"Since you don't even have the sincerity to discuss it, then it's really a pity! Our cooperation can only go so far."

With that said, Amazaki Lian turned around and seemed to give up on continuing to negotiate with Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi's eyes narrowed and suddenly became sharp, and he immediately took out the [Player Driver] and the [Knights Play Cassette] of [Rampage Motorcycle].


Without any hesitation, Nangong Qi immediately began to transform.

It was also at this time that Amazaki took out the [Faulty Driver], adjusted it to laser gun mode, and fired several lasers at Nangong Qi.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Accompanied by several explosions, the laser gun hit the transformation light screen in front of Nangong Qi, but was blocked by Nangong Qi's perfect use of his transformation invincibility setting.

It was also at this time that Nangong Qi completed his transformation and became a fat man.

"Doctor Nangong, your vigilance is really high. If it were Exaid, Brave, and Snipe, they would probably be tricked, right?"

"Amazaki Ren, you fat pig is indeed not a human being!"

"I'm not a fat pig, I have a name, I'm lovrica!"

"Fat pig, fat pig, fat pig!"

"Dr. Nangong, congratulations, you succeeded in irritating me!"

Amazaki Ren was so angry that his whole body swelled up like a balloon, and at the same time he pointed the muzzle of the [Faulty Driver] at his own arm.

"Next, I will completely eliminate you! Cultivate you!"

The A key button on the [Faulty Drive] was pressed.

"Infection! Let's game! Bad game! Dead game! Whatcha name?! The Bugster!"

The next moment, Amazaki Ren's whole body was wrapped in rose-like data, and her shape changed.

It turned into a bugster monster with a large bouquet of roses on its shoulders and an extremely irritating pink head.

"A fat pig is a fat pig. Even if its appearance changes, it's still a fat pig! Following the fat pig around in a wild circle makes me feel like vomiting!"

While Nangong Qi was taunting Amazaki Lian, he upgraded himself and turned himself into a motorcycle.

"I'm going to tie you up with thorns and hang you upside down on the cross!"

Nangong Qi's taunting effect is outstanding.

Amazaki Lian immediately released a large number of rose thorns covered with spikes and whipped them at Nangong Qi.


Nangong Qi keeps talking about Amazaki Lian, just for this reason.

Amazaki Ren's greatest damage method is the fatal attack unleashed by falling in love with a female bugster.

And when these female bugsters are not summoned, Amazaki Ren's strongest attack method no longer exists.

Of course, Nangong Qi still couldn't cause direct harm to Amazaki Lian.

Even so, Nangong Qi can still buy more time, for example...

"Yongmeng, where did all of you damn people die? Come back to [CR] quickly, because a bugster has stolen your house here again! Come back to me quickly and save me!"

While avoiding Amazaki Lian's attack, Nangong Qi quietly picked up the communicator, opened the group chat mode, and yelled.

"And poppy, give me some advice and escape from [CR]!"

"What? Okay, we will eliminate the bugster immediately and come to help Brother Nangong!"

"Okay, okay, I understand! I'm going to leave [CR] with Ce right now!"

Of course, the whole scene looks very weird.

I saw a communicator similar to a stethoscope tied to the front of the car by an inexplicable force. The lights of the car were flashing and making various sounds.

It’s also a good thing that there wasn’t a living person around, otherwise, seeing this scene, I’m afraid the SAN value would go crazy.

After completing all this, Nangong Qi, who transformed into a motorcycle, immediately performed a beautiful tail flick and turned the front of the car.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Qi charged directly towards Amazaki Lian.

"Instead of running away, are you coming towards me from the front? Very good!"

Amazaki Ren couldn't help but shouted excitedly, and at the same time waved the rose in his hand.

Sweet and sweet wind.jpg

I saw a pink heart-shaped energy blocking Nangong Qi's path.


With a cold snort, Nangong Qi immediately summoned an [Aurora Curtain] with more energy than love.

The next moment, [Aurora Curtain] completely swallowed up the entire love energy and flew straight towards Amazaki Ren.


As expected, the [Aurora Curtain] summoned by Nangong Qi was judged as an attack by the game system, and

The characteristics of Ren Amazaki's own game were transformed into a neutralized [MISS].


There is no other way, Nangong Qi himself is not a person who is good at falling in love.

What's more, he can also have women around him who can give him shit.

So, he could only bite the bullet and rush towards Amazaki Ren.

"Rider Break!"

Nangong Qi roared.



