Tan Lidou's biological father, the former CEO of Fantasy Group.

Due to the [Zero Day] incident five years ago, ten games released by Fantasy Group produced bugster viruses, resulting in the death of dozens of innocent people. Tan Zhengzong, as the CEO of Fantasy Group at the time, naturally became the target of arrest. .

Of course, few people know that the real mastermind behind the [Zero Day] incident is Tan Lidou, and Tan Zhengzong is just a scapegoat.

Tan Lidou was not polite at all to his biological father. He spent a lot of money to bribe both the prosecution and the defense, and successfully cost Tan Zhengzong dozens of lives and was even sentenced to death.

It's a pity that due to Neon's damn death penalty mechanism, Tan Zhengzong has not been executed to this day even though he has been burdened with dozens of life debts.

This made Tan Lidou's teeth itch with hatred, but he was helpless.

However, Tan Lidou, who was born to have fun, thought of a better way to punish Tan Zhengzong for using his divine talents.

That means forcing Tan Zhengzong to do farm work!

You must know that Tan Zhengzong is an extremely arrogant person. Being forced to do something he doesn't want to do is tantamount to the ultimate insult for him.

Although according to neon law, death row prisoners should always be locked up in death row prisons until some idle minister signs the execution letter, but in this society, there are few things that money cannot solve. .

Tan Lidou directly spent a lot of money to have the prisoners imprisoned in an abandoned wilderness by Tan Zhengzong, and forced Tan Zhengzong to do farm work every day.

Yes, farm work is done every day.

Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, scorching sun, wind, rain, snow, or even extreme weather such as typhoons, Tan Zhengzong must do farm work for ten hours.

No one cares how much food Tan Zhengzong produces, because even the jailers are just paid to do things. As long as Tan Zhengzong keeps doing farm work, it is enough.

Of course, Tan Zhengzong didn't expect that someone was deliberately trying to mess with him.

so what?

Tan Zhengzong is now just a death row prisoner with no power, no power and no money. Even if he is so insulted and treated like this, he can only grit his teeth and endure it all silently.

This is a full five years of farm work.

It was also the torture of these five years that caused earth-shaking changes in Tan Zhengzong.

The yellow skin of city dwellers has long been tanned by the scorching sun;

Thick calluses were formed on the soles of the feet, hands, and shoulders;

His once ordinary figure had also been thoroughly exercised, so that obvious muscle ravines appeared on his body;

Although he was forced to keep his head bald, Tan Zhengzong's eyes were still bright and full of desire for freedom and the future.

"I will definitely go back!"

"I will definitely get everything back!"

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Accompanied by heartbreaking, extremely cruel roars

With the sound, Tan Zhengzong's eyes burst into light.

Nothing but red light!

It was a scarlet light like a bloody hell!


Suddenly, the sound of cracking the air and the sound of whips sounded at the same time.

Tan Zhengzong immediately trembled.

When he was first deported to this wilderness, Tan Zhengzong was told that he had to do farm work every day, otherwise he would not only be deprived of food, but would even be whipped.

Will the arrogant Tan Zhengzong compromise?


It is absolutely impossible for Tan Zhengzong to bow to these jailers!




There's no after that.

After experiencing a severe beating in reality, Tan Zhengzong finally had to pick up the hoe and go to work in the fields.

Although he hasn't been whipped for a long time, Tan Zhengzong still trembles subconsciously when he hears the familiar sound of whips.

I saw the chief jailer walking towards Tan Zhengzong with a VAN-like smile on his face.

"Tan Zhengzong, I congratulate you!"

"Congratulations on what?"

Looking at the smile of the chief warden, a thick chill ran down his spine and climbed to the back of Tan Zhengzong's head.

"This is the first time your cousin has come to visit you since you were sent here five years ago!"

"Cousin nephew?"

If he is really his cousin, why has he never visited him in the past five years?

"Then I'll go and have a look!"

No matter what, Tan Zhengzong can be a little lazy.

Time goes back to about half an hour ago.

On the mountain path, Jiu Jiaoguili was sweating profusely on the mountain road.

However, because this place is so remote and there is not even much mobile phone signal, the mountain road is naturally extremely difficult to walk.

Not to mention there are no roads, even

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kujo Kiriya panted heavily, as if he had transformed into a Gyarados.

After regaining consciousness for a while, Kujo Kiriya took out another map, compared it with reality, and looked at it carefully.

"Is this, Tan Zhengzong's, prison? It's really, really there. It's quite remote!"

"I heard that all the prisons here use helicopters to deliver supplies!"

"Really, damn rich!"

