"Reading is to allow yourself to talk calmly to idiots, and fists are to allow idiots to talk to you calmly. After all, the words that most people in this world can understand even without studying are fists!"

While talking, Nangong Qi felt as if he had returned to Myanmar.

In order to save his only sister, Nangong Qi did not hesitate to let his writing hands pick up guns and grenades. Anyone who dared to block his way, whether innocent or evil, would be mercilessly run over by him.

Since Amazaki Lian and his gang are a bunch of things that don't even count as human beings, Nangong Qi thinks that he should use some drastic measures.

Although it will cause psychological trauma to the parties involved, it is better than letting these people die in the game.

Nangong Qi took out another plastic island, which was filled with "Kamen Rider Chronicles" cassettes.

"Look at these! Yongmeng, you should think about it, if we don't take the cassette back by force, how many people will risk their lives to fight Bugster! Of course, Yongmeng, if you don't like it very much My method, you can tell me a better way, I will definitely implement it one thousand percent!"

"...Maybe, brother, you are right!"

After hesitating for a long time, Baosheng Yongmeng could only admit Nangong Qi's truth.

If we didn't use this method and instead talked to the [Player Knights], they probably wouldn't be able to collect so many cassettes.

"Then let's continue!"

After putting away the plastic bag full of cassettes, Nangong Qi transformed into a motorcycle again.

"Come up! In order to prevent more people from disappearing due to gaming sickness, we will continue to work harder!"

"...Um, okay!"

Still doubtful, Baosheng Yongmeng did a split in the air and jumped on Nangong Qi's back.

"Rumble rumble—"

With the roar of the engine, the two people turned into an afterimage.

At the same time, Jing Feicai was unexpectedly surrounded by a group of [Player Knights], and they were brutally beaten.

Originally, Jing Feicai only brought the cassette of [Dragon Knight Hunter Z] when he came out this time. Therefore, facing a large number of [Player Knights], a large number of miscellaneous soldiers that can be called a human sea tactic, it was very time-consuming for him to clean up. physical strength.

Not to mention that he was afraid that he would kill these Internet-addicted teenagers directly if he was not careful, which made Jing Feicai, who had already struggled to clear the troops, even more constrained and did not know how to start.

Ever since, Jing Feicai was in a situation where it was difficult for her to fight with her four fists.

Next, a group of soldiers forcibly snatched the cassette away, and he was forced to cancel his transformation.

"I got the hidden item!"

One lucky person [Player Knight] shouted excitedly.

"It's obviously mine! Give it to me quickly!"

"Fuck you! Everyone who meets you has a share! Play with me first!"


Suddenly, a group of [Player Knights] were making a mess, just like in "Diablo" next door, rare equipment exploded and everyone was competing for hand speed.

Jing Feicai was injured all over, lying on the ground with a confused look on his face, as if he still didn't know why he ended up like this.


Reluctant emotions welled up in his heart, and Jing Feicai hit the ground with his fist so hard that blood even seeped out.

"Rumble rumble—"

Suddenly, accompanied by the roar of a motorcycle, a pediatrician was riding by as an ophthalmologist.

"It's exaid!"

"Come on! If you defeat them, you will definitely be able to reveal the hidden equipment just like you defeated Brave!"

"My, my, my, my! Don't try to steal it from me!"


Just like the migrant workers preparing to return home for the Spring Festival at the passenger terminal where the online shopping system has not yet been invented, [Player Knights] flocked here again.

Only this time, Baosheng Yongmeng and Nangong Qi will not hold back like Jing Feicai.

"Rider Break!"

The motorcycle that Nangong Qi transformed into roared and rushed towards the crowd without hesitation.

Ten minutes later, the Internet-addicted teenagers were lying on the floor.

After completing his masterpiece, Nangong Qi began to feel the cassettes of [Kamen Rider Chronicles] from the bodies of these Internet-addicted teenagers as if touching corpses, and put them into the bag.

"What are you doing?"

Like Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai cannot agree with Nangong Qi's gangster behavior.

"Of course I'm saving people in my own way! By the way, I'll give you back your cassette!"

Nangong Qi touched Jing Feicai's cassette, and immediately threw the unheated cassette to Jing Feicai, the Internet-addicted teenagers.

But Jing Feicai did not catch it, but let the cassette fall on the ground.

"Do you know what you were just doing?"

"of course I know!"

Nangong Qi shrugged.

"Use my method to save people!"

"You bastard!"

Jing Feicai rushed forward immediately, grabbed Nangong Qi's collar, and lifted him up.

