Breathing heavily, Tan Li Dou began to inspect everything around him.

It’s a familiar desk, a familiar floor, a familiar stronghold, and a familiar strategy.

Do you feel a little relieved...?

"Camida, you are finally awake!"

Seeing that Tan Li Dou had woken up, Ce finally showed a joyful smile on his originally tight face. He quickly took out a bowl of hot porridge from the thermal box next to him and wanted to feed Tan Li Dou.

However, Tan Lidou's eyes were full of fierce light, which meant that his current mood was absolutely bad, and his mentality was even completely broken.

This is not something that cannot be understood.

First, someone developed a brand new cassette without his permission.

Although Tan Li Dou destroyed the new Bengyuan body that was born in time, this situation still successfully affected Tan Li Dou's self-confidence in himself.

Then, Tan Li Dou was betrayed by Parade, and Parade teamed up with Baosheng Yongmeng to give him a severe beating, which made Tan Li Dou feel that he was almost dead.

Secondly, there is Tan Li Dou’s chant of the gods.

Obviously in his calculations, once Baosheng Yongmeng learns that he is suffering from game disease through the chant of God, he will die suddenly on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Baosheng Yongmeng immediately suppressed his illness after having a game attack for a period of time.

You must know that Tan Lidou is a person with a strong desire for control. Any link that is not in his plan is as intolerable to him as sand blown close to his eyes.

Whether it was Parade's rebellion or Baosheng's eternal dream's change, these were things that did not exist in Tanli Dou's plan.

And when these things happen together, it will make Tan Lidou feel as uncomfortable as a lump in his throat.

Finally, and most importantly, Tan Li Dou had just had a nightmare, a terrible nightmare that prevented him from using his divine talents.

This is the so-called wake-up breath.

When these things were added together, Tan Lidou's mentality exploded on the spot.

In other words, Tanli Dou's defense was now broken.

Tan Lidou himself is not a person who likes to hide his emotions, so Ce became the target for Tan Lidou to vent his emotions.

"Get out of here!"

Involuntarily, Tan Li Douqiang kicked the bowl out of Ce's hand despite the pain that occurred in his body from time to time, and splashed the steaming porridge all over Ce's face.

"Camida, what's wrong with you?"

Ce casually turned the porridge on his face into a stream of data, and walked towards Tan Lidou with concern.

Take a few steps.

However, his behavior only further aroused Tan Lidou's anger.

"You bastard!"

Tan Lidou immediately took out the [Faulty Driver] from his side, adjusted it to the laser gun mode, aimed it, and said fiercely:

"You must want to betray me just like Parade, right?"

Ce was only slightly stunned by this, and immediately showed a calm expression, and walked towards Tan Lidou step by step.

"Bang" "Bang"

Tan Lidou pressed the button without hesitation and fired two laser beams, hitting the cement wall behind Ce. .

"Boom" "Boom"

Two laser beams blasted large holes in the cement wall.

"Do you think I really won't take action against you?"

Without any intention of speaking, Ce just slowly raised his hands and lowered his body slowly so that Tan Li Dou's gun could be aimed at his head.

Although Ce is the Bugster's physique, the [Faulty Driver] in Tan Li Dou's hand is an item that can really cause harm to the Bugster.

What's more, Ce has no transformation now. Once he is hit, he will be seriously disabled even if he doesn't die.

Of course, Ce is not completely in Tan Li Dou's stronghold now, because the other half of his body, Nangong Qi, is still far away in [CR].

Even if he is really beaten to death, he will only turn into a data stream and be taken back into his body by Nangong Qi.


Seeing this situation, Tan Lidou couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Just when he was in a daze, Ce had already gently placed his hands on the [Faulty Driver] and put the muzzle of the gun squarely against his forehead.

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

"You gave me my life, and if you want it, I can give it back to you now, my Camida!"

Ce's voice didn't waver at all, and it could even be said that he died calmly.

"You are the only God in my life!"

"No matter what choice you make, I will choose to follow you!"

"My love for you cannot be described even with the most gorgeous words in the world!"


Hearing this word that was once extremely familiar but now extremely unfamiliar, Tan Lidou was involuntarily stunned, and at the same time, his heart couldn't stop twitching.

Ce's eyes are filled with purity, firmness, tolerance and seriousness, and...


Familiar eyes.

In the confusion, looking into Ce's eyes, Tan Lidou actually thought of someone.


Tan Li Dou's biological mother is also the only person who has taken the initiative to give Tan Li Dou love since he was born in this world.


The stalemate between one person and one bugster continued until...


Tan Lidou, who always regarded himself as a god, actually took the initiative to apologize to Zhu Ce and took back the [Faulty Drive].

After doing all this, Tan Lidou stood up from the mat and turned his back, not wanting to look directly into Ce's clear and pure eyes.