After wiping the sweat that covered his forehead, Kujo Kiriya sat on the dirt floor tiredly. His lips turned white due to lack of water for a long time.

While resting, Kujo Kiriya couldn't help but start to recall why he came to this place.

The story started from the [Zero-Day] incident five years ago.

Five years ago, Kujo Kiriya's friend, Aihara Jungo, was told by Kujo Kiriya that he was infected with the gaming disease. He rushed onto the road in fear and was directly hit and killed by a dump truck.

In order to avenge his friends, and also to completely eliminate the gaming disease and prevent similar things from happening again, Kujo Kiriya began to investigate the Ministry of Health, Fantasy Group, and even [CR].

One investigation lasted for five years.

Although Kujo Kiriya, a forensic doctor, found a lot of side information, there was still one decisive piece of evidence missing.

Ever since, Kujo Takariya thought of Tan Masamune, Tan Lito's father and the former CEO of Fantasy Group.

However, to Kujo Takashi's expectation, Tan Masamune was not imprisoned in the death row prison, but was sent to other prisons to serve his sentence.

found it!

Kujo Kiriya, who is extremely sensitive to criminal investigation cases, immediately became energetic, just like a fisherman who went out to sea and discovered a fresh and extremely rare pink octopus.

Kujo Kiriya immediately began to search for Tan Masamune.

Hard work paid off. Although Tan Zhengzong was imprisoned in this inhospitable place in front of him, Kujo Kiriya still asked for help from many connections and managed to find this place.


"I'm so tired! Is Tan Zhengzong really here? Are you in the wrong place?"

There was no way, Kujo Kiriya was so tired that he even doubted his life.

In order to find the prison where Tan Masamune was imprisoned, Kujo Kiriya had traveled a day and a night on the mountain road, and he had not slept for more than 24 hours.

"Forget it, for Jungo and for the complete elimination of gaming disease, I have to work harder!"

After a short rest, Kujo Kiriya took back the map, licked the bottom of the water bottle, and set out again on the mountain road to find Tan Masamune.

Twenty minutes later, Kujo Kiriya finally arrived at his destination.

No, to be precise, he was surrounded by a stick of jailers.

Some of these guards held electric batons, some held stun guns, and some even held real guns.

As long as Kujo Takashi makes the slightest move, the guards will swarm him and subdue him on the spot.

"Stop! This is a restricted area!"

The leading jailer kept gesticulating at Kujo Kiriya with the electric baton in his hand, and his words were full of threats.

"If you don't back off immediately, we'll be really rude!"

"Friends, don't be nervous! And, sir, come here, come here! I have

I hope I can tell you something very important! "

Seeing this situation, Kujo Kiriya immediately showed a healthy smile and waved to the leading jailer.

The leading jailer looked at the boys on the left and right, walked forward directly, and asked:

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you fart something, hurry up! Don't you know this is a restricted area?!"


Kujo Kiriya didn't say anything, he just showed off his sleeves to the leader of the jailers.

There was something looming in his sleeves.

The leader of the jailers couldn't help but widen his eyes.

That's money!

It’s white money!

At this moment, the leading jailers had ten or even nine points who wanted their younger brothers to swarm over and directly snatch Kujo Kiriya's belongings.

However, people are greedy after all.

Once this is done, the leader of the jailer will inevitably give part of the money to his younger brothers, but this greedy leader of the jailer wants to keep it all.

That is to say...

"Cough cough!"

After clearing his throat, the jailer took the lead and looked around at the younger brothers, "Big guy, let it go! Let it go!"


Soon, the jailers retreated one after another, leaving only the leader of the jailers and Kujo Kiriya.


The two of them seemed to hit it off and laughed heartily at the same time.

And Kujo Kiriya also very wisely stuffed the banknotes hidden in his sleeves to the leader of the jailer.

The leader of the jailers immediately smiled even more happily.

"I wonder why my brother came here?"

"Haha, brother, I have no other purpose here. I just want to meet my cousin, Tan Zhengzong, whom I haven't seen for many years!"

"Oh? Tan Zhengzong?" The leader of the jailer couldn't help but be stunned, "This guy is not a decent person! No, absolutely not!"

"But, I really, really, really miss him!"

Kujo Takariya stuffed a wad of banknotes.

"Okay, okay! Preventing relatives from seeing each other is the most intolerable thing in the world! How could I possibly do it!" The jailer took the lead with a majestic look. At this moment, he seemed to be the embodiment of true justice.

"Come on, come on, I will arrange for you, brother, to meet Tan Zhengzong!"

"Brother, I will never forget your kindness in this life!"

Saying that, Kujo Takiya stuffed another wad of banknotes.

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