Baosheng Yongmeng quickly followed up and separated Nangong Qi and Jing Feicai.

Even so, Jing Feicai still stared at Nangong Qi angrily with his eyes widened.

"A guy like you has no qualifications to be a doctor!"

"Then let me ask Dr. Feicai, do you have any better way than me to prevent these people from dying? Or is the correct way to save them, just like you just did when they were beaten to the ground by these ignorant guys? Woolen cloth?"

Squinting his eyes, Nangong Qi also showed a dangerous expression.

Jing Feicai is not Baosheng Yongmeng, and the relationship with Nangong Qi is not that good, so Nangong Qi will naturally not be polite, and the smell of gunpowder in his words is so strong that it is about to overflow.


Jing Feicai was not only speechless, but even blushed a little.

After all, the humiliating appearance of being beaten and rolling on the floor was seen by colleagues with whom he lived day and night. This was not something worth mentioning.

"But, but you're not a doctor at all!"

The next moment, the white coat was thrown directly at Jing Feicai's face.

Nangong Qi actually took off his doctor's white coat and threw it to Jing Feicai.

At this time, Jing Feicai still looked confused.

"If I can't save others as a doctor, then I don't need this identity! Even if I'm not a doctor, I can still save people. Yongmeng, let's continue to save people in our own way. By the way, our world's number one surgeon Can doctors do better than us?"

With that said, Nangong Qi transformed into a motorcycle again, and with the roar of the engine, he drove away with Baosheng Yongmeng.

Jing Feicai was left alone and messy in the wind.

"What on earth did I do wrong?"

——————————————After Tan Zhengzong woke up from the wine, he continued to get high——————————————

In the ruins of Tan Li Dou's former stronghold, Ce Zheng was dusting off dust with a disgraced look, much like Tu Mu Ba Niu next door.

Even though he looked extremely embarrassed at this moment, his face was still filled with an expression of joy.

"Finally, I finally got it! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-"

Staring at the gray-white cassette in his hand, Ce let out a laugh comparable to that of Tan Li Dou.

Laughing and laughing, tears flowed down my face.

It's really not easy!

In order to find this zero-level cassette, Ce had to freestyle for nearly a week in the ruins of reinforced concrete.

Not only this cassette, Ce also found a [Player Drive].

But hard work pays off.

It's all worth it!

Ce pressed the button on the cassette.


ty Action X! "

Along with the gray-white special effects, the gray-white game field opens, and a game light screen that looks like a gray-white machine from the last century appears.

At the same time, Ce could also clearly feel that his body composed of data was obviously suppressed, but Ce was still extremely happy.

"Camida, I'm here to find you!"

Instead of inserting the cassette into the [Player Drive], Ce took the drive and turned it into a data stream, jumping into the light screen and entering the world of the game.

This is a gray-white game world. Even Lian Ce, an outsider, turned gray as soon as he entered it.

And as soon as he entered this world, a large group of bugster soldiers rushed towards Ce.

"Ha ha!"

With a smile on his face, Ce pressed the cassette of [Strike Robot] and inserted it directly into his body.

He is a bugster, and he can transform by directly inserting the cassette into his body without using the [Player Driver].

It's just that this time Ce only conjured up a power claw that looked like the one in "Warhammer 40K" next door on his right hand. Nothing else changed, and his body still looked like a five-year-old child.

"Don't come in my way!"

Waving his steel claws, Ce easily knocked away all the attacking Bugster soldiers.

Then, Ce started walking aimlessly in the game world.

Soon, he encountered a bugster soldier who was acting strangely and motionless.

Ce immediately tied the drive he found to the soldier and inserted the cassette into it.

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Following a burst of extremely ghostly movements, the soldiers shook violently and transformed into Tan Li Dou's appearance.

"I am immortal——"

After roaring, Tan Lidou regained his composure and began to check his body and surroundings.

"I, I actually succeeded! And I was resurrected by you!"

Obviously, Tan Li Dou has never tried to input a person's program into the body of a bugster until now, thereby achieving an alternative resurrection effect.

"Welcome back, my Lord Kami!"

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Ce slightly saluted Tan Lidou.

But he was supported by Tan Lidou.

"Ce, you are my only friend. If you don't need these, you don't know the so-called red tape etiquette!"

"Yes, Kami!"

Ce's expression changed again.

"By the way, those guys Parade and Ren Amazaki took advantage of your absence to start the release plan of [Kamen Rider Chronicles], should we..."


In an instant, Tan Lidou's face was twisted together like a rag.

"How dare they!?"



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