities are called espers in the outside world, and they are called magicians in Wano.

Liu Ying and Haki just have different names.

Also, there are indeed different stages of weapon colors.

simply put.

For beginners, the weapon color is used to cover the body surface and weapons to increase defense and attack power.

The next step is to let the domineering flow flow around the fist of the weapon to achieve a more powerful attack from a distance.

The next step is to release the domineering energy, penetrate it into the object, destroy it, and explode with power.

009: One person is studying and the other is busy farming.

009: One person is studying and the other is busy farming.

Year after year, time passes.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

The Zanka brothers are already 18 years old and already a two-meter-tall teenager.

this day.

Kazan's light figure shuttled inside the Tree of Omniscient Library.

He dusted all the books.

Then go to meet the library director, Dr. Oxue.

see someone coming.

Dr. Oxue, who was reading, put down his book, took off his thick glasses and asked, "Kazan, are you sure you want to leave?"

"Yes, Doctor Olympus."

"This is a list of books you need for your travels. We at O'Hara receive books donated by scholars from around the world. The source of each book is noted. You only need to follow the marked location to purchase those books you have not read. rare books!"

It took a lot of effort for Doctor Olympus to take out a thick custom book and give it to Kazan.

Scholars are a very rigorous group of people, and they have an unparalleled love for books. When O'Hara's own scholars find books, or outside scholars give books as gifts, they will tell the origin of the books, the collection process, and the stories behind them. It was compiled and made into a comprehensive collection.

In this way, if the book is lost, it can be obtained again from somewhere.

It is part of the knowledge inheritance.

Some of O'Hara's books are out-of-print and unique.

These books have been Kazan’s focus in recent years.

As for other mass-produced books that can be purchased around the world, he plans to slowly buy and read them when he travels across the sea.

But even so.

O'Hara still has some out-of-print books that Kazan has not read.

But time waits for no one, it’s time to go to the sea.

Here, Doctor Olympus knew Kazan's desire for knowledge, so he prepared this farewell gift. Some of the books in the collection were duplicates, and Doctor Olympus also gave this part directly to Kazan.

"Thank you!" Kazan thanked him.

"What a good boy!" Dr. Aoxue said happily.


Having just said goodbye to Doctor Occult, Kazan came to the shade of the Tree of Omniscience.

At this time.

Clover came to him with a silver-haired girl, "Kazan, have you decided to leave?"

"Thank you for taking care of me over the past few years." Kazan smiled.

"Is Brother Kazan really going to leave? Or not?"

The silver-haired girl hugged Kazan's thigh, tears welling up in her eyes, pitiful and pitiful.

Nicole Olbia!

She is a native of O'Hara and is just three years old.

At this age, she is somewhat mature compared to other children, and her personality is much calmer and less noisy.

He is relatively cold to the people around him, but very enthusiastic towards Kazan.

Maybe it was because Kazan was relatively sunny. In the past few years on the island, Olbia often pestered her to tell stories. Several times, she got into Kazan's blond hair and slept in secretly.

Slowly, the two became happy and playful partners.

Olbia rubbed her silver ball head.

Kazan smiled and said: "When Olbia grows up, she may also need to go to the world to find new knowledge!"


"of course."

"Brother Kazan, will we meet again?"

"of course."

Kazan and Olbia put the clover aside to dry.

"Then..." Clover hesitated.

Clover pulled Kazan aside nervously: "We all know that you came to O'Hara on a warship, so there is a question I have always wanted to ask you. Is your true identity...the navy?"

Clover has always had doubts about Kazan's purpose here.

However, Kazan behaved too kindly on the island, and Clover has been unable to speak.

It’s impossible to say: Your motive for going to the island is impure?


Kazan whispered: "Well, I am actually a pirate, and I also robbed warships."


Pirates! ! !

The pirates who robbed the warship! ! !

Clover was so surprised that she quickly covered her mouth for fear of screaming the word 'pirate'.

The residents of O'Hara are relatively simple, but that doesn't mean they are heartless.

Clover is the one with the most eyes.

Kazan had been on Clover's radar the moment he arrived on the island a few years ago.


The more Clover observes, the more he feels that Kazan is a very nice friend!

At this moment, hearing Kazan reveal his identity, Clover's eyes were naturally full of disbelief.

Scholars are indeed pure and thoughtful, but they are not many.

Kazan smiled and said: "What does it have to do with pirates? We are also friends, right?"

"Identity is more of an outsider's opinion. You still have to decide who you really want to be."

Clover was stunned in place.

However, he also believed Kazan's explanation.

After all, even if the other party is a pirate, he is still a knowledgeable pirate.

With knowledge to guide the way, he shouldn't be considered a bad person, right?

Clover waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go, you guys leave O'Hara as soon as possible!"

"Remember, never get O'Hara into trouble!"

Kazan was a little embarrassed.

Will I get O'Hara into trouble?

Olbia said angrily and dissatisfied: "Uncle Clover, how can you drive people away like this! You are not polite at all!"

Clover's hair was about to explode with anger: "No way! What do you, a child, know?"


Da da--!

The sudden sound of footsteps interrupted the conversation of several people.

Kazan and others turned to look.

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