The next moment, Nangong Qi was knocked upside down and rolled on the ground.

No way.

Although Kamen Rider is relatively idealistic, this is a game world.

Amazaki Ren's [Heartbeat Crisis] characteristic is comparable to invincibility according to the rules. It is impossible to cause harm to him until he is hit by [Reprogramming].

Even idealism cannot do it.

Especially the guy next door.

After being infected with the bugster virus, wouldn't you just have to follow the game rules and conquer the Pac-Man game?

Lying on the ground and looking up at the sky, an idea that had appeared before but disappeared for some reason suddenly appeared in Nangong Qi's mind.

"I really want to die!"


Ever since he traveled through time and became a Kamen Rider, Nangong Qi has always wanted to die once and for all.

After all, he went through the [Overhaul Card] transformation without anesthesia, and was given the [Butcher's Nails] in disguise, causing Nangong Qi's whole body to be numb.

Even if he became a bugster and all the pain and pain disappeared, Nangong Qi was still the same.

Depression worsened by PTSD.

This is probably the most accurate description of Nangong Qi’s mental state after transforming into a bugster.

The reason why Nangong Qi has been able to support himself until now is because of the existence of Ce, which gives him the courage and strength to continue living. Even if he is severely depressed, Nangong Qi can stay with Ce all day long. , from Simailu.

Now, after Ce fell into isolation for several weeks because of Tan Lidou's death, Nangong Qi also felt that his soul was dying.

I just don’t know what will happen to that guy Ce after he dies.

"Oh? Have you given up hope of survival? Very good, very good!"

Seeing Nangong Qi lying motionless on the ground, Amazaki Lian summoned a large number of thorns and attacked Nangong Qi.

"But it just so happens that I am a kind-hearted bugster and I can't bear to see you in such pain. Let me send you to heaven now!"



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Chapter 127 There must be something wrong with falling in love in Kamen Rider

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

A broken voice sounded.

It was obviously a thorn stick, but in the hands of Ren Amazaki, a bugster, it felt like throwing a spear.

If he were to be stabbed with his own body without changing his body shape, Nangong Qi would probably be impaled like an impaled male.

Although Nangong Qi was transformed by the [Overhaul Card] and all the power to transform into a Showa Knight was included in that card, Nangong Qi still retained his powerful combat experience and the escape artifact [Aurora Curtain].

No one can hurt him if he wants to.

The premise is Namco Fantasy.

However, that was not what he thought at this moment.

After Zai Ce's mentality collapsed and fell into isolation, Nangong Qi's mentality also collapsed.

If Amazaki Ren wants to kill him so much, then let the person in front of him kill him!

Nangong Qi climbed up from the ground and opened his arms, just like a sinner waiting for execution.

The thorns covered with spikes also came to Nangong Qi's forehead, and were about to hit Nangong Qi's head on the spot.

At this time, Nangong Qi felt that his thinking began to speed up, so that the whole world became as slow as if it were still.

At the same time, his consciousness was also pulled into a pure white data space.

That’s the plan!

At the critical moment of Nangong Qi's life and death, Ce sensed the danger and took the initiative to speed up Nangong Qi's thinking and pull him into the void of thought.

in between.

Five-year-old Ce Ze stared at Nangong Qi with an angry look on his face.

"Hey, hey, bro! You're already a fucking adult. How come I've just been autistic for a while and you look like you're dying?"

"A while? I'm afraid you have to redefine what a fucking while is!"

Nangong Qi was immediately furious and grabbed Ce's collar, swinging Ce up and down like a bartender mixing drinks.

"You bastard, you haven't spoken to me for three whole weeks! Three weeks, do you know how I got here?"

"Ah? Three weeks? Is it that long?"

Ce looked confused.

It was obvious that during the period of isolation, he did not observe the time carefully.

"You bastard, you don't even look at the time! Three weeks! I feel like I'm in hell every minute and every second! In the days without you, I feel like my soul has been dug out Half of them are suffering!"

Increasingly angry, Nangong Qi immediately threw Ce away.

"Don't you share memories with me? Then you should fully understand the pain I have experienced in the past three weeks!"

But after a while, Ce floated back by himself.

He lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Nangong Qi.

Just like Nangong Qi said, they are two personalities with one soul, and they share each other's memories.

They can see each other's memories whenever they want, unless they don't want to.

"I'm very sorry. Brother, I actually left you alone for so long. As your brother, I am very incompetent. I..."

"My brother, this is enough!"

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