Afterwards, the Bengyuan Body stood up from the ground and cast his gaze at the three giants of the Bengyuan Body, namely Amazaki Ren, Gurafat and Parade.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's been three weeks! When will [Kamen Rider Chronicles] be launched?"


The Big Three couldn't say a word.

The reason is not

Very simple, because they suffered unprecedented setbacks.

These can be seen just by their appearance.

Their once bright appearance has turned into a particularly messy appearance.

Obviously, due to the attacks of Baosheng Yongmeng and Nangong Qi, the Big Three have not recovered until now.

Originally, according to Bugster's naturally playful personality, it was absolutely impossible for them to huddle together in a small stronghold and not go out to cause trouble.

But because the Big Three promised them, given time, after [Kamen Rider Chronicles] is officially opened, all the Hongenkai will be able to go out and make a big fuss.

However, three weeks have passed, and the Big Three seem to have made no progress. Instead, they were beaten up by the Kamen Riders. Even Amazaki Ren, the new CEO of the Fantasy Group, was actually a bugster. The secret was exposed. .

Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

That’s probably what they are now!

"As expected of my M (Yong Meng), so powerful!"

Among the three giants, the only one who can still laugh is probably Parade.

"Parade, stop trying to bully me here!"

Gurafat resisted the urge to slap Parad and spoke very patiently.

"I just want to know now that the plan to snatch Poppy has failed. I think the Kamen Riders of [CR] will be more careful about Poppy and completely cut off the possibility of us snatching Poppy! If this is the case, how can we do it? Find the [Doremi Beat] bugster that was missing at the end of [Kamen Rider Chronicles]!"

This is also impossible.

After all, Parade is one of the bugsters who has followed Danli Dou for the longest time, and only Parade knows how to open [Kamen Rider Chronicle].

Now [Kamen Rider Chronicles] only needs the last [Doremi Beat] bugster to be activated. After all, Poppy itself is the bugster of the [Doremi Beat] game.

It's a pity that Amazaki Ren failed.

Not only that, it even increased the vigilance of the Kamen Riders.

It is estimated that if there is another capture operation, there will be no hope.

Since the battle to capture Poppy failed, Gurafat could only place his hope on Parad.

"Don't panic! It's useless to panic!"

Parade looked disdainful, as if everything was under his control.

"Besides, I have a backup plan!"

"What? Why don't you tell me quickly!"

"Since we failed to capture Poppy, let's capture Ce!"


Gurafat had some astonishment on his face.

"Isn't that guy a follower of Tan Lidou? Also, isn't he the bugster of [Strike Robot]? What does [Doremi Beat] have to do with it?"

At this moment, Gurafat's face could be said to be full of words: Are you just having fun!

"I'm sure he can do it! As early as a few years ago, Tan Lidou once conducted an experiment on Ce, inputting all game-corresponding data into Ce's body, in order to test the limit of the bugster's corresponding game data containment! "

"The results of it?"

"Of course it was successful. Ce became a perfect bugster that contained all the game data, allowing him to use any low-level [Transfer Cassette]. But the main body of his game is still [Strike Robot]!"

"That is to say, that guy Ce also has the data of [Doremi Fa Beat] in his body. In theory, he can also be used as a replacement for Poppy, right?"

"That's right, Gurafat, your intelligence has finally increased!"


Gurafat fell into deep thought again.

"If I remember correctly, that guy was Tan Li Dou's follower. You, Parade, personally killed Tan Li Dou in front of him. Are you sure that Ce will help us honestly?"

"Of course he won't, so I specially prepared to brainwash him and make him our puppet!"

Suddenly, Gurafat's face showed an expression of disgust.

Because Parade's behavior is no different from Tan Lidu's previous behavior of treating all bugsters as pawns.

But this disgust soon disappeared.

If you want to grow the bugster community, opening [Kamen Rider Chronicles] is essential.

He would not hesitate to risk Gurafat's own life, let alone adopt this stance and their hostile bugster to the left.

If this is the case, then Ce, Tan Lidou's follower, can only be sacrificed for the sake of justice.

"...Okay! Parade, it's up to you to make the plan this time! I hope you won't let me down again!"

"Hehehehehehehe! This time, I will definitely not disappoint my bugster brothers and sisters! And this time, we are going to all go out and make a big fuss! For [Kamen Rider Edition] Congratulations on the opening of Anniversary!”

A few days later, in [CR], Poppy tremblingly handed a game console to Ce who was huddled in the corner.