In fact, Tan Lidou was extremely panicked at this moment, his eyes were scanning his stronghold crazily, and his heart was even more confused.

Suddenly, a blank [Transfer Cassette Gear] came into his eyes.

Tan Lidou immediately walked over in three steps and two steps at a time, and threw the blank card with level 50 behind him, towards Ce, without looking back.

Ce quickly caught the blank cassette.

"this is?"

"Ce, I'm very sorry for what I just did. My doubts about you undoubtedly insulted your feelings. So accept that as my apology! I believe that with your strength, I will definitely It can exert its due power!”


For a moment, even Ce was silent and shouldn't say anything.

"But Camida!"

Suddenly, Ce spoke again, his voice unchanged as before.

"Do you still drink porridge?"


After a long silence, Tan Lidou spoke with difficulty, intending to get rid of the bugster who loved him.

"Okay, I understand! Please wait here Camida!"

After saying that, Ce turned around and entered the kitchen and began to prepare to continue making porridge.


When Ce finally left, Tan Lidou seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He fell down on an office chair, his expression uncontrollable.

—————————————— Tan Zhengzong is basking in the sun ————————————————

In [CR], the excited Jing Feicai grabbed Nangong Qi's collar and stared at him with hatred.

"Dr. Nangong, look what you have done? Because of your damn stocking plan, the intern almost disappeared in front of us!"

"Feicai, as a young man, you must learn to be calm, calm down!"

Nangong Qi still looked at ease, as if nothing was wrong.


What's more, isn't Yongmeng alive and kicking now?Since Yongmeng is fine, doesn't it mean that my treatment plan is correct? "

Baosheng Yongmeng also stepped forward quickly and pulled Jing Feicai and Nangong Qi away.

"It's okay, it's really okay! Brother Nangong, Feicai is actually concerned about my situation, please don't blame him!"

"Don't worry, I won't get angry with my juniors!"

"This fucking guy of yours!"

For some reason, Jing Feicai became even more angry and even pushed Baosheng Yongmeng away.

Fortunately, Nangong Qi had quick eyes and quick hands and caught Baosheng Yongmeng who almost fell to the ground.

Suddenly, Nangong Qi also thought of something.

Kagami Aya's girlfriend Momose Kohime lost her life due to gaming sickness.

It is obvious that Baosheng Yongmeng is also on the verge of the onset of gaming disease, but because of Nangong Qina’s therapy, which can be called free-range therapy, Baosheng Yongmeng successfully forcibly suppressed the gaming disease. Doesn’t this mean that Kyofei Aya, as Momuse Xiao Is Ji's boyfriend negligent in his duty?

Do not!

Not only for Jing Feicai, but also for the Hua family, Baosheng Yongmeng's ability to suppress his gaming disease is also a humiliation for him.

However, the current Hua family has a true heart of steel. Presumably even if Homo Nagamu forcibly suppresses the game disease in front of him, he will continue to act as a Kamen Rider like a normal person. Fight for identity.

But Jing Feicai is different.

Jing Feicai's feelings for his girlfriend lasted from the beginning of the TV series to the end of the TV series, and even in the later side stories.

Maybe Nangong Qi and Baosheng Yongmeng should not appear in front of Jing Feicai.

At least now is not the time!


Rarely, Nangong Qi did not say anything sarcastic, but just grabbed Baosheng Yongmeng and walked out of [CR].

"Brother Nangong!"

"Yongmeng, don't talk. Let's continue today's special training! You still have six or seven kilometers, a hundred push-ups, a hundred sit-ups and a hundred squats yet to do!"

"Ahhhh! No way!"

Baosheng Yongmeng's voice was full of despair.

"Don't worry, I'll only order until you're done! And when you're done, I'll treat you to a burger!"

Soon, Nangong Qi and Baosheng passed away forever.

"Wait for me, I want a burger too!"

Poppy noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and immediately followed Nangong Qi's footsteps.

Jing Feicai, on the other hand, looked at the gate of [CR] with complicated eyes, which was the gate the two of them just walked out of.

In such a big [CR], only Jing Feicai and his biological father, Jing Huima, are left.

The ears are finally clean.

Jing Feicai couldn't help but take out a photo of herself and her girlfriend. For a moment, she felt extremely remorseful. Her eye circles were even redder, and her tears fell down.

"Xiaoji, if I had not been obsessed with my studies, but had spent more time with you. According to Qi's theory, you could have overcome the gaming disease!"

"I'm sorry! Xiaoji, I'm sorry for you! It's all my fault!"

The faith that she held fast fester like a collapsed dam, and the emotions accumulated for five or six years are like a volcano erupting, out of control, causing Jing Feicai to burst into tears.

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