He Jing Feicai is probably no match for JUDO alone.

However, the elder of the Hua family, who had been silent all this time, directly aimed at Ce and launched an attack.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The energy bombs fired by [Dragon Knight Fire Cannon] exploded some sparks on Ce's body, and the knight gauge also dropped a little.

"Your cassette belongs to me!"

The next moment, the eldest member of the Hua family rushed forward.

Jing Feicai was stunned.

After thinking for a while, Jing Feicai simply gave up thinking, picked up the [Dragon Knight Holy Sword] and rushed forward, joining forces with the Hua family leader, two on one, to beat Ce.


Ce raised his hands and easily blocked the two Kamen Riders from attacking him on the left and right at the same time.


Heart-burning!Defeat you!Euler! "

The next moment, Ce pushed away the two Kamen Riders at the same time, fired his bows with both hands left and right at the same time, and knocked the two men away like sandbags.

"It's not enough! It's far from enough! This is far from satisfying me!"

The steel claw on Ce's right hand grabbed Jing Feicai's neck in mid-air, and the heavy hammer weapon on his left hand kept hitting Feicai's faceplate.

80! 80! 80!

Each hit can produce a huge [HIT]!

Every punch can reduce Kyōbi Aya's knight gauge at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Don't ignore me!"

Seeing this situation, the Hua family leader quickly activated the decisive skill.

"Drago Knight Critical Strike!"

The hot dragon flame bullet immediately hit Nangong Qi's back.

This attack successfully caused Nangong Qi's body to stop attacking, right?

"My heart is burning!"

Ce Dang inserted the cassette of [Strike Robot] into the steel claw weapon on his right arm and activated the decisive skill.

"Gekitotsu Critical Finish!"

The huge steel claws formed by the energy clamped Jing Feicai's upper body, and under Ce's control, they smashed heavily into the wall nearby.

Then, red energy poured into Konbisai's body and then detonated.



With the sound of the explosion, Jing Feicai flew out, released his transformation, opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

Well, it seems that the blood volume I calculated is still very accurate!

After completing all this, Ce set his sights on the eldest brother of the Hua family.

Although Ling Ce had only [-]% of his knight gauge left after directly devouring Hua Family's complete decisive skills, he still had absolute confidence that he could defeat Hua Family Dawo.

"Who else can satisfy me! Euler!"

The battle resumes!

His eyes came to Tan Li Dou and Baosheng Yong Meng.

Facing Tan Li Dou who has been upgraded to lv.

In fact, it does.

Tan Lidou simply stood there and let Baosheng Yongmeng beat him. His knight slot would not move at all.

Baosheng Yongmeng came down with a set of Oula Oula, and even used the decisive skill, but Tan Lidou did not even move more than ten meters away from his original position.

"Are you done?"


"It's me now!"

After saying that, Tan Lidou immediately greeted Baosheng Yongmeng with Wang Baquan.

Tan Lito is not a person with excellent fighting ability. After all, before becoming a Kamen Rider, he was a technical geek.

It can be said that in the entire "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" set, he is the one with the weakest fighting ability.

However, relying on the immortality characteristic of [Dangerous Zombie Cassette], Tan Lidou can completely exchange injuries for injuries, and exchange blood volume for Baosheng Yongmeng's physical strength.

Then, when Baosheng Yongmeng's energy was exhausted, he turned from defense to offense.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Heavy punches carrying death data kept hitting Baosheng Yongmeng's body, reducing his knight gauge.

This is not only reducing Baosheng Yongmeng's knight slot, but also reducing Baosheng Yongmeng's life!

Because of the characteristics of [Dangerous Zombie Cassette], the protection mechanism of [Player Drive] will be automatically lifted.

Once Baosheng Yongmeng's knight gauge reaches zero, his life will come to an end.

Although Hosei Nagamu didn't know all this, but through the death of Kujo Kiriya just now, he could roughly guess that Tanli Dou caused Kujo Kiriya's death through some means.

If he guessed correctly, then the chance of death may be that the knight gauge reaches zero!

With the approach of death and the pain Tan Li Dou inflicted on himself, Baosheng Yongmeng, who was originally immersed in anger and grief, finally regained his original calmness and wisdom.

He began to think about how to defeat Tanlito and avenge Kujo Kiriya.

However, facing the pressing Tan Li Dou, no matter how hard Baosheng Yongmeng thought, he could not find the rules to pass the level.


