After leaving such a sentence, Jing Feicai followed Baosheng Yongmeng like a madman and walked towards the abandoned factory of Dongda Mazu.

"Let Baosheng Yongmeng suffer more, and it can also train his ability to withstand stress!"

Nangong Qi noticed Jing Fei

Cai's little thought, but he didn't say anything, but poured two cups of black tea with squinted eyes, and handed one of them to Ximanike.

"Only black tea, please wait..."

"Get out of here!"

Ximanike knocked over Nangong Qi's teacup.

So much so that the boiling hot black tea was poured all over Nangong Qi.

little girl!

Fortunately, I am a doctor now!

If I jump directly, I'll make your butt swell if I don't take the seven wolves!

Resisting the idea of ​​taking out the seven wolves and giving Ximanike a Showa education, Nangong Qi could only keep a calm expression and wiped the wet black tea on himself.

"Let's talk about something lighter! Your name is Sima Nicole, right?"

"No, my name is Touma Kazusa!"

"So you are an East Malaysian party member? It's really a pleasure to meet you, a pleasure to meet you!"

"No, Dong Ma is a mistress!"


No chat today!

At the same time, a battle was breaking out in the abandoned factory passed down by Dong Dama.

As expected, this is the trap set by the Hua family for Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Kamen Rider only needs me!"

After making such a declaration, the Hua family launched an attack on Baosheng Yongmeng without hesitation.


Although it is unclear why the elder brother of the Hua family attacked Baosheng Yongmeng, his intuition told Jing Feicai that it must be related to Baosheng Yongmeng's gaming disease.

Tsundere’s unique perception of Tsundere!

Ever since, when the big brother of the Hua family kept attacking Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai just stood aside and OMOed.

Since Nagamu Hosei had no idea of ​​a civil war between Kamen Riders, he didn't resist at all when faced with the attack from the Hana family. He could only run and hide, which made him look particularly embarrassed.

In the process of being beaten and rolling, Baosheng Yongmeng finally caught a glimpse of Jing Feicai on the side.

"Feicai? Why are you just watching?"

The next moment, Baosheng Yongmeng was knocked away by the Hua family's eldest brother with a gun butt.

Baosheng Yongmeng rolled and flew more than ten meters away, and climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his voice became frightened and angry.

"Feicai, aren't you and I companions?"


With no intention of responding, Kagami Aya could only transform into [Kamen Rider Brave], and then pulled out the [Dragon Knight Hunter Z] cassette that was placed next to Homu Nagamu.

"Feicai, are you really betraying me?"


Still no response, Jing Feicai just looked at the Hua family's elder self.

Well, we made eye contact, they are both the people who want to help Baosheng Yongmeng perform the bugster removal surgery.

"Snipe, let's get started with the excision!"

"Hmph, if you lose, the cassette will be mine!"

"As you wish! Surgery level lv.5!"

Jing Feicai pressed the cassette button and started the multiplayer mode, and an identical cassette appeared in front of the Hua family.

"Fifth Tactic!"

"Transformation!" ×2

Along with the upgraded special effects and sound effects, [Dragon Knight Cannon] and [Dragon Knight Holy Sword] appeared on the left and right arms of Huajia Taiga and Jing Feicai respectively.

Facing the two people who had improved their levels, Baosheng Yongmeng had no power to fight back.

He was constantly attacked and pushed back, and his knight gauge dropped rapidly.


Along with the roar of [Dragon Knight Fire Cannon], Baosheng Yongmeng was blown away again and fell heavily to the ground, feeling extremely painful.

Because it was clear that the so-called game was actually a gamble on each other's lives, Baosheng Yongmeng was unwilling, let alone dared, to fight back.

It is estimated that in a short time, Baosheng Yongmeng will be directly defeated and disappear completely, right?


However, what no one expected was that there was a being who saw all of this.

What they didn't even expect was that this existence was already burning with anger, and it was almost uncontrollable.

No, I can’t hold it back anymore!


An unfamiliar voice sounded, causing the Hua family's elder self and Jing Feicai to stop attacking.

Look towards the source of the sound.

It was actually Parade.

