Constant beating!

"Burn my anger to your heart's content!"



In anger, Parade completed the switch of forms, and the blazing fire on his fists was a symbol of the anger in his heart at this moment.

And without any hesitation, Parade activated the [Decisive Skill].

"Knock Out Critical Smash!"

The next moment, Parade rushed to Tan Li Dou, and his flaming fist hit Tan Li Dou like a violent storm.

Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——


With the last swing of the flaming fist, Tan Lidou flew out and even smashed through the wall of the abandoned factory and fell outside the factory.

"Whirring whirring"

Although the [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] was said to be immortal, Tan Lidou still felt dizzy, his eyes turned black, and he wanted to vomit.

However, Tan Lidou still stubbornly climbed up from the ground and assumed a fighting posture.

For no other reason than now is a great time for Tan Li Dou to collect death data!

As the saying goes: When Zhou Yu hits Huang Gai, everyone is willing to hit and others are willing to suffer.

Tan Li Dou has the idea of ​​collecting death data, and Baosheng Yongmeng and Parade also want to direct their anger at Tan Li Dou.

"Bang", "click", "dong", "wow", "buzz"


As various attacks fell, characters such as [HIT], [GREAT], and [PERFECT] that meant effective damage also appeared on Tan Lidou's body.

Under the mask, Tan Lidou felt as if his internal organs and bones were about to be broken, and a warm liquid surged into his throat.

At this moment, Tan Lidou had begun to regret that he did not retreat in time, but stayed here to continue collecting death data.

But it's too late!

Because neither Baosheng Eternal Dream nor Parade will ever give up.

"perfect match!"



Critical Combo! "

As if beating Tan Li Dou in one form was not enough, Parade changed his form and activated the [Decisive Skill].

Baosheng Yongmeng was not idle either. An exaid cloned out also inserted the [Double Transfer Cassette] into the [Gashacon Keyboard Sword] and activated the [Decisive Skill].

I saw an identical [Gashacon Keyboard Sword] appear out of thin air in the hands of another exaid.

"Mighty Brothers Critical Finish!"

The next moment, Baosheng Eternal Dream and Parade's [Decisive Skill] exploded at the same time.

The two exaids waved countless energy blades and hit countless [HIT] on Tan Li Dou's body.

After Parade threw three enhanced energy items on himself, he hit Tan Lidou hard with a flying kick, and even hit a huge [PERFECT].



In the midst of the painful screams, Tan Lidou's body finally could no longer withstand such an attack. He canceled his transformation and flew out. He fell to the ground in a panic and rolled several times.

And his [Faulty Drive] and [Dangerous Zombie Cassette] also fell to the ground.

At this moment, Tan Li Dou's eyes were filled with hatred.

There is no reason for him!

Parade's [Play Cassette Gear] was taken from Tan Li Dou.

In other words, Parade was using what Tanlidu gave him to beat Tanlidu.

This kind of thing made Tan Lidou extremely angry.

But gradually, a vicious thought emerged in Tan Lidou's mind, causing him to smile healthily.

"I will defeat the eternal dream of Baosheng. Is that what you said?"



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Chapter 112 The men’s ten-meter race officially begins


Seeing Tan Li Dou cancel his transformation, Parade and Baosheng Yongmeng also canceled their transformation one after another.

Baosheng Yongmeng's face was indifferent, while Pralade smiled crookedly, as if he was mocking Tan Lidou.

At this moment, Tan Lidou looked extremely miserable. Not to mention the many bruises on his face, he couldn't even stand up.

Baosheng Yongmeng could also see that the gaps between Tan Li Dou's teeth were filled with bright red, and it was obvious that even his mouth was broken and bleeding.

At this moment, Tan Lidou, who had a look of disgust on his face, suddenly showed a healthy smile.

"I will defeat the eternal dream of Baosheng, that's what you said, right? As a punishment for being my enemy, let me cut off your hope now!"

The corners of Tan Lidou's mouth became wider and wider, and at the same time, his whole body, which was kneeling on the ground, straightened up.