With the last heavy punch, Baosheng Yongmeng was hammered to the ground by Tan Li Dou, and at the same time, the knight's gauge dropped to an extremely dangerous state.

It was also because the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] disabled the self-protection function of the [Player Drive], so Baosheng Yongmeng had to take the initiative to unplug the cassette, forcing him to cancel his transformation.

Of course, Tan Lidou had no intention of killing Baosheng Yongmeng.

The reason why Kujo Guiriya was killed was to silence him.

And Baosheng Yongmeng is not qualified to be silenced by Tan Li Dou himself!

But well...

Under the mask, Tan Lidou smiled crookedly, and walked towards Baosheng Yongmeng who fell on the ground. After walking in, he lifted Baosheng Yongmeng up.

"Baosheng↘Yong↗Meng↘, return your cassette to me!"

"No, no!"

Baosheng Yongmeng tightly protected his two cassettes with both hands. No matter how hard Tan Li Dou tried to snatch them, he could not pull them out of his hands.


Tan Lidou was immediately confused.

Your eternal dream has not transformed, so why are your hands stronger than your transformed self? ?

Suddenly, Tan Lidou increased his strength and tried to snatch away the two cassettes. At the same time, his other hand strangled Baosheng Yongmeng's neck.

"Give it to me quickly! Otherwise, you'll have something nice to look at!"

"No! No! Absolutely not!"

"Then go to death!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no -!"

Suddenly, Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes burst into red light.

A huge force was also released from his body, and actually pushed Tan Lidou flying away.

Caught off guard, Tan Lidou rolled several times on the ground.

When he got up, Tan Lidou was completely dumbfounded.

"This is impossible! How did Baosheng↘Yong↗Meng↘ possess such powerful power even though he has not transformed?"

Not far away, there was a one-on-one going on. Ce and the Hua family's elders, who were competing against real men, also noticed something was wrong with Baosheng Yongmeng.

Why can you, a mere human being, physically fuck a knight? ?

As if thinking of something, Ce immediately began to patrol the game field, searching, as if to find something.

did you find it?

found it!

On a high point in the abandoned factory, Ce saw an extremely familiar figure.

It's Parade!

Parade must have remotely controlled Baosheng Yongmeng's body just now, causing him to forcibly erupt with the power of a bugster.

Seeing that Ce actually deserted during the battle, the Hua family leader was not polite. He immediately activated the decisive skill again, and then the hot dragon flame bullet hit Ce's body.


Ce's whole body flew out, and the knight's tank also dropped to a dangerous position.

[Player Driver] started the self-protection program and forced Ce to cancel the transformation.

Ce, who looked like a five-year-old child, fell to the ground, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

Seeing that Ce was actually deflated, Tan Li Dou had no time to think about how Baosheng Yongmeng burst out with inhuman strength. He rushed over, clamped the child-like Ce under his arm, and took off his [Faulty drive].

"Baosheng↘Eternal↗Dream↘, our game is far from over! Your cassettes will be stored with you first, and we will take them back sooner or later! See you later!"

After saying that, Tan Lidou fired several shots at the ground with the [Fault Driver], creating a large amount of smoke in the pouring rain.

"Want to escape? Don't think about it!"

The elder of the Hua family rushed into the smoke.

But it's still too late!

Tan Lidou and Ce took advantage of the smoke and heavy rain to escape and disappeared.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah

Suddenly, in the heavy rain, Baosheng Yongmeng screamed at the top of his lungs and hugged his head.

Obviously, because Parade forced Baosheng Yongmeng to use the power of bugster, Baosheng Yongmeng's body showed symptoms of game sickness.

Different gaming illnesses have different symptoms in different people.

The symptom of Baosheng Yongmeng's gaming disease is headache.

Severe headache!

"Damn it!"

Jing Feicai hit the ground with an angry fist.

Today, they lost a reliable and good comrade, and they couldn't even avenge him.

Poppy covered her cherry mouth, not knowing what to say.

She is kind-hearted and does not want to watch innocent lives pass away.

But due to Nangong Qi's coercion, she did not dare to tell Nangong Qi's true identity.


The elder of the Hua family released his transformation in silence.

Although he didn't say anything, his trembling hands told that his heart was not at all peaceful at this moment.

The rain is still falling.

Everyone present felt the cold.

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