It's just that at this moment, Parade has put away his usual cynical expression, replaced by anger and contempt.

"Be careful, he's a bugster!"

Although he was attacked by his companions, Baosheng Yongmeng still reminded the two of them in time.


The two Kamen Riders were shocked and immediately focused the battle on Parade.

The reason why they attacked Baosheng Yongmeng was to separate the bugster from Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

Who can believe that before the bugster of Baosheng Yongmeng was separated, an uninvited guest came first!

(From a certain perspective, they have actually succeeded in forcing the bugster out of Baosheng Yongmeng)


Parade glanced at Baosheng Yongmeng on the ground, then looked at Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Dawo, the anger in his heart burned to the extreme.

It's all because of you that Yong Meng was hurt like this!

"Don't you see it? Yongmeng has no intention of fighting you! Instead, I will fight you!"

Taking out the cassette he had just received from Tan Li Dou, Parade's face was as cold as ice.

"What kind of cassette is that?"

With doubtful eyes, Parade pressed the cassette.

"perfect match!"

(best match!)

"What does the next level look like?"

"What does the next level look like?"

A game light screen that had never been seen before appeared behind Parade, and a new game field unfolded.


"Dual Up! Get the glory in the chain. PERFECT PUZZLE!"

The transformed light screen appeared out of thin air and passed through Parade's body. A layer of armor with a blue front and a red armor appeared on Parade's body.

Feel the power coming out of your body!

Parade moved his body, like a child showing off his toys, and began to introduce himself.

"[Kamen Rider Parade dx], lv.50!"

"What!?" ×4

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

Who could imagine that when the average level is only lv.10, a great white shark with level 50 suddenly pops up to blow up the fish pond! ?

"Now, let's start a fair and entertaining game! If you follow that little guy's habit, I should say: Gorgeous!"

Facing the absolute level of crushing, whether in terms of strength or speed, Parade completely crushed the Hua family's Taiga and Jing Feicai.

In addition, Parade is truly real and possesses the powerful gaming ability of [Genius Player M]. The two of them cannot even touch Parade's body.

On the contrary, with his fighting skills and level crushing, Parade could have ended the fight with one punch.

But he didn't.

I don't know whether it was out of a playful mentality or because they wanted to take revenge for their previous behavior of hurting Baosheng Yongmeng. Parade seemed to be playing, constantly shuttling between the Hua family and Jing Feicai.

From time to time, he used his fists to tease their armor, even Liu Hai.

Just play!

You can't hit me!

Can't hit me!

Just like a cat playing with a mouse.

The feeling of shame surged into the hearts of the two of them. They were obviously aware of their current situation, and they waved the cannons and holy swords even faster.

Ran and egg.

The anger of the weak remains the weak.

Incompetent and furious!

"Let you experience the power of "Perfect Match"!"

After feeling that most of his anger was gone, Parade snapped his fingers.

In an instant, all the treasure boxes, cement blocks, and all game models in the entire game field were turned into energy props with different functions.

"How is this going?"

It was Baosheng Yongmeng who asked this question.

If it were anyone else, Parade would probably remain silent and continue to beat the opponent with his fists.

But if the person asking the question is Baosheng Eternal Dream, then Parade must answer!

As a result, Parade directly ignored Jing Feicai and Hua Jiadai, and turned around to explain the eternal dream of Baosheng.

When Jing Feicai and Hua Jiadai saw this situation, they were immediately furious, but there was nothing they could do. After all, in terms of level and combat skills, Parade completely crushed Tianming.

""Perfect Match" allows you to freely control game props in the game field, including eliminating obstacles and controlling all energy props! Just like this!"

The next moment, all the energy props in the game field flew into the air and were neatly arranged in front of Parade.

"Let me see how I can vent my anger? Just like this!"

As Parade muttered to himself, two completely different energy props fell on him.


"Speed ​​up!"

Suddenly, Parade's whole body swelled up like an inflatable ball.

Of course, Parade did not forget Kyoficai and Daga of the Hua family, so by the way, he gave these two guys who dared to hurt Baosheng Yongmeng a [Chaos Transformation] each.

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