Although Nangong Qi's near-death experience awakened Ce's fighting spirit, in order to deceive others, Ce still pretended to be extremely autistic in [CR].

But it's not a problem to look like this for a long time.

Therefore, after discussing with Ce, Nangong Qi decided to make changes today.



Ce's hand reached out like lightning, dodged the game console in Poppy's hand, and then started playing on his own.

Seeing this, the elder of the Hua family suddenly felt his blood pressure skyrocketing crazily, so much so that several bold crosses appeared on his forehead.

"How long are you going to pretend to be dumb, kid?"

Resisting the urge to punch Ce in the face, the elder of the Hua family dodged the game console in Ce's hand.

"Give me the game console back!"

Jing Feicai stepped forward at the right time to play the red face.

"It's not impossible to give it to you, but you must honestly explain what you have done under Tan Lidou these years!"

"Ah, this ah..."

Ce looked hesitant.

But no one knows that these are all performed by his superb acting skills.

After looking at the game console in the hands of the elder brother of the Hua family, Ce looked at the surrounding environment, and finally gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

"Okay, I say!"

Of course, in fact, what Ce Neng said didn't have much valuable content.

After all, no matter how much Tan Lidou trusted Ce, there was absolutely no way he could reveal all his plans to Ce without leaving any secrets.

Ce cannot be said to know everything about Tan Lidou's plan, at least he knows nothing about it.

So all Ce can say is that he spread the bugster virus on a small scale over the years, used the bodies of innocent passers-by as petri dishes, cultivated complete bugsters, and then defeated them to collect the data of these bugsters. some type of.

Of course, Ce, as the younger brother who was educated and raised by Nangong Qi, would naturally not be able to do anything harmful to people's lives.

The most it can do is invite innocent passers-by to experience an 8D immersive YMCA experience in the Amazon rainforest, thereby increasing the pressure on innocent passers-by and forcing the bugster to materialize.

Afterwards, Ce will also clear the memories of passers-by.

In addition to this, Ce also mentioned a few things.

For example, Tan Lidou likes to inject some weird things into Ce's body that even Ce himself doesn't know how to call.

Regarding the attitude of cooperation, Huajia Dawo, Jing Feicai and Baosheng Yongmeng are all very satisfied.

After all, Ce was their only source of information about Tan Li Dou's plans.

Since Ce is willing to cooperate well now, it is surprising that they will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future.



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Chapter 131 As we all know, bugsters are either funny or stupid.

"Destroy it! Destroy it! Destroy everything!"

"Bugsters, destroy it!"

At Parade's order, all bugsters were dispatched, wreaking havoc near the [Seido University Hospital], launching indiscriminate attacks on everything they could see.

The leader is the three giants among the bugsters: Ren Amazaki, Parade and Gurafat.


Accompanied by countless explosions and fires, the originally peaceful street immediately turned into a purgatory on earth.

People screamed and fled.

Even so, dozens of people were still killed on the spot and the data was scattered.

Many more people were trampled, seriously injured, or even near death in the chaotic crowd.


The culprits who caused all this, the dozen bugsters, laughed, as if what they did was not a sin, but a matter of course.

Seeing this situation, Parade nodded with satisfaction.

Everything is going according to its plan.

In this case, all we have to do is wait for the Kamen Riders to enter.

"Stop it!"

As expected, Nangong Qi, Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai, Huajia Dawo, as well as Poppy and Xima Nicole arrived at the scene.

Seeing such a chaotic situation at the scene, Baosheng Yongmeng's eyes turned red, looking grief-stricken.

Jing Feicai obviously remembered some bad memories, and his face was so gloomy that it looked like it was about to drip.

The elder of the Hua family opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to eat all the inhuman things in front of him alive.

"It's too much! It's too much!"

Poppy couldn't help but cover her mouth, as if she had never thought that bugster could cause such terrible destruction and horrific hell on earth.

Nangong Qi's face looked like an iceberg, but the calmness on the surface also meant that he was really angry to the extreme.

"In order to force us to come out, you actually did something like this! It's unforgivable!"

After all, this is near the Seido University Hospital. Even a fool can tell that this place is a trap. All he needs to do is write "This is a trap" on his face.

"Second gear!"

"Surgery level lv.50!"

"Fifth Tactic!"

"MAX big..."

"Transformation!" ×4

No need for extra words, the four Kamen Riders completed the transformation directly on the spot.

"Scene switch!"

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