Suddenly, Tan Lidou shouted at Baosheng Yongmeng, pointing his finger at him as if judging him.

"Why can you transform into Exaid without undergoing adaptation surgery?"

"Why can you create new cassettes?"

"Why do you feel that from time to time after you transform?

Headache? "

Jing Feicai, who had been OMO next to him, was shocked and immediately opened his legs and rushed towards Tan Li Dou.

"Don't say any more!"

Tan Li Dou still had a healthy smile, as if he didn't take Jing Feicai seriously at all.

"The truth of the matter is only one!"

The elder of the Hua family quickly realized the truth and rushed towards Tan Li Dou like Jing Feicai.

"Shut up!"


Tan Li Dou's chant of God still did not stop.

Parade finally reacted and started running wildly.

Tan Lidou continued to point at Baosheng Yongmeng, like a god of judgment, revealing the biggest secret of Baosheng Yongmeng.

"You are the first man in the world to be infected with Bugster!"


Tan Lidou let out a divine laughter.

Laughing crazy, laughing fearlessly, laughing lawlessly.

The elder of the Hua family and Jing Feicai couldn't help but stop.

Too late.

Tan Lidou had already exposed things that the two of them didn't want Baosheng Yongmeng to know.

At this time, Parade finally rushed in front of Tan Li Dou and lifted him up.

After hearing such a shocking truth, Baosheng Yongmeng looked in disbelief.

"Do I have gaming sickness?"

Everyone present turned their attention to Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Liar! This is a lie to me!"

Despite this, Baosheng Yongmeng still tried to persuade himself to refuse to believe the truth revealed by Tan Lidou, and even showed a healthy smile.

However, Baosheng Yongmeng is not a genius who deceives himself after all.

Scenes from the past were rolling through his mind, his headache, once he transformed, he would seem to be another person, and the [double image] that was obviously blank but was born in his hands. Turn to play cassette].

All these phenomena reveal a cruel and terrifying reality to Baosheng Yongmeng.

His baby, Yongmeng, really suffered from gaming disease.

So what happens if you get gaming sickness?

will die!


"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

In an instant, Baosheng Yongmeng felt that his heartbeat was beating rapidly, and even his breathing was getting faster and thicker.

Obviously he said that he was ready to sacrifice his life, but when death approached again, Baosheng Yongmeng still felt extremely heavy pressure.

It is precisely because Baosheng Yongmeng knows the consequences of gaming sickness that he is under greater pressure than any other gaming sickness patient.

It was enough to completely overwhelm him and trigger the terrifying pressure of gaming disease in him.

This is not something that cannot be understood.

After all, Hosei Nagamu is a person living in ordinary society after all. Unlike the Kamen Riders of the Showa era, they spend all day fighting with the reformed weirdos from [Shuka] and [Shuka]'s sub-organizations. Fighting life and death, unlike Nangong Qi who had been fighting terrorists and gang members in northern Myanmar for several years.

In just a few breaths, Baosheng Yongmeng was covered with chaff, his eyes widened, and at the same time a crimson light emitted from his eyes. At the same time, a large number of mosaics appeared on his body, and his body began to look like Kujo Takashi before. Toshiya started to extend the phone and turned into light dust flying all over the sky.

Immediately, the Hua family elders and Jing Feicai held their breaths.

Because they know that Baosheng Yongmeng's current situation is when the gaming disease attacks, which means that if nothing happens, Baosheng Yongmeng will really die suddenly on the spot.


Tan Li Dou was still laughing.

Parade's face was serious, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


As death approached, Baosheng Yongmeng felt incomparable pain, his brain was in incomparable pain, and he even screamed.

"Baoshengyongmeng, are you just giving up?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

It was at this time that Baosheng Yongmeng finally recovered his ability to think, and time in his eyes became so slow that Baosheng Yongmeng could even count how many bricks there were on the ground.

Gradually, a familiar figure appeared in Baosheng Yongmeng's sight. That person's face was shrouded in shadow, so that Baosheng Yongmeng could not recognize who he was.

"Brother Nangong, is that you?"

Baosheng Yongmeng asked tentatively.

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